Anyone have some home remedies they'd be willing to share?

Jan 27, 2011 15:38

I've been suffering with a stuffed nose and clogged ears for um, dunno, weeks, months. I did go to the doctor and was on antibiotics which helped for a while. But the nose is constantly clogged and my ears are popping all the time. I've used the nasal sprays but given they are addictive I'm usually 3 days on, two days off, just to prevent problems ( Read more... )

health, sleep

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Comments 36

NeilMed SinusRinse trinker January 27 2011, 20:48:07 UTC

The squeezy bottle version of a neti pot did the trick for B that years of neti didn't. He was scheduled for sinus surgery, went in for a final pre-surgery orientation meeting, and the VA nurse recommended he pick up one of these, and that they'd be recommending it as a prophylactic measure post-surgery anyway. A week later, he cancelled the surgery, and a 10 year off-and-on sinus infection (that had resisted some *very* strong meds) went away.

Evidently the gentle positive pressure does stuff that the gravity-flow of a neti pot can't.


Re: NeilMed SinusRinse fimbrethil January 27 2011, 21:47:02 UTC
Good to know! I will give it a try.


Re: NeilMed SinusRinse trinker January 28 2011, 03:12:41 UTC
Bonus on that is that it's cheap and available all over the place in NorAm.

It was impressive seeing him go from blinding headaches to happy camper.


Re: NeilMed SinusRinse fimbrethil January 28 2011, 03:16:42 UTC
I've seen it on the shelves but didn't get it because I already had the Neti Pot and it seemed redundant. Hopefully, it will work for me, too.

If I could have days where I am not continually stuffed up and can actually hear and sleep, I'd be so damn happy and a lot more functional too.


mjlayman January 27 2011, 20:52:50 UTC
No remedies, but a couple of medical things. A study showed that using Neti pots lets bacteria/virii into your nose; the mucus helps keep them out.

Tylenol/Acetaminophen is frequently overdosed. Make sure you don't have more thatn 4000gr a day (and check meds that are multiple, some of them won't say acetaminophen on the label).

I hope the ENT knows what to do!


fimbrethil January 27 2011, 21:50:31 UTC
Hmm, interesting about the Neti Pot. It helps me a lot though.

I know about the overdosing issue. I'm usually only taking one dose a day so it's not even an issue. Plus, my mom is on acetamoniphin and Naproxen and percoset which has acetaminophen so we have to be careful. Howard's also a nurse so that helps. Thanks for looking out.

I'm really hoping it doesn't have to come to me seeing an ENT. I went once for pollups on my vocal chords and it was a pretty unpleasant experience. It is my last resort.


mjlayman January 29 2011, 00:19:44 UTC
Maybe it was the ENT. I've seen five now (over 33 years with the same insurance) plus an otolaryngologist (to try to make my vocal cords come back to normal again -- but we knew it probably wouldn't work so now my voice is small & light and I can't sing anymore).


coyotegoth January 27 2011, 20:55:29 UTC
I can't speak as to clogged ears, but you know what ALWAYS works for me for a stuffed-up nose? Orange peels. Seriously- put a piece of orange peel up your nose for about 15 minutes (seriously!): nose unclogged.


fimbrethil January 27 2011, 21:51:45 UTC
Weirdo. But I'm not dismissing it. What I want to know is how you got to the point where you thought putting orange peels up your nose would be a good idea?


coyotegoth January 27 2011, 22:00:07 UTC
From the point where I couldn't breathe through my stuffed-up nose and a friend who doesn't react well to decongestants suggested it :P

(Oh- and guess which street I was just on? :P~~~)


fimbrethil January 27 2011, 22:34:58 UTC
Not possible you were on Bleeker. You don't know how to find the damn thing!


swimmingotter January 27 2011, 22:10:36 UTC
I was where you are, but mine are all allergies. My doctor had me taking some all-natural allergy pills (I will look for the bottle) and after about a month, it worked like a dream, but it was too expensive for me to take consistantly. Nowadays I'm on Nasonex every day, and two separate steroid inhalers at night.

Yay, steroids.

If you find something that works for you, please share! The steroids are definitely not the way I wanted to go, but they're the only thing that worked.


fimbrethil January 27 2011, 23:41:18 UTC
The Neti Pot helps but not long term. I'm going to try some of the stuff here and get back to you.


serious sinus suffering jadedheart January 27 2011, 22:25:01 UTC
i have chronic sinus issues that bring about a four to five time a year infection that nearly puts me in the hospital..i get affected by the weather...alot...and i'm an asthmatic on top of it...tons of allergies... i live with this all the time ( ... )


Re: serious sinus suffering fimbrethil January 27 2011, 22:32:57 UTC
That was all awesome. I'm sorry you have sinus issues so bad but you have some very good ideas there. Some I knew but some I didn't.

Right now I'm sleeping propped up most nights. I find putting warm compresses on my face loosens the mucus up and relieves the pressure.

Good info all around. I appreciate you taking the time to answer me.


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