
May 04, 2010 01:37

Apparently I'm a sucker for challenges. The KakaSaku com here made a new challenge to make an adaptation of your favorite myth, so I went all in. Finally decided to adapt the story of Pygmalion and Galatea, and here's the result:

Soul Searching
Word count: 27,500 (honestly, this could've - maybe should've? - been so much longer)

And much thanks to missyquill  for helping me come up with a suitably ridiculous title that has the desired double-meaning. ^_^

In case you're not familiar, the myth goes something like this: (short short version). Pygmalion was a sculptor (or king who did some sculpting on the side) who created a statue so beautiful he fell in love with it. Aphrodite was so moved by his love she brought the statue to life. The two married and lived happily ever after. (One of the very, very few Greco-Roman myths with a happy ending, so I was satisfied.)

Frankly, I'm very happy with the beginning and ending but less than satisfied with the middle. I might one day go back and revamp it, but I have so many fic-ish things on my plate I kinda doubt it.

I think I have discovered though that my writing style is just suited for very, very long chapter style fics. This shorter things tend to feel rushed to me, but with only  a month for the challenges there's no way I could do any more, so I guess it just is what it is. Oh well. At least I now kinda know about myself.

Still on my plate:
  • SP - I haven't forgotten you guys. I just got completely stuck on this one spot, which is absurd considering when I first plotted it out I was SO excited to write it. Oh well, it is what it is and a muse is a fickle and fiendish thing
  • KakaSaku angsty, hurt/comfort oneshot that's been sitting half-done for ages.
  • KakaSaku multi-chapter, but that won't get posted until it's mostly done so, what, a couple years? haha

And I must admit, my addiction to GaaraSakura has returned with a vengeance. I honestly don't think I could ever do them justice but I'm reading it like crazy! (Well, mostly just the same two authors over and over, but hey, it's something)

So there's my update for the month. Have fun.

fanfiction, kakasaku

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