Sick Fuck Limbaugh Ruins My Day Further

Jan 16, 2013 17:33

I haven't been having the best day.
  • First, of course, came the NRA's repugnant ad (and their remarkable bullshit response to everyone's disgust).
  • I'm waiting for a callback from a U-M clinic (no big, about a procedure I'll have next month).
  • I'm trying to wrestle with writing some, y'know, music.
  • A woman who was my housemate back in the late 80s passed away, and we were never close and I hadn't seen her in years but now I'm the only survivor of that household.
  • And then goddamn Rush has to open his yap:You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun.

How can someone say shit like that? Is this truly the normal level of discourse?

I know, I know: It's Rush, it's talk radio, it's the right wing, blah blah blah. I shouldn't let myself get crazy over it. But, dammit, I spent a lot of time and energy trying to become a halfway decent human being, and I think I made it, and I try to maintain it and not be an asshole, and then this unconscionable motherfucker continues to get fucking stupid wealthy by saying things that simply should not even be thought of -- not because they're heretical, or challenging, or out of step with some mythical mainstream, but because they're unfathomably vile.

It sickens me to call him part of my tribe. But he is. Perhaps I'm not part of his, but he's still a human being, and I will not descend to his depths and dehumanize him.

But GOD this day is for shit.

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

guns, politics, gilead, music, video, friends

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