Do what you SAY you're gonna do

May 12, 2010 20:43

Pointless ranting but I need to vent.

I am sick of all the unreliable people surrounding me - both friends and family. Don't make plans with me if you're just gonna flake out. I don't want to bother getting excited for something just to get ditched out on, or move around my work schedule to fit you in just so you can cancel on me (or not even let me know and just never show up). At least let me know when you say you're gonna let me know so I can reorganize things or make other plans.

Frankly, it makes me feel like an ass to be let down by you over and over again. Eventually I'm going to stop trusting in you altogether and that breaks my heart, because I love you, but that's the way it is. Stop treating me like I'm not worth your time or your consideration.

(form letter I could write to entirely too many people. le sigh.)

whining, real life

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