SPN recs for pixiequeen

Nov 08, 2009 04:22

For my policy on things such as spoilers, warning, and ratings, please [ see my policy post].

I offered recs to pixiequeen10thk because she's just come into SPN fandom and I've been here a while. She asked for long, plotty stories (with the occasional sex scene), happy endings are awesome (but crying on the way is permissible), prefers Dean/Castiel and is squicked by incest.

This rec list actually gave me a bit of trouble as I had less overlap between her preferences and fics I read/liked than I had expected. Part of that is I think of angels as sexless beings and thus haven't read very much Dean/Castiel (and what I do like within that pairing isn't likely to be a favourite of a D/C shipper) but another part is certainly that I seem to collect a high percentage of crack/humour in this fandom compared to fandom standard. Anyway, I hope you enjoy at least some of what I have here!

Story: Make the Man
Author: trinityofone
Fandom, etc.: SPN, Castiel/Dean Smith (Dean/Castiel), NC-17, ~9,000 words
Contains: Let’s say to the end of the season [S4] to be safe, though the focus is 4x17
Author's Summary: He realized he was attempting a level of subterfuge for which he was unprepared. It was one thing to walk among humans. It was quite another to pretend to be one.
My Notes: This is one of the first Dean/Castiel fics I read and enjoyed. I don't have issues in this fic with 'Castiel=angel' because he looses his grace in this story. It's fascinating watching Castiel court Dean Smith and his reflections upon Dean Winchester during the process. The story's ending isn't fluffy puppies but it's not sad either.
Why it fits: Dean/Cas NC17 fic!

Story: Empathy Test
Author: trinityofone
Fandom, etc.: SPN/Blade Runner Fusion, Dean/Castiel, PG-13 (likely higher in later parts), 4500 words (this part), WIP
Contains: AU, but to be safe I’d say vague spoilers through S4 (SPN)
Author's Summary: Written for deancastiel's AU/Fusion Challenge, Prompt #78: SPN/Blade Runner. Four replicants are loose in the City of Angels and it’s fallen to Castiel and his mysterious new partner to hunt them down.
My Notes: I normally try to avoid reccing WIP but this one is so promising that I didn't want to leave it off the list. I don't know Blade Runner (I'm not quite sure how I managed that), so the plot is new to me. Trinityofone has a very good grasp of characterisation in this story. I'm also fairly certain it's going to be an emotional ride. :)
Why it fits: Awesome Dean/Castiel fic with a very interesting plot.

Author: keraha (writing comm: keraha_fic)
Fandom, etc.: SGA/SPN, Dean/Pegasus Galaxy, PG, 1 LJ post
Author's Summary: SPN/SGA crossover, an utter lack of background, cliches, oh, and cosmic herpes. Also, no plot whatsoever.
My Notes: Funny.
Why it fits: SGA and SPN and Dean and alien sex rituals.

Story: my mother was a tailor
Author: traveller
Fandom, etc.: SPN, Dean/OFC, NC17, about 2780 words
Contains: Not exactly a happy ending, but absolutely worth reading.
First line: She checks her lips in the bronze mirror, makes sure the red is even and not bleeding out at the edges; she makes a pout and gets a blurry kiss reflected back. She dabs a little perfume on the beauty mark on her cheekbone, wets her hands with the pitcher and smoothes her hair. [no author summary given.]
My Notes: This one just knocked my socks off when I read it for the first time. It's wonderfully atmospheric and vivid and just wow. (And I'm talking the story as a whole here). I wish I could have written this.
Why it fits: Awesome writing.

Story: The Accompanist
Author: gretazreta
Fandom, etc.: SPN, Dean/OMC, R,~40,000 words
Contains: character death
Author's Summary: Dean learned to play the piano at his mother’s knee. Now, fifteen years after her death, his talent for music is a secret he keeps from everybody, especially his father. Stuck in a small town for the rest of the school year, looking after a brother who’s growing apart from him, and training for a future of hunting that he’s not sure that he wants, Dean finds an unlikely confidant in an elderly Jewish man who’s haunted by his own secrets. It’s a year of firsts, hunting alone and falling in love, but when a monster from the tragic past starts wreaking havoc on the people of the town, Dean must come to terms with his own fears and desires in order to save the people he cares about the most. (written for this year's spn_j2_bigbang)
My Notes: I didn't expect to buy Dean-plays-the-piano, but this story made it all very logical. A really gripping read. I wanted to start playing music again after reading this. Good casefic. I've been meaning to rec this one since I read it the first time.
Why it fits: Will suck you in. Should give you a good emotional ride. Complete with hopeful ending.

Story: Beasts and Outlaws
Author: calamitycrow
Fandom, etc.: SPN, Dean/OMC, Sam/Sarah, rated adult, epicly long 'verse
Contains: character death I didn't have time to reread this verse, so this is from memory.
Author's Summary: In which Dean's partner is a Chicano hunter, Sam gets the girl, and everyone swears. Like a lot.
My Notes: This is a really awesome verse. It's AU but there's still hunting. The author is excellent at description and world-building/describing. And also at keeping you interested in the 'how did this happen' parts of the AU.
Why it fits: Long and plotty and wonderful. You'll really be able to sink your teeth into this one.

Story: Bright, young thing
Author: olympia-m
Fandom, etc.: SPN, gen, g, 1 LJ post
Pull Quote: "Dean," Anna hissed, and the leaves shivered again. "Will you stop that? The plant. Is. Castiel." [no author summary given.]
My Notes: Castiel is age-regressed to a plant and left in Dean's care. Poor Dean has to stop cursing. But at least when he pets the plant the leaves cling to him.
Why it fits: Sweet and Dean and Cas. Reading this makes me fuzzy inside! (Plant hugs, you guys! Plant hugs!)

Story: Rain Falling Down 'verse
Author: maychorian
Fandom, etc.: SPN, gen, rated teen, verse currently is a handful of stories (~25K words)
Contains: Child abuse. Dark themes. Violence, language.
Author's Summary: Castiel goes back in time to stop the Apocalypse. Things go wrong. Things go VERY wrong.
My Notes: I think I've reread this verse three times so far. It's lovely. Cas goes back in time (because they've lost in the future) but he's been beat up some by a demon so he's lacking his full angelic mojo. So he's stuck in little Jimmy. Who's foster father is abusive, so they run off and live with Bobby. And there's some really lovely art too. 'Verse is a set of finished stories, but more are planned. So the 'verse isn't finished but nothing that's posted is a WIP.
Why it fits: Castiel-centric with some really lovely Cas-Dean interactions.

Story: Swear Jar 'verse [ Quarters ], [ Heaven or Las Vegas ], [ Sharing Is Caring ]
Author: trinityofone
Fandom, etc.: SPN, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Ruby, R to NC17, ~10K words
Podfic: [verse tag] (Currently only: Quarters, read by Fayjay pandarus, 29:52)
Author's Summary: Set in a rather optimistic future. There was no room at the inn. || A more in-depth look at the scenario Castiel describes to Ruby in “Sharing”-namely, his and Dean’s first time with the sexin’. || For the kink_meme prompt, “Cas and Ruby discuss the merits of their respective bedmates.”
My Notes (stories): An amusing and happy AU. I love the character interactions-- everyone is spot-on and hysterical.
My Notes (podfic): Really good at getting across the humour of the story. I've relistened to this one several times, but I've had to stop listening at work because then I'm smiling madly at my computer.
Why it fits: Consider this a happy ending to the show (which sometimes doesn't deliver so much with the happy). Or read after an SPN apocafic has left you in tears. (Probably well-written tears, but tears none the less!)

Story: Defect and Hell, and Back
Author: Kikkimax
Fandom, etc.: SPN/Criminal Minds, gen, PG-13 for violence, ~80K words combined
Contains: goes AU after S2 SPN temporary character death
Author's Summary: Dean is finally captured by the FBI just as his time runs out. Takes place in the SPN universe at the end of the second season and goes in a different direction than season three. || Dean's having a little trouble adjusting after his return. Sam's going to help if it kills them both.
My Notes: Can be read without any knowledge of CM. I like the outsider POV that the CM team brings to the story. This is a really interesting AU to Dean's Deal and then after Dean's return from Hell.
Why it fits: Very well-written plotty stories.
Alternate links: On LJ: [ Defect] and [ Hell, and Back]

Story: What I Planned
Author: chash
Fandom, etc.: SPN, gen, G, 1 LJ post
Contains: Spoilers for S3
Author's Summary: Name three children that you even know.
My Notes: Adorkably fun and sweet. Dean and Sam keep acquiring children.
Why it fits: Kidfic, I think I remember you saying you liked it? If not, ooops...

Story: Needles and Balls
Author: fryadvocate girl-wonder
Fandom, etc.: SPN, gen, G, 1 LJ post
Author's Summary: It started with a single stitch.
My Notes: Ruby & Castiel centric. I like how they interact. The first line is: The first meeting of the I Fucked a Winchester Stitch 'n Bitch Society was held at a bar named Red's Saloon. How can you not read a fic that starts out like that? :)
Why it fits: Knitting! And telling a story around knitting!

As usual, if I've got inaccuracies, broken links, or missing info (especially podfics, DVD commentaries, and sequels/prequels), please let me know.

genre:crossover, genre:wip, pairing:slash, type:art, make me do your bidding, pairing:het, fandom:sga, fandom:supernatural, type:fic, fandom:blade runner, pairing:gen, fish: do screenreader friendly edits, fandom:criminal minds, type:podfic, fish: do updates/edits

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