Help Heather Dale Talk With YouTube

Jan 16, 2013 13:57

Here's the core of the problem:

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In an effort to add data for Heather & Ben, here's what I know about my YouTube account money.

I have three monetized videos on YouTube -- the "Talk Like A Pirate Day" one with lyrics and guitar chords, the one from CapriCon 2008 with me and the Pirate Guys, and the one of Judi and me at MarCon 2008 doing "I Had A Shoggoth".

According to my Analytics page, my earnings so far total $1.38. From YouTube specifically: six cents.

I don't even know how I would go about collecting that $1.38. Or six cents.

Oh, wait -- there are two pages: the estimated earnings is different from the ad revenue. No idea why. But there, I've got $2.58. Or $18.83. Or somethin'.

I'm sure I can figure out the advertising revenue page, and I'm sure there's a guide to it. But I'll say this: Right now, I got nothin'. Literally nothin'. No idea where to get what money I supposedly have, nor why I supposedly have the amount I supposedly have.

For about a year after I put that freakin' video up, YouTube pestered me about monetizing it. When I finally did so, the process was reasonably simple. And I don't know why they would be giving Heather such grief about her music.

Anyone else have data points for Heather & Ben?

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

signal boost, music, video, friends, online

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