Fic: Leading by Example, Chapter 13 (CSI NY / Miami, Ryan / Eric, Don / Hawkes)

Jul 25, 2010 20:37

Title: Leading By Example, Chapter 13
Fandom: CSI Miami / CSI NY
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Sheldon Hawkes / Don Flack
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.

CSI NY Main List     CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3     Chapter 4     Chapter 5     Chapter 6 (NC-17)     Chapter 7 (NC-17)     Chapter 8     Chapter 9     Chapter 10     Chapter  11 (NC-17)   Chapter 12

“-but seriously, you don’t need to go with me.” Hawkes stated for the fifth time and held two dress shirts in front of him. “Which one?”

“Green, and if didn’t know better, I’d think you don’t want me there.”
“It’s not that, but you know what it’s like. Waiting all day to be called on the stand.”
“I’ve had a lot of practise in that area.” Don pulled his shirt on. “And I don’t even need to wear a monkey suit this time.”
“Yeah, rub it in…”
“Maybe during the lunch break.”
“No.” Hawkes suppressed a chuckle. He started buttoning up his mint green dress shirt. “We’re not fooling around in the courthouse.”
“Why do you think they got those breaks for? Hungry people can get something to eat and I can mess up your suit and tie you with your own tie.”
“I had no idea the court system was designed to ease your sexlife.”
“They wouldn’t admit it, but that’s the honest truth.” Don smirked. He planted a sloppy kiss on the man’s cheek and headed to the bathroom. “And I knew a judge back home, who always had his own meetings with his stenographer in the chamber, while the jury was considering the verdict.”

“Which judge?”
“The same one, who had that little accident with his toupee in his retirement party.”
“I thought he was…” Hawkes wasn’t sure what term to use. “I think back in his youth they would have called him a cat lover.”
“You thought he was gay?” Don came back brushing his teeth.
“Yeah. Men or women, but thinking him in sexual situation… I mean I am very open-minded and I’m aware that many elderly people have an active sexlife-”
“But you don’t wanna know too much about it.”
“I know, it’s ridiculous.”
“Nah, you’re like those people, who think murders are exciting, but if they see a real corpse, they’ll faint.”


“Anyone here?” Valera parked her car close to the deserted vehicle in the ditch and approached the house. “I brought breakfast!”

“Coffee?” Ryan busted outside pulling his coat on. He grabbed the paper bag from her hand and gave her a quick one-armed hug. “And thanks. You didn’t need to come here yourself-”
“What are friends for if they’re not there to see guys stuck in the ditch? I’ll be laughing at Eric for this as long as I live. They’re coming with the gear in an hour, so we’ll get your car up.”

“I would have called them myself, but I didn’t have the number and-”
“It’s okay, being the designated hag is an honorary position.”
“Did you call work about this?”
“Well, I left out the details, they just know you tow got stranded somewhere for the night. They found some guys to cover your shift, so it’s alright.”
“What about you?”
“I had the day off. Little drive in the countryside, breakfast with my fave couple and being the rescuing angel. All and all, this is a really nice day.” She took one of the take-away cups Ryan had dug out from the bag and took a long sip. “Is Eric still sleeping in?”

“Yeah. And snoring like a rhino.”


“What do you think?” Hawkes rummaged thought his selection of ties. “Light gray?”

“Why do you ask, if you already picked one?”
“Just thinking out loud. Are you really gonna spend your day in the courtroom?”
“Sure, I got myself something to entertain myself with while you wait for your turn.” Don waved a wrinkled print out in his hand. “Stella shoved this into my pocket when she hijacked me.”
“Front or back pocket?”
“Back pocket, with a little grope.” He opened the folded paper. “What every tourist should do in Miami.”

“If my turn to testify is today, we’ll fly home tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but if we can get seats in the evening flight, we got all day.”
“I’ve already seen the sights.”
“Have been to Parrot World?”
“See? You’ve missed some vital places. Turtle Grotto?”
“No, and I don’t even wanna see it.”
“That house from the Golden Girls?”
“You do know they shot that show in Los Angeles, don’t you?”
“I didn’t know that… What about Dexter?”
“Mostly Los Angeles.”
“Miami Vice?”
“Again, mostly Los Angeles.”
“Can’t you trust anything on TV anymore?”
“Anymore? Miami Vice and Golden Girls have been off the air for years and years.”

“Yeah, but I got a lot of great from the eighties. I mean, who wears pastels and flip-flops to crime scenes anymore?”

“In Miami… most of the CSIs.”


“Hungry?” Valera eyed Ryan with a clear amusement. “That’s your third sandwich.”

“I’ve been here all night with a man, who wanted to open a tin of corn. I’d rather starve to death.”
“Canned corn’s not that bad.”
“It’s a tool for torture.”

“Good thing you can’t starve to death in one night.” She took a sip from her coffee. “It would be quite sight if you and Eric had to decide who eats who.”

“Don’t use that phrase when there’s people around.”
“Do you need to make things sound dirty when I’m here talking very innocently about cannibalism?”
“Can anyone talk innocently about cannibalism?”
“We had a very innocent discussion about whipping when you had that case in a porn shop, so it can be done.” Her gaze travelled past Ryan, and her eyes went wide. “What the hell…”

Eric staggered out of the cabin. He looked like he had run a marathon, dark rings under his eyes and most of his clothes were torn to shreds. A line of teeth marks went down his neck and disappeared under what was left of his shirt.

“What the hell did you do to him?”
“I had three choices: Starve, eat the corn or nibble Delko.”
“And you…” Valera stared at the man leaning against the wall on the porch. “How low do those teeth marks go?”

“I was really hungry.” Ryan grinned smugly. “He’ll have to lay down on the backseat, he’s in no condition to sit down.”


Hawkes took one last look at his notes and shoved them back to his briefcase. He placed it on the floor next to his seat. The courtroom was already half full and few news reporters were looking for good angles to observe the proceedings.

“Stop stressing, you know the whole thing inside out.” Don sighed and leaned closer over the hand rests. “Did you put your phone on mute?”
“Any messages?”
“That’s unusual…”
“I was sure Stella would harass us through the phone lines and attack us live as soon as we stop off the plane.”
“Maybe she’s planning a surprise attack.”
“And I haven’t heard from Danny either, ever since he sent that message.” Don pulled phone from his coat pocket and tapped a quick message.
“Yeah, I just wanna know if they made up already.” He send the message and five minutes later the phone vibrated to signal a new text message. “That was fast.”

“Are they okay?”
“Let’s see…” Don read through the message and grinned. “Can’t talk now, L. will hear. Hormonal swings, nails and rage.” He chuckled loud enough to attract attention from the frowning, half-drunk reporter on the other side of the aisle. Don send the man a friendly little wave and pocketed the phone. “I guess it means they`ve made up.”

Chapter 14/15

show: csi miami, pair: don flack / sheldon hawkes, show: csi ny, csi miami / one-off, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, csi ny / one-off

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