Title: Life Vs. Fiction
Fandom: CSI
Pair: Nick Stokes / Greg Sanders
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
CSI Las Vegas Main List Greg was waiting for Nick at the front door when he came home from work.
Greg had a crooked smile on his face, and he held something behind his
“Goooooood morning, honey.” He greeted.
“What’s going on?” Nick asked suspiciously.
“Why do you think something’s going on?”
“It’s written all over your face.”
“What is? My own buff love muffing comes home from work and I can’t be
happy about it?”
“There’s happy and happy, and that’s not good happy.”
“There’s good happy and bad happy?”
“Just tell me what’s going on in your head?”
“I was thinking…. Considering your delicate tendencies, have I treated you
like the love of my life should be treated?”
“I don’t know why your thinking about that, but I’m not complaining.”
“But I have never stolen you away with my strong stallion, taken you to a
remote country cottage, set up a romantic atmosphere and made love to
you roughly in front of a fireplace.”
A look of absolute horror showed up on Nick’s face.
“You didn’t…..”
“I did.” Greg confirmed. “I found it.”
“Why were you digging my sock drawer?”
“I was hiding my liquorice stash.”
“Why would you hide it?”
“If I don’t you’ll eat them all at once and then start complaining about your stomach.
But why would you hide this?” Greg pulled a colourful paperback book from behind
his back. “I mean I know why you would hide this, but why did you hide it from me?”
Nick tried to grab the tawdry romance novel from him, but Greg took a quick step
back. “Don’t even try, this is too funny to be overlooked.”
“Just give it to me, this is not funny!”
“I had no idea you read this stuff!” Greg giggled. “I didn’t think anyone read these,
except overweight teenage girls, and dried up old spinsters.”
“Greg! Give it to me.”
“Okay….” Greg handed the book over to him.
“And don’t talk to anyone about this.”
“It’s not exactly something to brag about. My butch, rough boyfriend likes to read
cheap romance novels. Believe me, that’s not something I particularly want to
The following night turned out to be pure torture. Greg had started it when they
first arrived to the lab, and it had gone worse and worse.
“Oh, thou hunky enforcer of the law, I believe I have found blood from the fair
maiden, whose life was so abruptly discarded.” Greg commented when he
leaned down to photograph the blood drops.
“Stop that!” Nick slammed his kit shut. “You’ve been doing that all night.”
“You liked it when that Enrique guy did that in your book. Would you rather
have Enrique than me?”
“How did they describe him…. Tall as a mighty red wood, muscular torso that
glistered with sweat when he chopped wood, his tights buttocks bulging….”
“Greg, we’re working!”
“I can talk and work at the same time. By the way, is that your kinda guy?
Tall and hulky?”
Nick didn’t have time to answer. Brass joined them and Greg had to
shut up.
When Nick finally got to leave the lab after several hours of overtime, he
almost feared what he would face when he got home. He opened the door
carefully and sneaked in. The whole apartment was dark.
“In the living room.”
Nick headed to the living room and he had to take a second look before he
understood what was going on. There was a lively fire in the fireplace. That
same fireplace they never used, because it didn’t really seem necessary in
Nevada climate. In front of the fireplace was Greg, laying on a white fur rug.
He was wearing his boxers and nothing else. He had positioned himself to
a theatrical pose, mimicking the book cover.
“No matter how hot they are on the page, they can’t beat me. Admit it.” Greg
“G…. Where did you get the rug?”
“I borrowed it from that nice old lady next door. And should I be insulted? I’m
here half naked and you’re asking about dead sheeps.”
“I just asked, because I’ve never seen that thing before.”
“And we have to return it tomorrow, so quit yapping. Come here, my Texan
tightbuttted lover, and ravish me in front of the fire. Make love to me with vigour
that puts the flames into shame , and finally climaxes to ambers of our passion.”
“You’re quite a poet, aren’t you?” Nick smirked.
“Shut up and get your seriously romantic butt right here.” Greg pulled Nick closer
for a delicious kiss, and pushed him on his back on the rug. “And Nick….”
“Tell me….”
“Tell you what?”
“That this is better than fiction.”
“This doesn’t even compete in the same league.” Nick said and let his hands
wander all over Greg’s back.
“Good boy. What do you think about the fire?”
“It’s nice.”
“I’m glad you like it, because I lit it with your book.”
“You did what?”
“Shut up and get naked.” Greg silenced Nick with a tight kiss and started
pulling off his clothes.