
Jun 11, 2010 23:43

I don't have a single day off in the next three weeks. Okay, okay, I exaggerate. I have ONE day off in the next three weeks. Still, I have the feeling not much is going to be getting done ( Read more... )

work, real life

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Re: I hear ya! flametwirler June 16 2010, 10:05:50 UTC
That was the awesome thing about having the job I did right out of school, was that it paid well and I was able to get my loans paid off within the first two years. Man, was that a God-send. So after quitting that for the medical reasons (and to keep my sanity) I'm now waffling under medical debt instead, but my overall happiness in life is probably higher.

Part of me wants to say it's only about enjoyment, but part of me knows that's not entirely logistically feasible considering, you know, bills and all, so it's all about balance.

Plus I think I have the "two-year itch", which I'm having a bit of but not nearly as much with this one since I enjoy the job more than any other I've had. *shrugs* Hard to say for sure.

So what about you? How do you find the balance? I guess actually I'm wondering how you're enjoying where you're at right now. You were telling me about the recent job but is that just something to pay the bills or is it something you're okay with for now? Aside from the hours of course, yikes!

And (because yes, this comment will never end) the similarities continue! I LOVED school and really want to get my masters, but I can't decide on a program! I'm so scared to commit to one only to find I want to do another (it's what I did for my BA), but at this point I'm wasting the time anyhow. Meh. What are you considering your Masters in?


Re: I hear ya! caitiy June 17 2010, 00:19:32 UTC
Lucky, lucky for paying off your loans fairly quickly! I can't wait to finish paying mine off! Though, it does look like I probably will be going back sometime in the near future so I will just be adding to them. >.< Oh well at least I'm almost done so when I do add to them it won't be as bad as it could be. I’ve always wanted my masters but like you I can’t quite seem to sort out what it should be in. :-/ As it is now I’ll probably end up going for my MBA as it can be useful in any number of areas and I’m discovering that those are the areas where I’ll be able to make decent enough money so as to be able to comfortably support (ie buy a condo or house) myself.

I know that two year itch feeling too. Looks like I've gotten bored with most of my jobs around the two year mark. But, it's hard to say if that was because of the job itself or because of a lack of opportunity to advance... It's amazing how many dead-end jobs there are out there! I seem to have found quite a few of them since graduating from college. :-/

I don't really know what to say about where I am now. I applied for my current job by accident (didn’t realize it was part time and really low pay) and tried to turn it down when they offered it to me but they kept coming back with better offers and I'd been looking for a job for three months... so I just took it. It's okay but I keep getting bored. Granted, when they see that I need more challenging things to do they give me more things to do and responsibilities. I’ve already been promoted once with hints that another one will be coming in the future. Regardless, I won’t be staying there too long - the hours wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t an hour away with a grueling commute. :-/ And, it’s not where I want to be somewhere down the road (geographically as well as career-wise.) I originally thought I’d give it a year and then start looking again (can’t have any entries on my resume that are too short) but now that I’m probably headed back to school and have/will be moving up within the company… I’ll probably stick around a little bit longer - but not too long as I have no intention of getting stuck in a rut there. Blarg.


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