
Jun 16, 2009 17:58

So I've been looking for this Inuyasha story to no avail and hoped maybe somebody on my f-list might recognize it.

It's a Sess/Kag - and I think an Inuyasha/Kagura by the end of it. At some point, somehow, Kagome gets separated from everyone else and winds up with Sess and gang - though there is lots of falling down and hurting of ankles on her part in there as well. Naraku decides it would be hilarious to put a spell on them so they can't be further apart than a certain distance (I can't remember - maybe thinks Sess will get sick of her and kill her? unsure) and continually closes the distance further. Meanwhile Inu and gang are stuck in Naraku's prison of sorts and Kagome and Sess manage to break them out. After that it gets a bit hazy to me - I just remember snippets here and there.

This not remembering is killing me! I swore I even had it on a list somewhere and i've gone through the majority of my favorites (but I have tons, people, tons!) and didn't think I recognized it anywhere. So anyone who could help out would help in saving my sanity and would have my eternal gratitude ^_-

~ ~ ~

On a separate note, to those who follow SP I promise I've still been plugging away at it. (I've even had a couple anonymous replies to post I've done here, asking about it, but I always feel kinda awkward replying to those since I have no idea if the original poster will ever view it or not...)

I don't know why, but I have writer's block like whoa. And this was supposed to be an easy chapter to write! I got about 6 more pages punched out last night, but it was a scene I hadn't even meant to write, it just kinda popped out. I like it but it messes up my outline for the chapter and how I was gonna make all the scenes fit to make coherent chapters. Bah.

But seriously, I don't know what it is, but writing just seems to be getting harder and harder. I don't know if it really is the brain stuff, or if it's just that I'm not as inspired or I'm just going through serious blockage or what. *shrugs* Suppose the reason doesn't really matter, honestly, but the results.

Anyhow, I also have a couple other stories - one KakaSaku in particular - that I really want to write but I know there's no way right now I could pull of writing more than one multi-chapter fic at once, at least not well, so I'm tabling them for a while - which makes me sad. Maybe I'll sneak in a little work here and there but I just hope I get to them before I'm bored with the storyline after thinking about it for so long. Haha.

But I've been wondering lately how many more chapters of SP there will actually be? It feels like there's a lot but when i actually sit down and think about it, it might not actually be that far away. Let's see - at the current moment I'm guessing about 5 chapters until the end? It's just that so much happens in those chapters it feels like so much more, I suppose. Haha!

So yeah, there's my update for the month ^_-

fanfiction, shrine prostitute

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