Follow Your Truth
Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters, I dragged them kicking and
screaming out of the books by Ms. Rowling and am using them to my own
ends. However I promise I'll feed them Godiva before I return them so
they'll feel better.
This was in response to a challenge.
Word Count: 589
***( Read more... )
Silk Scarves, Charming or Charmed? Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle Disclaimers: I don't own them. If I did, they'd do this a lot more often. I'm not making money, either. But that's to be expected, I guess. ( Read more... )
This is something of a departure for me, as it's D/G. Written for a contest. I don't think I won, but I don't know who did.
Title: Encircled Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle Word Count: 682 Rating: PG Summary: There was one world where I was stillborn. I liked it so much I didn’t allow myself to go back.
Title: Nothing at All Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle Disclaimer: I don't own any of them. If I did I'd be in a better mood. Ms. Rowling is a genius. ( Read more... )
This Nameless Cookie Is In The Federal Cookie Protection Program Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this thing and I am making no money. Scout’s honor!
in answer to a challenge at the Cookie Jar for Percy/Hermione at FictionAlley.
Percy and the Leather Trousers Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle Disclaimer: I own neither of the characters mentioned herein and am not making any money off this story. Have a wonderful day!