Almost a Farewell
Author: Quin Firefrorefiddle
Rating: G
Pairing: D/Hr
Her trunk was packed, and two small cases sat on top of it. She was ready. Well, at least she was packed. She knew perfectly well that was as close as she would come to being ready. She just hoped that-
Too late. He stepped into the room, took in everything in a swift glance, and eyed her dispassionately. “So, you’re going, then?”
“Yes.” Was that all he had to say to her?
“You know you’re welcome to stay here.”
“I also know I can’t.”
“Sure you can.” He reached for her and she stepped back before his touch would tempt her to stay.
“No, Draco. I’m going.”
“I thought you said you would never leave me.”
“It isn’t that I’m leaving you, it’s that I’m going there. They need my help.”
“They have your help. You have a perfectly good laboratory here.” What his eyes said that his voice didn’t was that she had him here too.
“They need anyone who can use a wand and you know it. You could come with me?” The second statement turned into a question midway and she knew he’d barely hear it. As it was, he still went even paler than he already was and shook his head.
She understood, though. No one should be forced to kill their own family. That was one of the lucky things about being Muggleborn. Her history with those on the other side of her wand was all of one kind.
So she turned, and put her hand on her trunk. And she left him.
She didn’t hear his “Fare well, Hermione. For my sake.” But that was for the best. Even he knew that.
In real life, yesterday was a hell of a day. I spent the morning at a Fred Phelps counter-rally (that is, protesting against his minions), the afternoon being productive, and the evening and very early morning helping a couple friends with very serious issues. Happily enough, one of those seems to have resolved itself, and the other, I think, is likely to. But still... I need to be productive. Grr.