Silk Scarves, Charming or Charmed?
Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle
Disclaimers: I don't own them. If I did, they'd do this a lot more often. I'm not making money, either. But that's to be expected, I guess.
Draco woke slowly and lazily. It was another day in the life of the Master of Malfoy Manor. And why shouldn't he enjoy it? Exquisite food, satin sheets, classic antiques, an incredible wife... Draco had everything he could possibly want. He hadn't bothered to open his eyes yet but he started to sit up anyways.
Or he would have. However he seemed to be unable to, for whatever reason. And that reason felt like and looked like some silk scarves he remembered having given to his wife the evening before. They were the ones which were especially charmed not to rip or lose a thread.
This might not be good.
However he wasn't gagged or (Merlin forbid) blindfolded, so he put the latter to good use and looked around. The bedroom looked the same as it did every morning, with two exceptions. His wife was not asleep on the other side of the bed, as she normally was, and his wand had been moved from the nightstand to a small table across the room.
This certainly had a number of not good possibilities.
He was considering putting the fact that he wasn't gagged to good use when his wife walked in. He sighed, first in relief, and then switched mid-breath to surprise when he noticed the sheer amount of dragon hide she was wearing. This was very unusual indeed.
"Good morning love. Do you know what's going on here?"
She paused, and then sat on the bed next to him, and stroked his hair gently. She did not move towards the restraints, nor did she even look at the odd placement of his wand. She sighed, lightly, and finally spoke.
"Draco, does the acronym BDSM mean anything to you? No? Well, it will soon. You really shouldn't challenge me when you're drunk, dear."
What on earth was Hermione going on about? What was going on? And what on earth was she doing wearing all of that dragon hide? Certainly, she looked fantastic, but it was a bit early for sultry-wear.
This obviously had some not good prospects.
Hmmm… but maybe not all not good.