
Jan 22, 2010 11:52

How did you choose your LiveJournal username? Is there an interesting story behind it?

Many of you will probably know the story behind my username and its meaning :) However...

Finanwen is my Elvish alter ago, the name I came up with back in my Tolkienist times. I really was very fond of the Elvish languages (I still remember A Elbereth ( Read more... )

bits and pieces, lj, colours of the wind, memories, lj: username

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Comments 12

n7of9 January 22 2010, 12:15:25 UTC
sidenote: i am always so shocked when you come up with words like "nicked"...such slang is uncommon in non-native speakers, i like it :)

my story isn't interesting so much as it is incredibly geeky

Seven of Nine of a star trek character...'n' stands for nicky

she is so kick-ass!


finanwen January 22 2010, 22:28:39 UTC
Oh... thanks :) My English can be rather weird sometimes but I try to keep it as natural as possible :)

I never seen anything Star Trek because I'm not a big fan of futuristic/spaceship stuff :) But the character description is really cool! ;) Nice choice :)


n7of9 January 22 2010, 23:04:37 UTC
she ambodies the term "fuckawesome"


(The comment has been removed)

finanwen January 22 2010, 22:30:11 UTC
"Izobretenie velosipeda" is my fave thing to do! XD But well, as far as I remember, the girl thought the name had something to doo will golden colour, dunno. Weird :p

But life is unfair, yeah :p


ina_bauer January 22 2010, 18:48:38 UTC
I don't know why I chose this name. I was just very keen of figure skating at the moment of registration in LJ, but all well-known related words were already taken.

So I took mine. And it's pretty that it sounds like real name and surname. Some people do think like that by mistake:))))))))


finanwen January 22 2010, 22:31:19 UTC
LOL I never looked at it that way :D But having Ina Bauer as a real name... it does sound great :D


eyesofgarnet January 22 2010, 19:25:22 UTC
I love the meaning behind your username.
So much cooler than mine.
When I was in high school I use to wear colored contacts and I always worth the red ones and my one teacher said to me one day that my eyes looked like garnet, which was her birthstone, and which also happens to be my favorite gemstone.


finanwen January 22 2010, 22:53:13 UTC

Wow! I really really loved this little story of yours :) It is so sweet :) I'm sure your eyes looked really pretty in those contacts. And what is the natural colour?


eyesofgarnet January 23 2010, 19:32:20 UTC
My natural color is a really light blue.


finanwen January 25 2010, 11:35:01 UTC
Eh, I wish I had blue eyes :)) What I have is a mix of light hazel and light green. People can't decide on which one prevails hehe XD


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