For my policy on things such as spoilers, warning, and ratings, please [
see my policy post].
Reposting my recs from
spngenlove week 14.
Theme: Free For All
First day of posting] and [
the tag].
This month the theme at the comm is H/C with focus on various characters. Which isn't quite my cuppa. So I think I'm going to be focusing on reccing other fandoms this month. Current in-progress rec list: rare fandoms! After that, either Star Trek Reboot (which everyone and their uncle has already recced), or Psych (with an emphasis on Shawn/Gus), or Sentient!Atlantis (because I've missed SGA fic!), Wincest-I-can-read (okay, it's SPN but it's not gen), or Harry Potter, or something else that strikes my fancy. Feel free to tell me which you'd prefer :)
Rec Category: fic, future-fic, AU, OCs, case-fic
Shop LifeAuthor:
infraredphaetonRating: Teen
Length: 1 LJ post long
Summary: Darryl is a hunter. Keith is his brother. Jack is a shop owner, nothing more. Sam Winchester is a myth, nothing less.
Reccer's Comments: Excellent story. Told from the point of view of a young guy who's gotten into hunting who uses Jack's magic shop as a home base. It's fun watching things through his eyes. I'm surprised I haven't recced this already.
Reccer's Caveats: Lacks an extra line break after lines of dialogue. One flashback is confusing as the tense is kept in simple past rather than past perfect. But very worth reading despite those.
Rec Category: fic, short, AU, time-travel, humour
Victorian AUAuthor:
infraredphaetonRating: G
Length: short
Summary: From some unknown story where there is timetravel and pretty victorian costumes.
Reccer's Comments: Dean's stuck in Victorian times and wants a cheeseburger. Very funny.
Reccer's Caveats: The formatting is off-- there aren't extra line breaks between lines of dialogue.
Rec Category: fic, case-fic, pretending-to-be-gay (but OMFG, it doesn't lead to Sam/Dean)
Ride the LightningAuthor:
keerawaRating: PG-13
Word Count: 7,300 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Mild spoilers for seasons 1 & 2
Summary: An investigation of some unusual electrical storms in Seattle leads the Winchesters undercover in a gay fraternity.
Reccer's Comments: This is gen! And pretending to be gay! (I think this might be the only gen fic with this trope in the entire fandom, which makes me sad.) Good case-fic.
Rec Category: fic, future-fic (not Stanford-era!), ghost, smart!Dean
untitled (a stanford fic)Author:
moveablehistoryRating: 14a for language and some subject matter.
Word Count: 8200 words
Warnings/Spoilers: gen futurefic much too influenced by my summer lit class.
DVD Commentary: [
done by] the author
Summary: So, it's all over and Sam's looking back at what he wanted to be. Dean's looking forward trying to make up his mind.
Reccer's Comments: Future-fic (AU, though via being jossed), slightly experimental style. I love watching Dean and Sam in this. (And Dean crashes Sam's lit class for a case but stays attending even after they've decided nothing really is going on).
Reccer's Caveats: This story is gen, but there are some Sam/Dean fics in [
the verse].
Rec Category: fic, canon AU (based upon Episode 5:04, "The End"), bleak, Cas & Dean centric
OselleRating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,700
Warnings/Spoilers:. Angst, gore, some language, shameless schmaltz, no Sam. Spoilers for 5.04 "The End"
Summary: It's 2014, the world's gone to hell, Dean's gotten shafted and Castiel was an angel once but now...not so much
Reccer's Comments: An exploration of the alternate future we were shown in the show and a bit of a character study of that Castiel. Gripping, not terribly happy.
Reccer's Caveats: You really do have to be spoiled for this episode for this fic to make much sense.
Rec Category: fic, Dean's deal, animal transformation, humour, crack, case-fic
Of Unconventional DealbreakingAuthor:
rionaleonhartPodfic: [
mp3] and [
audiobook] read by
saaski_moql, 10:22
Rating: R for language
Word Count: 2,200
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for 'All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two'.
Summary: Dean, much to his annoyance, gets turned into a unicorn.
Reccer's Comments (story): Ahahahaa, yes! Unicorns and crack and escaping Dean's deal FTW! Plus a tiny bit of a case-fic, too!
Reccer's Comments (podfic): Fun reading, very good at getting across the humour of the story. She has a really good grasp on Dean, especially on his impatience at his situation. The reading is slightly fast in places but completely understandable.
Rec Category: fic, short, humour
Golden UnicornAuthor:
elizah-janeRating: G? Teen?
Length: 1 LJ post long
Warnings/Spoilers: vaguely season 4
Summary: With Uriel gone, Castiel is totally the funniest one in the garrison.
Reccer's Comments: Short and funny. Unicorns FTW! First line: One night, when Sam is away, Dean is putting in a half-assed effort to get wasted when Castiel shows up. He's just tipsy enough to decide that asking Castiel about unicorns is a good idea.
Rec Category: fic, hurt/comfort, humor
Scraped Knees and BandaidsAuthor:
maychorianRating: PG
Word Count: 1600 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Uh, Pilot? Set round-about Season 1 sometime
Summary: Sometimes, Sam just wants his brother.
Reccer's Comments: You know how sometimes you just have one of those days where everything seems to, maybe not go wrong, but at least go annoyingly? You know how sometimes you just want someone to come and make things better? Yeah, Sam's having one of those days. Luckily for him, he's got Dean. :) Cute.
Rec Category: fic, animal transformation, OCs, happy
Gods and MonstersAuthor:
silverkit (fic journal:
Rating: PG
Length: 1 LJ post long
Summary: I should like to sleep like a cat,/with all the fur of time,/with tongue as rough as flint,/ with the dry sex of fire;/and after speaking to no one/stretch myself over the world. (from Pablo Neruda’s poem Cat’s Dream.)
Reccer's Comments: Sweet, fun story. Sam and Dean turned into cats (temporarily) and adopted by a family. The father and daughter characters (OCs) are well-realised, but I especially love the daughter. She's young but very clearly enjoys mythology and is full of that child-wisdom (which sometimes makes insightful sense and is sometimes just running off at the mouth). How have I not recced this already?
Rec Category: fic, crossover, characters other than the boys (Pam)
Big Sky CountryAuthor:
ignipesRating: PG-13
Word Count: 1200 words
Warnings/Spoilers: No spoilers for SPN, vague spoilers for "Last of the Time Lords" for Doctor Who.
Summary: She can tell them the story, but she can't make them listen.
Reccer's Comments: Cross-over with Doctor Who. Martha, in the year that never was, in the states. I love the sort of empty feel this fic has. When I was watching this DW episode, I thought, 'There will be shed-loads of Martha-fic set in that year that never was and I bet I will really, really enjoy reading it.' And yet I haven't made much of an effort to seek out that fic *facepalm of laziness*. So I'm happy when I stumble across it. I think placing Martha in the SPN 'verse here was a great choice.
Reccer's Caveats: Probably won't make much sense without knowing the Doctor Who episode in question.
Rec Category: fic, cross-over, humour, case-fic
F.B.I smell a fakeAuthor:
monjinator (fic comm:
Rating: PG-13 for muuuuurrrder and scary supernatural stuff
Word Count: ~13K words
Summary: Cases collide as two fake psychic detectives walk into a crime scene and find two fake FBI demon hunting brothers.
Reccer's Comments: Cross-over with Psych (understandable without knowing Psych but funnier if you do). Good job combining the two universes-- it's quite fun to watch Shawn, Gus, Sam and Dean all interact with each other. (Especially fun is watching Gus and Shawn's reactions to Sam and Dean's reaction to Shawn being 'psychic'.) And Shawn is obsessed with wanting an EMF reader.
Rec Category: fic, cross-over, humour
Going Boldly ForthAuthor:
monjinator (fic comm:
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Length: 1 LJ post long
Summary: Dammit Dean, I'm a hunter, not a Trekkie!
Reccer's Comments: Cross-over with Star Trek Reboot. Spock gets pulled into the SPN 'verse by a ritual gone slightly wrong. There's a Trekkie!ghost and Sam and Dean trade Star Wars and Star Trek references.
Sequel: [
The Family Business].
As usual, if I've got inaccuracies, broken links, or missing info (especially podfics, DVD commentaries, and sequels/prequels), please let me know.