A series of letters.

Jan 23, 2007 08:54

Dear Columbus,

Hi! YOU ARE IN OHIO. PLEASE BUY A SNOWPLOW. When I cannot change lanes on a major highway due to the mountains of snow still on the road, and I've seen over 12 cars in ditches who did try to change lanes in the last 20 minutes, and this is not an exaggeration - something is wrong. I have never driven 40 on a highway before. ( Read more... )

bad kitty mommy, i do not want you to be pointy, i can't make this shit up, angry letters

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Comments 36

heyheyrenay January 23 2007, 14:36:24 UTC
But claws are part of their arms. D: D: D: D:


first_seventhe January 23 2007, 14:41:17 UTC
I KNOOOWWWWWW and that's why I waited so long to do it. *cries*

But in her future life she will never need her claws, because I am there to take care of her.

she also needs to be declawed if i ever decide to, um, move in with someone.


hilldo January 23 2007, 14:59:34 UTC
You've gone 40 on a highway before unless you've been lucky enough to avoid ever getting stuck in construction and or behind an accident! ;)

But Columbus does suck at plowing, I actually was driving through grass at one point when I went to school down there as you could not really tell that it wasn't the road as it was unplowed. The car actually handled better on it too. :)


first_seventhe January 23 2007, 15:12:56 UTC
It was ridiculous. Do they think they're like a tropical paradise? Cause they ain't.


hilldo January 23 2007, 15:15:30 UTC
Well the thing is they don't really get all that much snow...not like up around us at least. When they do they probably just don't have as many trucks and such to clean off the road. :O

How was saturday?


first_seventhe January 23 2007, 15:18:31 UTC
Well, I'm spoiled from growing up in Buffalo, I guess. They have one plow per road, and they begin plowing while the snow is still falling to ensure that people can fucking drive.

That's the way it should be done!

Saturday was fun. I went to a cabaret.


darthjon January 24 2007, 00:50:54 UTC
so just so you know, in order to declaw a cat they basically take their fingers off at the first knuckle


first_seventhe January 24 2007, 12:46:20 UTC
I already know that people XD It's why I didn't do it when I first got her, but now I have to :((((


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first_seventhe January 24 2007, 12:47:16 UTC
I am so sorry we missed it, but Trevor came out of the woodwork and I think everyone wanted to hang out with him.

I also heard the same about Fuzzybox. It sounds like nothing a few shots (and drunken J-Squad members) couldn't fix (or ignore)...


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first_seventhe January 24 2007, 17:00:55 UTC
Aw. James did say they'd changed the show around and taken out a lot of good songs. Silly new guitarist!!


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