
Jun 16, 2009 17:58

So I've been looking for this Inuyasha story to no avail and hoped maybe somebody on my f-list might recognize it ( Read more... )

fanfiction, shrine prostitute

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Comments 21

landofthekwt June 17 2009, 02:42:06 UTC
Is it "An Inexcusable Nature by Just A Starving Writer?


flametwirler June 17 2009, 03:45:27 UTC
Nope, it isn't that one - though that is a regular re-read of mine ^_-


flametwirler June 17 2009, 20:08:07 UTC
Okay, now I'm unsure. I was ready to recant and call this fic it but I've been skimming through it and while some of it is completely what I'm looking for I'm not sure about others.

*is going crazy* So either this fic is it, which I'll probably have to skim through more or read in depth to see if it's all the things I remember, or I'm combining fics in my head. Maybe I do that sometimes? Ugh.

(But yeah, at first I confused An Inexcusable Nature/An Inexcusable Death with Something Entirely Different - so sorry about not catching that right off the bat)


fallingstr12204 June 17 2009, 03:51:25 UTC
Ahhh CRAP. I think I know EXACTLY what fic you are talking about but I can't remember the name... I wish I didn't do spring cleaning on my comp (I go in a delete my bookmarks for REALLY old fics that I've read or ones that are abandoned). I'll look for it tomorrow as I don't have to work *dances*

Dude it DOES seem like you've been writing Shrine Prostitute forever. haha XD Just take your time if you have writer's block... there is really nothing for it. If you force it you probably won't be happy with it. I bet you'll be kinda sad when you're all done though. haha


flametwirler June 17 2009, 20:51:32 UTC
I may have found the fic? Not sure - probably won't be until I read all the way through it. Which is no hardship anyhow, since I adore this author. Can't believe I forgot about this one!

And yes, it feels like forever since I really have been writing SP forever. I think the original oneshot was in 2005 and then I started the continuation sometime in 2006? I was doing chapters at a pretty good pace for a while but have completely slacked off/slowed down lately. And at this pace, it really will take ages ^_- Here's to hoping I can start writing a little bit faster ( ... )


drjmaxwell June 17 2009, 03:57:04 UTC
I didn't know you were a S/K'er. Try the Dokuga forums. If it's known, they'll know it.

I feel like I've seen it, but can't place the title either.


flametwirler June 17 2009, 09:17:15 UTC
Yup, I like me some S/K - I'm just really picky about it. (And am pretty sure I'd never attempt to write it because I don't think I could peg Sess's characterization down at all...) Truthfully though I'll read just about any pairing as long as it's done well. (is reminded of Thunk's works)

Don't think I've read anything new in a while but I still have a few I've found that I really enjoy that I go back to every now and again. And then this one had to go and pop into my mind. *shakes head* I think I've actually searched this one out before, couldn't find it, and just gave up, but this time I am determined! haha.

I'd actually wondered where else to post if no one here recognized it, hadn't even thought of Dokuga - silly me - but thankfully skye posted up a request for me.

You lot are pretty much awesome.


forthrightly June 17 2009, 04:38:19 UTC
I checked through my 'stash' of story notes because the plot vaguely rings a bell. Here's a 'stuck together' fic that *might* be your culprit... maybe?

The Problem by lifeisadream. S/K WIP. Sesshoumaru shows up out of the blue one day, refusing to explain his presence to the Inutachi. It doesn’t take long for the group to realize that they have a problem on their hands.

Links are love:


flametwirler June 17 2009, 09:10:29 UTC
Hmm...looked it over but it doesn't seem to be it. (And at first I remembered the story I'm looking for as being complete but now I'm thinking maybe it wasn't when I read it. It has been a while though)

But as far as I remember Sess doesn't join the gang until after he helps break them all out of their cells and Naraku removes the curse (again, I think?)

Thanks for the suggestion though. I appreciates it ^_^


calophi June 18 2009, 14:25:05 UTC
Yeah, that's the one I came in here to rec. Oh well. =D


priestess_skye June 17 2009, 04:38:41 UTC
i put in a request for you on dokuga. Somebody should know something I hope.


flametwirler June 17 2009, 09:11:27 UTC
Aw, thanks dear. That's really sweet ^_^


priestess_skye June 17 2009, 11:23:23 UTC
okay, this is the answer that popped up. apparently it was just searched for on Dokuga so she had recently read it.


landofthekwt June 17 2009, 12:40:21 UTC
I guessed Inexcusable Nature too. It contains most of the elements she asked for.

1. Kagome separated from the group
2. Kagome falls down alot and hurts her ankle again and again.
3 Naraku captures the rest of group and puts them in prison of sorts.
4. Inuyasha ends up with Kagura.

But her story has Naraku's spell like the Problem which prevents Kagome and Fluffy from being separated.


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