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Comments 147

nymphadorauror May 26 2006, 20:39:06 UTC
Tonks approached the bar from the opposite side that most would arrive from, for she had been helping prepare security measures throughout the selected areas for hours, and was now beginning her specific charge, the entrance surveillance. But it was early still, just the initial hour or two before there was to be dinner, so she felt she could partake in a drink while she waited for guests, just as her fellow Ministry workers did.

Tonks ordered a glass of Champagne, and quickly stole a few sips before she wandered away from the bar. There didn’t look to be anyone of superior standing in her area, so she carried her glass farther into the room and near the ballot receptors. Tonks had already planted her votes when she arrived, she was just starting to wonder about whom she would see here, and whom she wouldn’t. That was the cons of working near the front- she was bound to run into just about anyone, and couldn’t hide away in some dark brooding corner and be alone with her depressing thoughts. She had volunteered, this was her doing and ( ... )


broken_harry May 27 2006, 02:41:36 UTC
Harry looked up at he entrance of the Pegasus Hotel with a sharp hiss of an exhale escaping him. Tonight was not going to be fun. Sure, dinner, dancing, Ginny on his arm - all good things. Getting a Ministry sponsored award for doing something he'd rather forget about, something he never really had a choice in, didn't fall into the 'good thing' category.

He'd at least spared himself the shopping trip this time around. Needing more formal robes for this event, he'd owled the shoppe Draco had taken he and Ron to before the last event and had them send him something based on his tastes and measurements. Apparently, he should have clarified that he did actually like colors other than black. Upon opening the package sent to him, he discovered the black on black look was fastly becoming the trend for his formal wear...or at least that's what 'Styles by Darien' wanted to take credit for. Oh well, at least he rather liked the way he looked in them ( ... )


nymphadorauror May 27 2006, 03:07:41 UTC
“Oh! Harry…I…” Tonks started as she heard her name, and then a rush of words following it, from Harry- who had just approached her, as Tonks began a bit of pacing. She could only wear a confused smile, as she turned completely to face Harry, with Ginny in tow, and sort out what he had just said. But now he started to apologize and she couldn’t even understand why for. He didn’t look very happy, more like a ball of nerves, but he was a well-dressed ball of nerves nonetheless ( ... )


ginny_afire May 27 2006, 03:53:35 UTC
Ginny had slid her hand into place on Harry's arm, trying to soothe the ball of tension that was her boyfriend. Some things never changed and Harry's tension pre-formal event was certainly one constant. Even worse when he was the guest of honor, so to speak.

"Just relax, Harry. Breathe, for Merlin's sake," she flashed him a quick smile that belied her own butterflies. At least she felt comfortable in her butter-cream gown. It was an older style of dress robe lined in a soft gold but it suited the one style Ginny could manage on her own with her hair which was to leave the curls flowing loose down her back with only a few white flowers for decoration. She had, of course, avoided roses ( ... )


prophecyofpadma May 27 2006, 05:33:47 UTC
Padma had had to restrain herself from snarking at the Ministry official at the entrance to the ballroom. He couldn't have been much older than her, and the stammering way at her had asked her to confirm that her ballot had been sent in had grated on her nerves. Of course she had voted!

She had sent the damn thing back about an hour after she had gotten it. The ballot was the ticket. It was only pure common sense to actually fill it out. Though, she was sure it didn't matter in the long run. A discussion with people after the awards ceremony would most likely confirm that the results had been what the Ministry had wanted to give rather than what had actually been voted for. That's the way it went with a government who could be persuaded to ignore anything if you lined their pockets enough.

"So..." Padma said softly, glancing up Theo as she ran her hand over her robes. "Do you see anyone you recognize? Because I don't..."


nott_naught May 27 2006, 05:49:03 UTC
Theo's fingers were plucking absently at the edges of his sleeves as he scanned the crowd, face already masked with the normal expression of polite boredom. A little subtle transfiguration had changed the collar of his dress shirt underneath his formal robes to a mandarin collar so that they would match a little more -- how was he supposed to know that she would wear a sari ( ... )


prophecyofpadma May 27 2006, 06:00:08 UTC
Padma turned her gaze in the direction that had been indicated, spotting Harry, Ginny, and someone who was only vaguely familiar to her. Lavender hair? Goodness, someone was a bit too into muggle punk fashions. "They look occupied, though. I wouldn't want to butt into a conversation that's already pretty well taken off..." She said before looking around the room.

What were these people thinking? There were only a couple dozen tables, as far as she could see. How many people were suppose to be at this thing? Dozens? Hundreds? Either way, there weren't enough seat for everyone at the moment. "How about we go and claim a table before it gets too busy?"


nott_naught May 27 2006, 06:04:15 UTC
Hm. Theo wasn't sure he wanted to bother Potter and his fiancee-whatever (and their cohorts) at this moment. Potter was looking a little green. Then his attention was caught by Padma's suggestion.

Sit in a corner? Away from the bustle of moving people?

"I think that's a marvelous idea," Theo said.

He manuevered them throught the growing crowds to a table near the edge and pulled out a chair for Padma.


mrsmalfoy6 May 27 2006, 14:24:12 UTC
Narcissa Malfoy entered the Crytsal Ballroom of the Pegasus. After confirming her votes with the Ministry officials and waiting for Lucius to do the same, she continued in a little farther, her blue eyes sweeping the room. There was no doubt they had done a wonderful job of decorating; everything was elegant, and suddenly Narcissa felt right at home.

Where is my son? was her first thought, followed immediately by a scolding voice in the back of her brain. You will enjoy this night. Your husband may receive an honor that is incredibly important to him. You will not ruin this. Instead, Narcissa put on her usual sneer. Although she had been distant with Lucius for the past few months, no one must suspect it. If anyone asked, they were peachy keen and no one will know otherwise. What would people say if they knew that one of the richest, most powerful, Pureblood families was crumbling right before there eyes ( ... )


ex_sinister May 30 2006, 21:55:10 UTC
Lucius' own lips were curved in what might have been meant as a polite smile, but came across as a subtle smirk; though it was almost impossible for a Malfoy not to smirk or sneer. Blame it on a low opinion of the world in general, especially one so easily controlled by the rich and powerful. Luckily there was no one to see it besides the ministry official confirming his vote, who returned the smile with a polite one of his own.

How galling it was to have to vote the same way as the mindless, common populous. To write down on paper that he thought Harry Potter deserved any praise or acclamations for ruining all of his dreams and practically destroying his family!

Politics, Lucius, he thought to himself as he joined Narcissa in her perusal of the room, his smile warmer and a little less sneering. There was nothing he could find fault with, which was a surprise to a man used to the finest things in life. The decorations were carefully thought out and lavish enough to dazzle all but the most jaded eye. His own quite jaded ones, ( ... )


mrsmalfoy6 May 31 2006, 02:28:45 UTC
Narcissa's back stiffened slightly at the touch of her husband's hand. She felt the warmth of it through her silk dress robes and suddenly missed Lucius very much, even though he was standing right beside her. Their relationship was not the same as it had been. But now was not the time to ponder the dynamics of their marriage. Now was the time to show the world that, yes, the Malfoy family was still just as powerful and rich as it had been before.

Lucius kissed her hand and Narcissa's throat tightened. Not fair. However, she reasoned, if they were to keep up appearances, certain things must be said and done. As far as she knew, Lucius was doing the same thing she was.

"I would like a glass of wine," she said simply. He knew what she liked. Lucius' gray eyes met her own and she was tempted to look away, but she maintained the gaze.

"No, I do not see him. He will be here though. I am sure of it."


ex_sinister May 31 2006, 19:51:30 UTC
Lucius' expression softened and a small smile once more touched his lips. He nodded once, his hand squeezing hers again before heading off to find them both a glass of wine. Courtesy, after all demanded that he see to his wife; leaving her alone long, even to get her a drink that she requested, just wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do.

In mere moments, he returned bearing two silvery goblets of wine. With an elegant bow, he offers Narcissa hers, allowing her time to take a sip before offering his arm.

It felt good to be here. It felt right. This was the life he had put on hold when Voldemort returned, and now, with his beautiful wife, dressed in their finest, being honored tonight with one of the wizarding world's highest awards, he was bound and determined not to let it slip away again.

"Will you allow me the honor of escorting you around, my dear?"


nowillbutthis May 27 2006, 15:51:59 UTC
Daphne slipped into the Crystal Ballroom quietly, her eyes searching the spaces around her for people she knew. She hadn't wanted to attend but she could ill afford to miss any political opportunity that came her way.

"Miss-" An official touched her arm and she spun, reflexively on edge, to see him holding out a quill and ballot. "Please confirm your vote." I don't vote. was the internal answer that first quirked her lips but thinking better of it, she took the ballot from him, eyes scanning quickly. Her fingers made one checkmark then passed it back.

Walking away before more questions could be asked, Daphne moved towards the bar, leaning on it and watching the others drift in.


charlie_weasel May 27 2006, 19:38:13 UTC
After placing his votes, Charlie wandered listlessly about- looking for- surprise!- the bar. Feeling rather claustophobic with his tie and tight, green corduroy blazer, and other bits of get-up, he put a finger to his neck and loosned his collar forcefully. He needed a drink- he was all stiff and bored-like.

After a few more moments of being aimless, Charlie spotted the bar- and quickly made a beeline for it, without sparing any of the other guests a passing glance. In a nervous-twitch sort of way, he tugged on the collar again as he slid into an empty stool. "Firewhiskey, please. Straight."


nymphadorauror May 28 2006, 02:18:16 UTC
“Make that two, and two champagnes, please.” Tonks quickly added in- with Charlie’s order, as she rushed up to the bar after leaving Ginny and Harry. Her friends needed drinks, and she was going to make sure they had them. Though when she approached the bar, Charlie was standing there already, making her hesitate slightly on what to do. They were supposed to meet at the event and try to have some sort of talk, but could she really do that now. No- she had an order to fetch, and so she moved to stand next to Charlie just as he placed his order.

He looked nice in his suit; the color was a good choice she thought as she turned from the bartender to glance at him. She wore her tight, professional smile, the one she had been practicing all afternoon while she prepped security, making sure she didn’t seem like she wasn’t anything but cheery. Though with Charlie standing there, she started to think about 'the talk', and it tugged her pretense smile to simmer into a faint one.

“Evening. Starting the night off on the right foot?”


charlie_weasel May 28 2006, 02:44:32 UTC
Charlie, surprised, looked over towards a familiar voice just as the bartender set his drink down. "Tonks--" He smiled, but his eyes kept catching on her silver work suit. He blinked. "You're very reflective. Wonderful--."

Charlie took a drink of his firewhiskey, but kept his eyes on Tonks. Her smile, he noticed, had faded. Was she going to make this awkward? Honestly. Charlie had had enough one-night-stands (etc) by now to not be all blundering and artless. But, what else was to be expected from her? She always did this.

"--Oh. Of course, I am. -Looks like you are as well. Two?" He smirked.


nymphadorauror May 28 2006, 02:54:38 UTC
She arched a brow at Charlie and let loose a quiet chuckle. “Least I don’t look like a boogie.” Her once faint smile twisted into a mischievous grin. “You look nice as one though, I must say.” And her own words made her chuckle again.

She noticed the bartender was just about finished with all of the drinks, and then Charlie commented on them. A hand shot to her hip as she tilted her head. “They are not all mine… One’s for Harry, one for Ginny, and one for me. Want to be a gentleman and help me bring ‘em over?” She did the math, three drinks and two hands, was way beyond what Tonks could handle. One drink would be beyond what Tonks could handle. Who was she kidding?


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