Anyone have some home remedies they'd be willing to share?

Jan 27, 2011 15:38

I've been suffering with a stuffed nose and clogged ears for um, dunno, weeks, months. I did go to the doctor and was on antibiotics which helped for a while. But the nose is constantly clogged and my ears are popping all the time. I've used the nasal sprays but given they are addictive I'm usually 3 days on, two days off, just to prevent problems. I have saline drops and homeopathic nasal spray for the day. I've tried Zicam homeopathic gel in case it's allergy based which helps a bit. I also am taking Tylenol Sinus but that's just a temporary fix.When I'm home I use my Neti pot all the time but my nose is so clogged, I have trouble it getting to work. At night, I'm sleeping with Breathe Right strips which helps. I've even bought Vicks Vaporub and that helps a bit too. Nothing is helping it go away though. I started prednisone again to deal with the ear clogging issue. I'm guessing it's a nasal infection but this is making me nuts. NOTHING has worked long term and it's so bad I can't sleep. I'm not a snorer generally but I'm snoring with all the congestion and I'm such a light sleeper, my own damn snoring is keeping me awake.

I have a referral for an ENT and I am going to give in and go but has anybody been where I am have some remedy that works for them? HELP!

health, sleep

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