Warmth - Part 3

Dec 24, 2008 23:38

Title: Warmth
Pairings: Junsu/Yoochun, Changmin/Jaejoong/Yunho
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Somewhat vulgar language, weak graphic images
Genre: Romance, angst, science-fiction-ish
A/N: This chapter is a Christmas present to everyone! Thank you to those who've taken an interest in this story and to those on my f-list, those who share the love for DBSK, Johnny's Boys, and L'Arc~en~Ciel, and to those who randomly lurk, squeal at the wonderful fanfiction and wait patiently for more. Peace and luv everyone! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Summary: One trip to the Old Forest sends Junsu and Changmin into another world full of mistakened myths and new realizations. A vampire's goal in life is to live for eternity and feed from the warmth of a human. If that is so, what is a werewolf's goal?

Previous: Part 1 / Part 2

The questions were endless.

“When do you think they will come back?”

“Did you get their names?”

“What were they asking for?”

“Did you notice the necklace on that pale neck?”

“Can one person stun you so much you go blind?”

“Weren’t they mythical?”

“The tall man was so gorgeous! How much do you think he works out?”

“Do you think I can look up his phone number in the computer?”

“No, Min, that’s illegal!”

“…just saying.”

Junsu sighed heavily, running his hand through his disheveled hair. He hardly got any sleep last night because a certain lover-boy was forcing him awake to even talk about fairies. The night encounter in the Old Forest coupled with those two godly beings they met yesterday has seriously taken its toll on Changmin’s mind. The guy hasn’t complained about being hungry or anything food-related for the past twelve hours. So, Junsu considered that the earth was about to freeze over or a meteor was heading to blow the place up.

“Did you even get any sleep last night?” the redhead asked.

“No,” Changmin replied, a corny smile quirking at the corner of his lips. “Not with those two shining beauties in my mind.”

“You are seriously head-over-heels for those guys.” Junsu shook his head in disbelief. “I’m starting to think that they aren’t healthy for you.”

Changmin’s eyebrow quirked upward in curiosity. “How so?”

“You haven’t eaten anything in the past fourteen hours.”

A shocking look of horror crossed the youngest’s face.

“I haven’t?”

Junsu nodded. “I’m surprised you haven’t passed out or even died yet.”

“That’s a bit harsh…”

“My bad.”


Suddenly, a loud growl emitted throughout the small kitchen and a hand flew to Changmin’s stomach. “OH MY-I’m STARVING!”

And so, the youngest proceeded to rampage around the kitchen, flinging open cabinets and putting the nearest piece of food into a bowl so he could consume it as fast as possible.

Junsu sighed heavily once again and he seriously contemplated Changmin go to a mental doctor pronto. If his friend, especially this one, missed one of his seven daily meals even once…the world might be coming to an end once the realization hit him.

Either that, or Changmin had fallen hard for two shockingly gorgeous human beings.

Junsu decided it was the latter.

And if possible, his close friend fell even harder the day Yunho came to pick up his cd, that perfect angel right on his heels.

Changmin practically fainted.

“You look pale mister,” said the angel as he stepped up to the counter. Junsu was watching from afar-once again putting away cds-while Changmin was attacked up close. Silently, Junsu prayed for Changmin to remember how to work his lungs as the pale beauty neared his friend, observing him closely. “Have you been eating well?”

The question was actually kind-of odd coming from a complete stranger who Changmin had only seen once, and that was for less than fifteen seconds, before making his escape to the back of the store. It was equally odd though on how normal, comfortable, and warm that single question felt. Everything felt familiar as if they’d known each other since birth.

Changmin was still having a hard time just standing there with the most beautiful face of the entire world staring directly into his eyes, his soul. Somehow though, he gathered his weak strength and quickly recalled his answer which he seemed to have forgotten moments ago and said, “Y-yes, I-I have.”

The angel’s face tilted, eyes full of concern. “You sure?” he purred. “You look sick. Maybe another stomach ache?”

Changmin shook his head, feeling droplets of sweat trail down the back of his neck. “N-no, but maybe I-I’m just getting over it. T-thank you for you concern…”

A stunning smile. “You welcome.”

Changmin swallowed the lump in his throat, finding it difficult to come up with something comprehensive to say to such gorgeous people, but luckily one of them spoke up first.

And these next words beat every shocking statement Changmin had ever said.

“Would you like to join us for a movie tomorrow night?”

Two things happened at once, so this will be told in the order in which Junsu felt and/or saw it. One: the deepest, most thrilling chill shot down his spine as if it were a warning or an expression of excitement. Two: Changmin collapsed.

Literally, collapsed. As in, fell straight to the floor.

Junsu guessed his friend just couldn’t handle the offer mixed with the marvelous beauty of these two people standing before him. The redhead quickly scrambled towards the counter to check on Changmin, but the two beautiful beings had already beaten him to it. When Junsu looked over the counter, he saw Yunho holding-no, cradling Changmin’s upper half in his arms while he knelt down to support the other person’s weight. It was like with a single wrong move, Yunho could have snapped his friend in two.

Junsu didn’t know why he had thought that.

“Do you have some water?” the angel suddenly asked.

Junsu realized the question was directed at him and he surprisingly held back his gasp when those stunning eyes locked onto his. “Uh, y-yes, I’ll go get some.”

“Thank you.” And he was back to staring at Changmin.

When Junsu returned from the backroom, he was glad to see that his friend was now sitting up, but with Yunho still kneeling behind him, the large, firm chest supporting the added weight. Junsu caught his friend’s dazed eyes and he asked with concern, “Are you feeling okay, Min? You seriously do look sick.”

Changmin weakly shook his head, or it more like his head rolled from side to side. “I’m…fine…”

“You like to say that a lot,” commented the angel who was also kneeling beside Changmin.

“He does say that a lot,” said Junsu. He was surprised at how clearly those words came from his mouth. “He’s really stubborn like that.”

“Stubbornness isn’t good.”

Junsu chuckled. “But it suits him.”

And there was another blinding smile. “Yes, I would probably agree that it does.”

“Stop…flattering with me…” came Changmin’s weak protest.

Junsu smiled. “Sorry Min, can’t help it.”


The redhead held out the bottle of water for Changmin to see. “Here, drink up.”

But it wasn’t Changmin to take the bottle, but the angel instead. Somehow, the action was less surprisingly. Junsu had already taken note on how oddly caring these two beauties were toward Changmin.

While they tended to the fainted, Junsu got back to his feet and checked the store. No one seemed to have noticed a commotion, or Changmin falling. There were only two people inside and they were aimlessly looking about from shelf to shelf. By the time one of them came to the counter to check out a cd, Changmin was sitting in a chair near the backroom door, water bottle in hand, angel on one side and handsome on the other.

Their little picture didn’t go unnoticed though. Both people stared at them before somehow managing to check out their cds and leaving the store still intact, mentally at least.

Junsu walked over to the three, shivering from the intensity of the two stunning people before him. He looked at Changmin and noticed that the normal light tan was once again coloring his cheeks. That was a good sign. Still, he was cautious. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day of Min. I’ll close up the store.”

Of course, Changmin protested. “Hyung, that’s not fair to you. I’m fine now!”

“So you weren’t ten minutes ago?”

“I…I was!”


Changmin pouted. “I just fainted, what’s the big deal?”

“You could’ve hurt yourself more.”

“Hyung, come on-”

“Please, just let me do this okay? It will make me feel better if you take one night off. All that crazy studying into vampires and werewolves has seriously damaged your health bill. Take some Nightquil and crash.”

Neither Changmin nor Junsu noticed the sharp looks that crossed the angel and Yunho’s face.

Maybe that was a good thing.

Changmin sighed, feeling defeated. “Fine,” he murmured. “I’ll take the night off, but this is the only time you got that?”

Junsu smiled, obviously pleased. “Of course, dongsaeng. Of course.”

His friend’s pout grew larger, so Junsu just chuckled. It was then that the angel spoke again, more-so purred in a velvety voice. “Shall we take him home?”

“Eh?” Changmin looked surprised.

“It will be safer. We don’t want him fainting again.”

“S-sure,” Junsu replied, a bit shaken by yet another shocking question. Changmin’s eyes were widening.

“Hyung, wait-”

“Let’s go then!” the angel exclaimed with glee as he latched his arm around Changmin’s arm, effortlessly pulled him to his feet and began to walk towards the front door. “We promise to return him home safely!”

Junsu watched as a red-faced Changmin was pulled out the door and out of sight by the only angel on earth. Then he realized that Yunho never followed. Junsu looked up and jumped in fright when he saw the amazingly gorgeous man staring back at him with an expression filled with a few apologies and concern.

“Y-y-yes?” Junsu asked, his voice cracking under the intense gaze.

Yunho’s features softened somewhat. “Sorry about Jae’s cunningness. He tends to get his way a lot.”

“Oh…” So his name was Jae? “That’s fine, um, Minnie is actually like that too.”

And for the first time since the moment he saw him, Yunho smiled a timid smile. It was a true smile nonetheless.

“I guess we’re a lot alike in that department. I can never seem to say no to Jaejoong no matter what he asks.”

Oh, it was Jaejoong. “Really?” he chuckled. “Same for me. It’s a weakness.”

For some reason, that statement made Yunho’s smile fall from his stunning face and deep down, Junsu felt a sliver of guilt. “Well,” he said. “That can sometimes be a good thing, right?”

Junsu nodded, finding nothing else to say.

Yunho held out a slip of paper. “Here is our numbers,” he explained. “Please call us if you need to check up on Changmin. I know we must seem like strangers to you and I apologize.”

“N-no, that’s okay!” Junsu blurted out. He took the paper and cast a glance at the digits. “For some reason, Changmin and I, well maybe not Min just yet…kind-of feel different around you too. It’s weird but it’s true.”

A hint of a smile crossed Yunho’s face. “So maybe our meeting is destiny?”

Junsu looked up into those serious eyes.


. : : . : : . : : .

When Junsu returned home, he couldn’t hide his excitement and anxiety. Knowing that Changmin-the one who had instantly fallen for two, inhumanely beautiful people-was taken home by said-people after he fainted, caused a scene, and probably embarrassed himself to death…was just the most thrilling thing to know when he stepped through the door of his home.

“I’m back!” the redhead called out.

There was no reply, so Junsu slipped off his shoes, hung up his jacket and walked the few steps toward Changmin’s bedroom. He opened the door quietly after noticing the light was off and peered inside.

A familiar lump upon a bed could be seen with the moonlight dimly shining through the window. Junsu smiled and tiptoed his way over to Changmin’s beside, leaning over to see if the other was still awake.

He wasn’t. Changmin’s adorable sleeping face was what greeted Junsu’s eyes. Junsu smiled and lowered his head, placing his lips upon the soft brown hair before whispering, “Goodnight Minnie” and quietly stepping out of the bedroom. He slowly walked back to the kitchen, stretching his arms to the ceiling as he did so, and entered the kitchen.

A piece of paper was placed on the center of the table.

Dear my new friend,

Yunho and I safely escorted Changmin back home. I even got to feed him and tuck him in when he was sleepy! I already envy what you get to see every night. Changmin is a wonderful, amazing person. I hope to see the both of you soon! Please remember our offer for a movie tomorrow, and Junsu, you are welcome too! If Changmin is not feeling up to it, we understand. Stay well, the both of you.


Give us a call.

Our meeting may be destiny.

Junsu swallowed the lump that somehow managed to enter his throat. This…letter, whatever it was, was not only really super friendly, caring, and sweet but also downright weird. Two people, whom Junsu and Changmin hasn’t known for more that an hour, have already invited them over to their house as if they were the best of friends! And plus, they took Changmin home, cared for him, and made sure he was safe and sound before locking the door and leaving. It was weird!

But Junsu was beginning to believe it was true, especially what Yunho wrote. He already felt closer to those two since the moment he met them. Something about them pulled him in, and he was finding it hard not to trust those two beautiful people. Changmin of course, would agree. His friend was still trying to handle his newfound love for two insanely, off-limited human beings. Junsu shivered despite himself and wondered if Changmin could really handle the intensity.

But maybe, all of this was just part of destiny’s plan.

As corny as that sounds.

. : : . : : . : : .

Changmin was definitely feeling better the following morning. All throughout the school day, he talked nonstop about his embarrassing scene the previous day and how much of a weakling he appeared in front of Jaejoong and Yunho. Junsu noticed how his friend shivered every time he said those two names-weird nerd. AND, the youngest couldn’t stop his paranoia about tonight’s date-yes, Changmin labeled it as a date-with the two beauties. Junsu was about to bang his head against the wall if Changmin didn’t stop freaking out.

The paranoia grew significantly when the school day ended. On to work they went, and of course, by the last second of their last minute of their last hour of their work day did both Yunho and Jaejoong enter the story, beautiful and stunning in all their glory.

Junsu was surprised Changmin didn’t faint again.

. : : . : : . : : .

“You live in East Gate?” Junsu asked once he recognized the familiar scenery.

“Yes, have you been here before?” asked Jaejoong who was seated in the front seat. Changmin and Junsu occupied the back, leaving Yunho behind the wheel.

Sudden memories of vicious growls, white teeth, and large figures flashed across Junsu’s mind, and he couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran throughout his body. Changmin was tense beside him, probably feeling the exact same way as his friend. Jaejoong seemed to notice the change and turned around to peer at the two closely. “Did I say something wrong?” he asked.

Junsu shook his head, but Changmin answered, his voice soft. “We just…have bad memories here. Recent memories actually.”

“Oh.” A guilty look crossed Jaejoong’s face. “I’m sorry for bring it up.”

“I-it’s okay,” Junsu said in his best, strong voice. “It’s all in the past and we’ll forget it eventually.”

“Did something attack you?”

Absolute shock. Somehow…someway…Yunho figured it out. Both Changmin and Junsu froze at the question. How and why Yunho asked it was beyond their moral thought, but the intensity of the question is probably what made them answer. Changmin let out a shaky breath and said, “Yes.”

Instantly, shock and fear flashed across Jaejoong’s dark eyes, surprising Junsu when he glanced up to meet them. “When did this happen?” the angel asked carefully.

“Two weekends ago…when the festival was here.”

Both occupants in the back seat noticed the quick look shared between those occupying the front. Junsu wondered what they were thinking.

“Do you know what attacked you?” came Yunho’s next question; it almost sounded guarded.

Changmin was about to answer, but Junsu suddenly blurted, “Bears.”

Three pairs of eyes locked onto his face, one from the rear view mirror. Junsu could sense the quizzical look Changmin was giving him, but he ignored it.

“Bears?” Jaejoong repeated. A short silence stretched on, the scenery flew past the windows…Junsu wondered when someone was going to say something. His lie was so obvious, it couldn’t have gone unnoticed.

“That’s horrible. I’m glad the both of you are alright.”

Again, Junsu was filled with shock, but the guilt of telling a lie overpowered that feeling. He smiled timidly at Jaejoong before casting his eyes downward. “Y-yeah, I am too.”

“…same here.”

Junsu glanced up at Changmin. His friend wasn’t looking at him.

“Well, again, I’m sorry for bringing up the whole matter,” said Jaejoong, his eyes glowing softly as if apologies were actually swimming in them. “I hope you enjoy the time with us. We picked out a few movies, but couldn’t decide which one to watch. Maybe we can agree on something?”

Somehow, the velvety purr that was Jaejoong’s voice eased Junsu in a way. Another glance toward Changmin told likewise for him. Junsu smiled timidly at the angel and nodded. “That would be great.”

“There is plenty of food too,” Jaejoong added. “And I cooked it all myself!”

“He went nuts in the kitchen,” Yunho mumbled.

Changmin and Junsu chuckled while Jaejoong smiled his stunning smile. The atmosphere was once again a peaceful one, and Junsu found himself staring out at the scenery behind the lightly tinted window. His eyes randomly focused on the nearest things while scanning over others.

His gaze landed on a large oak tree and the figure leaning against it.

Shock-his most recently felt feeling-coursed straight through him, sending tendrils of surprise from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes.

That figure leaning against the oak tree…

…was none other than the man who saved them those two weeks ago.

next: part 4

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dbsk, warmth, fanfic

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