(no subject)

Jun 11, 2010 23:43

I don't have a single day off in the next three weeks. Okay, okay, I exaggerate. I have ONE day off in the next three weeks. Still, I have the feeling not much is going to be getting done...

A kind of ironic post, considering the previous statement, but I rather enjoy my job. No, really. I get to be around books all day, geek about random stuff, have rather nifty coworkers with minimal drama, and it's an all around swell place to be. The "problem"? I have my bachelor's degree. Have for a few years, so everyone continues to tell me how I'm wasting my life, not making the money I should (though that is a bit of an issue - dang bills), my degree is going down the toilet, yada yada. But really, is it so horrible that I actually ENJOY my day to day life? That I'm one of the few people who can say I don't have my job on a regular basis?

The problem is, a part of me, the part that desperately wants to prove myself to the world and my dad and all those people who said the only thing I'm good for is my smarts, thinks they might be right. (Especially since they're really cutting back on hours and I need to pay those bills!) But seriously, even if I was making ends meet easily, they'd still be down on me because I have a college degree and I'm working a job you don't even have to graduate high school for. *sighs*

I'm just tired of worrying about it. I'm off to work tomorrow morning. And I plan to enjoy myself (well, apart from the getting up early thing).

work, real life

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