Sick Fuck Limbaugh Ruins My Day Further

Jan 16, 2013 17:33

I haven't been having the best day.

guns, politics, gilead, music, video, friends

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Comments 29

dragonmakr January 16 2013, 23:13:09 UTC
d'you suppose his kochlier (I can't spell today) implant has fried his brain? Or it's not working and he can't actually hear the crap that comes out of his mouth?

Freedom of speech is something I absolutely agree with and defend. But I'm sure as hell not going to defend this kind of crap. Not even going to defend his right to say it - but I won't deny it.

(if that makes any sense at all. Asshat.)


filkertom January 16 2013, 23:17:22 UTC
Pretty much exactly that. I'll defend to the death his right to say it -- but I'll never forget what kind of awful excuse for a human being he is.


catsittingstill January 16 2013, 23:30:19 UTC
I defend his right to say it, as I defend our right to point out that what he said is a valuable warning. It's an indication of his character. It's good to know who's a batshit-insane psychopath--otherwise they can sneak up on you.


valarltd January 17 2013, 04:47:58 UTC
He can say it. We can point out how vile it is. The remedy for bad speech is better speech.

And we can rightfully say he has lost any claim to being a decent person, has shown his true misogynistic colors and is calling for the death of women.

All without swearing or descending to name-calling.

(that's enough of the High Road. I'm going to go listen to some very rude IRA rebel music now)


palenoue January 16 2013, 23:15:38 UTC
Maybe you should avoid the news until after the song is written? That might improve your mood temporarily.


jannyblue January 17 2013, 01:25:45 UTC
I support this idea!!!


palenoue January 17 2013, 04:15:03 UTC
Would a silly anime music video help?


filkertom January 17 2013, 14:54:56 UTC
Yes. Yes, it did help. Thanks. :D


ericadawn16 January 17 2013, 00:21:04 UTC

I've kind of liked today but then I turned off the news around noon and was pretty productive.

I'm not even sure what he means by that. Is he saying that every woman should be shot in the head?


valarltd January 17 2013, 04:49:11 UTC
No, he's advocating penetration with a gun barrel and shooting her in the uterus, like they do in Sub-Saharan Africa.

I feel dirty just knowing this.


sveethot January 17 2013, 00:40:29 UTC
Oh, sweetie. I can't say anything that'll counteract the sheer amount of bull that has been your day, but I can & am sending my patented *chunkyhugs*.


filkertom January 17 2013, 16:07:01 UTC
Right back atcha, sweetie. [hugs]


wyld_dandelyon January 17 2013, 01:05:06 UTC
After lunch my temporary crown (which would have been replaced by a permanent one if the dentist hadn't typoed the appointment that was to have been on Monday the 14th) floated off the poor stub left of my tooth, so I get an extra dentist trip disrupting my work day tomorrow.

So yeah, I empathize!


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