Fic: Leading by Example, Chapter 7 (CSI NY / Miami, Ryan / Eric, Don Hawkes, NC-17)

Jun 29, 2010 19:35

Title: Leading By Example, Chapter 7
Fandom: CSI Miami / CSI NY
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Sheldon Hawkes / Don Flack
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.

CSI NY Main List     CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3     Chapter 4     Chapter 5     Chapter 6 (NC-17)

“So…” Ryan unfolded his menu and grabbed the first conversation topic he came up with. “How long have you two been together?”

Don and Sheldon shared a brief look and Don cleared his throat.
“What time is it?”
“About seven.”
“Then… about five hours.” Don stated and took a sip from his water glass. “Give or take half an hour.”
“So it’s pretty new.”
“You could say that.”
“But we’ve known each other for years.” Hawkes interrupted and got a slight glare from Don. “What? Someone had to say it, or it would sound like I just jump into bed with anyone.”

“No one thought that.” Ryan assured.
“I did.” Eric commented from behind his menu. “It does sound kinda sudden.”
“It was a long time in the making.” Don said. “What about you? Shelly said five months?”

“Almost six.” Ryan grinned. “We met at work.”
“And almost killed each other.” Eric added.
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“Anyway…” Eric turned to face his audience. “We had a case with two runaways who took off when Miami got too hot. We got a tip that they had stayed in this rundown little cabin in the Everglades.”
“Rundown? It was actually a pretty nice place. With a little bit of fixing up-”
“Then Mother Nature decided to show her true colours. Spiteful bitch…”
“Eric, there’s kids in the next table.”

“Sorry, but anyway you know what rainstorms are like over here? There was rain, wind, thunder, the whole show… We got to the cabin and then-”
“Then he drove off the road.”
“It wasn’t me, it was the storm. And it wasn’t even a real road. We got there and…” Eric’s brain had already reached the raunchier part of the story. His mouth moved, but without a sound. His eyes had glazed and he just stared in front of him, shut down into his own memories with a lopsided smirk on his face.


“Why did I even let you drive…?” Ryan groaned and staggered out of the vehicle that was now halfway in the ditch. “My grandma is safer driver than you!”
“It wasn’t me, it was the storm!” Eric shouted back.
“Yeah, right. The storm-” Ryan moaned lowly and pressed his hand on the throbbing spot in his forehead. “I think I hit my head.”
“Oh.” For some reason that simple statement took the heat off Eric’s defence. “Look, we’re here. Let’s check the cabin and then call some help to get the car out. Are you well enough to walk?”

“Yeah, I just bumped my head.” Ryan pulled out his gun and headed to the cabin. “You wanna take the back?”

“Wait, I`ll check.” Eric quickly check the back of the cabin, then returned with his gun drawn out. “Only one door.” He followed Ryan to the small porch and positioned himself on the opposite side of the door, facing Ryan. He knocked on the door. “Miami crime lab.”

No one answered. Ryan tried to the door handle and the door flung open. They quickly checked the cabin, but there was no signs of anyone living there for a while. Ryan pulled out his cellphone and checked the screen.
“No reception. Maybe it’s the storm.”

“We’re in middle of nothing, I kinda doubt they got much reception in any kind of weather.” Eric picked up the receiver from the phone laying on the table placed next to the worn-out couch. “Landline’s working.” A familiar voice answered and Eric turned his attention her. “Calleigh? Yeah, we’re here and almost in one piece. Our car’s in the ditch just next to the cabin.”  He paused and listened. “What do you mean? When was that? Why didn’t you call me?”

Ryan had noticed Eric’s increasing volume and shot him a curious glance.

“Great, just frigging marvellous…” He hung up and shoved the phone back to his coat pocket. “Wrong place.”
“What do you mean?”
“The creep gave us a wrong address to give them time to escape. This used to be their old hideout, but they haven’t used this for years. They tried to call us, but couldn’t get through.”
“So I risked my life with your driving and it was all for nothing?” Ryan stated with a frustrated tone. “Are they sending help to get the car up?”
“Yeah… but it will take a while.”
“How long is a while?”
“The worst of the storm is just passing this area, they don’t wanna send anyone here until it’s safe.”
“But they didn’t mind sending us here?”
“Everyone thought the centre would move further north. Anyway, they said it should be clear enough by tomorrow morning.” Eric tried to come up with something else to justify the wild goose chase, but finally he had to resort to plan B. “How’s your head?”

“Achy, but it’s getting better.”
“I saw a first aid kit in the bathroom-”
“I don’t need any help, and I especially don’t need it from you.”
“Hey, don’t use that tone with me. I had plans for tonight. First came the storm and she had to  cancel and now I’m spending the night here with you!”
“It could be worse. I have to spend the night here with you!”
“How’s that supposed to be so bad?!”

“It wouldn`t be for you.” Ryan gave him a annoyed glare. “If you could clone yourself and use the other you as a sextoy, your life would be perfect, wouldn’t it?”

“I’m not that self-centred! I’m a very generous lover and-”
“And half of Miami can vouch for that?”
“Make up your mind. First I’m self-centred and now I’m sleeping around. Which one is it?”
“Both. You sleep around like a hooker who always forgets to ask for money, and the only love in  your life is you. The world of Eric Delko revolves around Eric Delko.”
“Like you’re any different! The only difference is that you don’t get any.”

“No, the difference is that I don’t have a need to let the whole world know who, where, how long and in what position. Anyone who racks up that kind of amount of one night affairs is hiding something or running away from something.”
“None of your business, Wolfe.”

“Fine, let’s just try to make this as easy as we can. There’s a bedroom, but there`s more mold in there than on that sandwich you got in the lab fridge. We’re gonna have to flip a coin.”
“To decide who gets the couch.” Ryan picket a coin from his pocket. He twirled it around between his fingers and his expression turned a bit lighter. “Actually... you wrecked the car, so you deserve to sleep on the floor.”
“No way.”
“And I’m just the right size for the couch, you’re too tall.”
“I’m not sleeping on the floor!”
“There’s rugs, you could sleep on them-”
“I don’t care if we have to sleep on top of each other, but I’m not sleeping on the floor.” Eric regretted saying it as soon as the words were out.
“Well, I do care and I’m not sleeping with you. That’s probably something you haven’t heard often…”

“I’m not gonna molest you, if that’s what you’re worried about!”
“That’s one of the things I’m worried about, because you’ll go after anything with a pulse and at least one usable orifice.”
“You think you’re so irresistible that I can’t keep my hands to myself? Fine, let’s get it out of the way.” Eric’s mind was working slower than the rest of him, and by the time he had shoved Wolfe against the wall and pressed their lips together, it gave up all attempts to catch up. When he finally pulled back, Ryan was staring at him with his eyes wide. Eric almost started to apologise, but he didn’t get a chance. Ryan pulled him back and kissed him within inches of his life.

When Eric later tried to remember the following few minutes, but he wasn’t sure how it had happened. The next thing he remembered was laying on the couch with Ran straddling him and kissing him like the end of the world was coming. Their coats, shirts and shoes had ended up on the floor, followed by the old moldy blanket that had laid on the back of the couch. The lack of oxygen was doing funny things to Eric’s mind and he had to tilt his head aside to avoid Ryan’s lips.

“You…” He draw in a deep breath. “You’re lethal stuff, Wolfie…” His cock rubbed painfully against the insides of his jeans as Ryan rocked against him. Another kiss took his breath away once more and he pulled the man closer to get more skin against skin. “More…”

A loud slam made Ryan jump up and search for his gun. It took few seconds longer for Eric to realise what the sound was. He got up and went to the front door that was waving back and forth with the strong wind. Gushes of cold air pushed some of the rain inside, wetting the floor and Eric pulled the door shut. The rain and wind hit against the small glass on the door, but the door seemed sloid enough.

“It was just the storm, we should be dry enough for the night-” A pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a warm body pressed against his back. “Are we really gonna do this?”
“What does it look like?” Ryan’s hand slid down squeeze Eric’s dick through his jeans. “I’ve had to hear so many stories about your sexlife that you got a lot to prove.” He snapped the buttons open and shoved the jeans down. “And you don’t seem that reluctant.”

“I… I…” Eric gasped as the cool air hit his lower regions. “I don’t wanna mess things up.”
“Mess it up how?” Ryan grasped Eric’s cock and stroked it slowly. “You mean at work?”
“… I wanna…”
“Yeah, me too.” Ryan whispered against his ear. “I wanna throw you on that couch and pin you down and…”

“And?” Eric’s question came out as a moan. Ryan’s lips nibbled the crook of his neck and Eric tilted his head to the side for a kiss. “And what?”
“You’re gonna have to figure it out yourself.”
“On the couch?”
“When we get back…”
“In my place…” Ryan’s teeth found Eric’s earlobe. “On my couch, in my bed, on my kitchen table…”

Eric twirled around to get a better angle at the man’s lips. Ryan’s jeans were still on, but the zipper was open, letting his cock hang out, rubbing against Eric’s.
“That thing… when you were…”
“When you said that stuff about me…” Eric was almost sure of the answer before he even asked the question. “… did it turn you on?”
“Just a little bit.”
“Gets the testosterone going.”
“Eric…” Ryan hissed against his lips. “I didn’t bring any-”

“I did.” Eric pulled back and twisted his torso to rummage the back pocket of his jeans, which was unfortunately located around his ankles. He kicked the jeans off and pulled out a chain of twenty condom wrappers. Ryan took a minute to eye the supply arsenal.

“If that’s some kinda reflection of your social life, you’ll be wearing at least two of those before you come anywhere near me.”

“I like to be prepared!” Eric responded. A sudden thought hit him and his face turned serious. “I don’t have any…”
“I got it.” Ryan kicked his own jeans off and disappeared to the small bathroom. He came back with a bottle of greasy hand lotion. “I knew I saw this when we checked the place. Old as hell, but should do the trick.” He pulled his boxers off and slumped down on the couch. He got comfortable against the backrest and pulled his legs up, resting the heels on the edge of the couch.

Eric stared at the man, his hand clutching the condoms. Ryan poured some lotion on his hands, rubbed them together and brought one down to stroke his hard-on. His other hand snaked down under his thigh to caress his exposed opening. Eric’s mouth was hanging open, but he couldn’t force himself to do anything about it. His gaze followed Ryan’s hands, watching him slowly opening himself up for taking. The steady hum of rain and the howl of the wind outside the cabin gave the scenery an unreal feel. Eric stared at the pale skin, finally coming up to meet Ryan’s eyes. They were looking straight at him.

“I could do that for you-”
“No.” Ryan stated. “I know how you drive a car.”

All questions about the connection between driving a car and preparing someone for sex were pushed to the background when Ryan threw his head back and send Eric a sharp look, accompanied by a tilt of his eyebrows.
“Are those still good?”
“What?” Eric looked down and realised what he had meant. “Yeah, just bought them last week.” He tore one of the condoms out of its wrapper. “Is this about that time I called you a tight-minded puritan? You wanna get back at me?”

Ryan grinned and gave his own cock a little twist, timing it to match the last stretching thrust.
“You don’t know anything about me, Delko.”
“Are you gonna teach me?” Eric rolled the condom slowly over his hard-on, trying to calm himself down a bit. “Ryan Wolfe 101 or something like that?” He took a step closer and Ryan pulled his legs wider apart. Eric placed his knees on the edge of the couch, kneeling between the spread limbs and Ryan wrapped them around Eric’s waist. Ryan pulled his close, guiding him inside his body and used his legs to pull him all the way in.

Eric closed his eyes and tried to breath deeply. The sudden tightness around him was nudging him closer to a quick climax, and Ryan’s relentless rocking didn’t help the issue. The man’s hands were on Eric’s shoulders and he rocked against the man, demanding more than Eric was giving.

That washed away the last piece of caution Eric had left. He upped his pace, pounding into Ryan with a merciless rhythm. The man under him didn’t object, instead he matched Eric’s thrusts one by one. His head lolled back against the backrest and he looked up at Eric. He stroked himself feverously and reached his peak soon, splattering his release against Eric’s abdomen. His entire body shivered and the squeeze around his cock gave Eric the final push. He slumped down over the warm body under him, his entire body screaming as Ryan’s arms circled him and held him tight.



“I warned you.” Ryan growled and gave him another slap on the head.  “I know what you were thinking and it’s not appropriate for a dinner conversation.”
“Did I talk out loud again?”
“Couple grunts and moans. We got some weird looks from the waiter when he brought our food.”

“Whoops…” Eric looked across the table where Hawkes and Don were observing them. “Sorry, guys. Good memories.”

Chapter 8

show: csi miami, -nc-17, pair: don flack / sheldon hawkes, show: csi ny, csi miami / one-off, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, csi ny / one-off

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