Sick Fuck Limbaugh Ruins My Day Further

Jan 16, 2013 17:33

I haven't been having the best day.

guns, politics, gilead, music, video, friends

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Comments 29

nancylebov January 17 2013, 01:13:35 UTC
It doesn't bother me so much that Limbaugh exists. It bothers me that he has an audience.


vettecat January 17 2013, 18:33:01 UTC
Exactly this.


jannyblue January 17 2013, 01:24:58 UTC
Wanna know how to REALLY stop abortion?

Offer free birth control to women.

Too bad practical solutions aren't as "sexy" as extremist hateful bile.


realinterrobang January 17 2013, 02:24:43 UTC
That's never going to stop all abortions, because there's always going to be "the pill failed/the condom broke" etc, and the ones where, for whatever reason, the woman suddenly can't carry the pregnancy anymore, or the fetus dies and has to be removed.

Tom, the next time some asshole says that there is no such thing as misogyny, you point him straight at that quote of Limbaugh's, because that is straight-up hate speech if I've ever heard it. I mean, he just said that every woman who ever had an abortion -- which would include my friend who just had a D&C to take care of a "silent" miscarriage, and women whose wanted pregnancies go very very wrong in the late goings -- should be shot. Fuck him.

And my bad Canadian self says he ought to be rotting in jail for that kind of shit, or at least paying a big enough fine to hurt. I'm not willing to tolerate Radio Rwanda bullshit out of high-mindedness.


thistlethorn January 17 2013, 01:41:27 UTC
I'm sorry. Some days just dogpile on us. Been there. I hope tomorrow is exactly the opposite and that one great thing after another happens.


alverant January 17 2013, 02:31:10 UTC
I know. I avoided some of the comments section on MSNBC for that reason and stuck with the sites that tended to agree with me. Overall I like the President's plan. It's not going to do what the NRA is telling people. It does address some core problems. If it can be implemented and enforced I see it doing some real good.

I have my own little set of frustrations. I do occasional website updates for a site I designed years ago. It's a small business and most of the changes were easy so I cut the guy some slack on my rates. This last change is more complicated and is taking longer to do. Worse, I used to be able to email the files to them. Now because of blocking software, I can't do that. It's not worth the money. After I get paid for what I have done I'll tell him to find someone else. There must be someone out there who needs the money more and has the time to put up with it.

I found this a few days ago. I think you can use it.


awfulhorrid January 17 2013, 04:22:03 UTC
Um ... I happen to be looking for work right now, actually. Some web work would certainly help me fill the cracks. After my experience last semester of trying to balance classwork against an almost full time client project, I'm looking specifically for some thing that's easier to juggle. (As in not having to be at the client site every day!)


alverant January 17 2013, 14:51:24 UTC
The site uses, ajax, MS-SQL. So far 90% of the changes has been cosmetic (changing wording, altering graphics, etc). When I created it, I added a custom CMS that dynamically added ajax objects and content. You'll also need photoshop or some other graphic editing tool. Once this current set of stuff is done and I get paid, I'll let you know so we can get you in contact with the guy in charge. The changes come only one every few months so you're not going to get much out of it. My main concern is that he'll probably want someone who can occasionally come in so if you're not in the area he may not be intrested.

ETA I noticed that the site in question is hinting at getting a redesign. If they do then it will be at a different company. So I can't guarantee how long this will last.


awfulhorrid January 17 2013, 16:51:41 UTC
Well, I'm just over the border in Wisconsin, but it's mostly idle speculation right now anyway! Thanks for the information. If you want to follow up with me via email, please contact me at fred dot mcdonald at live dot com.



bayushisan January 17 2013, 05:18:36 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that your day's been so horrid. I do hope that things get better. You know I used to listen to Rush when I was in college. I was fairly conservative on most issues in those days and I thought that his shtick of illustrating absurdity by being absurd was clever. I didn't always agree with how he did things even then but it seems like in recent years he's done what guys like O'Reilly have done, in that they've let their success and their large audience go to their heads. They really believe that they're the voice of the movement and that what they say matters, even if Rush denies this by calling himself an entertainer.

The best thing to do is to not even listen, or if you do listen take a day or two off from anything political and just immerse yourself in fantasy. I've been doing that the past couple of days by watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which I got for blueray on the cheap at the other day. Its done wonders for my mood considering how awful last Friday night was.


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