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Comments 40

venefica_aura October 23 2007, 13:27:24 UTC

On pretty much everything. Which is why my touchy feely math class is freaking me out so much (and you can guess where I am right now).

My work keeps nudging me about grad school (Informatics... which is neither a science or an engineering). I'm feeling a bit nervous about that.

But word, basically.



first_seventhe October 23 2007, 13:33:14 UTC
I just think universities are getting completely out of hand. With tenure and all, there's absolutely NO accountability on the part of the professor for, you know, actually TEACHING. The prof is so swept up in his life changing research that he/she doesn't really care about teaching.

And with more and more people going to graduate school, this is a Very Bad Thing IMO.

We need professors who want to TEACH and not just do research, for crying out loud. Is that so hard?

P.S. Pay attention in class. ;)


venefica_aura October 23 2007, 15:33:43 UTC
And considering what I see with a lot of University research, most of that is not life changing.

(Best thing ever: Michael Griffin, who is the current head of NASA came to talk at my Real College and some guy asked a question just to complain that his research got its funding cut. Griffin shut him down hardcore and politely)


P.S. Actually, I commented just BEFORE class, as I was just sitting there and had woken up early enough to go to office hour. Now I am done with class. I paid attention because we are getting into the shit I don't understand.


first_seventhe October 23 2007, 15:39:13 UTC
I don't understand why people think academic research is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than industrial research. Sure, you can say that industry is just in it to turn a profit, and that academia is in it "for the love of learning/for the love of science". But you know what? That's bullshit ( ... )


irish_ais October 23 2007, 15:08:54 UTC
Fucking signed. I've had professors not even mention anywhere, on the syllabus or in the classroom, that there was a test. I've had to find stuff out like that from other students in different sections. Having teachers who don't care enough to teach properly=utter fail.

(And OT, but I've gotta finish my mother's dress today, so that'll take me an hour or so, and then I can distract you with TLO.)


first_seventhe October 23 2007, 15:13:25 UTC
It's ridiculous! Especially with the number of jobs today that depend on college degrees. Professors need to take some fucking responsibility.

(EEEEEEEE. I only wrote a little, but at least I got something out?)


katmillia October 23 2007, 15:42:49 UTC
I had this problem a few times in undergrad, as well. I mean, if we all do so horribly because we literally didn't even understand what you had written on the test because it was never taught, how can you expect us to actually be able to finish it? My Calc II final I ended up srsly cheating the entire time because no one in the entire classroom knew how to do 4 of the 12 problems... we'd literally never been taught it. How does that work?



first_seventhe October 23 2007, 15:48:17 UTC

What bothers me mostly is that, especially in undergrad, nobody ever challenges the teacher. Nobody ever says, "If a 65 is an A, and my 34 is a C, then your test was too goddamn hard," because nobody ever feels like that's something they're allowed to say.

But yeah. I'm old, I'm loud, and I'm certainly willing to say it this time if no one else is. XD


katmillia October 23 2007, 15:55:31 UTC
Go for it, someone needs to challenge the screw-ups in the education system!! ^___^


first_seventhe October 23 2007, 16:00:21 UTC
What are they going to do, kick me out? I've already got an advisor, and part-time students who have large companies paying for their classes are the easiest money a university's going to get. XD


eerian_sadow October 23 2007, 15:59:41 UTC
and the piss poor professorship of which you complain is exactly the reason why i flunked out of calculas and british literature. and also probably the reason that i never wanted to go back to school while i was still married.


first_seventhe October 23 2007, 17:06:30 UTC
Professors who don't care about teaching shouldn't be there. Period. I am sure plenty of people could argue with that statement, but it's how I feel. XD


(The comment has been removed)

first_seventhe October 23 2007, 18:35:44 UTC
I agree with you 100%. This is the same sort of situation, and I think when it's wide-spread throughout the class, it's MUCH more the prof's fault than the fault of any individual student. It's obvious WE don't know what's going on, or else we wouldn't be in class!


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