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ginny_afire May 27 2006, 03:53:35 UTC
Ginny had slid her hand into place on Harry's arm, trying to soothe the ball of tension that was her boyfriend. Some things never changed and Harry's tension pre-formal event was certainly one constant. Even worse when he was the guest of honor, so to speak.

"Just relax, Harry. Breathe, for Merlin's sake," she flashed him a quick smile that belied her own butterflies. At least she felt comfortable in her butter-cream gown. It was an older style of dress robe lined in a soft gold but it suited the one style Ginny could manage on her own with her hair which was to leave the curls flowing loose down her back with only a few white flowers for decoration. She had, of course, avoided roses.

After surrendering her cloak, Ginny smoothed a hand down the front of her gown. The neckline was nothing even her mother would protest although it was cut wide to leave her shoulders just visable. The double sleeves with the inner fitted sleeve and its outer bell she was absolutely certain were going to get drug through something before the night was over but Ginny shoved those worries aside as she saw Tonks.

"H'lo, Tonks!" She said brightly when there was a moment's pause from Harry's nervous words. "He'll be fine. I've promised to hold him up should he faint. I've smelling salts and all. You'd be surprised what these sleeves can hold. The only condition is no getting ill all over my dress."

She rested one hand on top of the one on her hand and squeezed gently, "Harry, you could go up there and read a shopping list and everyone would cheer. There is at least that advantage with fame. Don't fret. Shall I draw you flash cards? I'll hold them up over my head and surely everyone will remark on that rather than any stumble you make."


broken_harry May 27 2006, 05:45:17 UTC
"I don't need to sit down. I'll be fine....I should be fine. It's just a ruddy award. They can't make me say anything." Harry's eyes darted from Tonks to Ginny and back again, green flaring from nerves and their effects. "I don't have to say anything, right?"

Of course, he knew full well that he should, that he would...it was expected. He'd be expected to say something,and for it not to be absolute rubbish.

Harry offered a weak smile to both their efforts to lighten the mood, to reassure him and calm his rather obvious, yet mild panic. He squeeezed Ginny's hand under his again, trying to bring himself to chuckle at her joke, but his efforts only resulted in a small huff of breath.

This was worse than being named a tri-wizard champion fourth year. At least then people were bloody pissed at him and left him alone for the most part. And he hadn't been made to give a speech. Dumbledore always gave the speeches. He always said what Harry couldn't find the words for. He always met Harry's eyes in the crowd and silently reassured him with a small nod or a grin, just for him. But he wouldn't be there tonight. He hadn't been there, even in spirit, since Harry pushed his presence away that night now months prior. And Harry hadn't felt that lack of support and strength so keenly as he did at that moment.

"Maybe I should sit down."


nymphadorauror May 27 2006, 06:34:24 UTC
Right. Tonks angled herself to glance at places around the room where she thought she would catch a view of a certain person or other for a second, then saw what she needed and pressed two fingers in-between her lips and made a quick yet loud whistle that lasted but a second, to grab a person’s attention on the other side of the room. She then waved and motioned the man in a black suit forward, and then pointed at a chair that rested next to one of the select few tables in the room. She then grabbed Harry’s arm, and insisted with a short tug to walk backwards a bit for her, and get out of the middle area of this room.

“Well, I know you’ve just arrived, neither of you seem to have drinks.” She said casually, with a small smile at Ginny, who she hoped would help Tonks usher Harry back, where the man Tonks had whistled was to meet up with a chair for them, along the side of the room more.

“Harry, yes, please sit down… Let me get you both drinks, and calm your nerves. You can tell the Minister to..screw himself for all I care, just make sure to wave real nice and smile for the people watching, after you get your award. Ginny has you covered enough it seems, you have nothing to be worried about. If you are worried… if you aren’t, then I’m not reading this situation right at all.”

Tonks gave Ginny another look, but paused and smiled more pleasantly at Ginny then she had at Harry. “You are very lovely tonight Ginny… and what a handsome date you have with you this evening. I hope you both have been well, overlooking this point in time, of course.”

Tonks then gently let go of Harry and took a step back. “What can I fetch you both? Bubbly? Something nerve relaxing?”


ginny_afire May 27 2006, 23:04:39 UTC
Ginny returned Tonks smile with a bright one of her own as she strode towards the area that she'd gestured too. Since her arm was still on Harry's, it left him with little recourse but to follow or let go of her.

"Sitting is good. I'll have champagne. Harry'll have a firewhisky," she glanced over to Harry with a chuckle as they found the chair set off to the side, "Sit down, Harry, and breathe. I'll doodle things on you if you pass out."

Ginny teased mercilessly but her fingertips found his cheek, "Look at it this way, you do get a few minutes to tell all of the wizarding world what you want them to hear and this time, no one can twist your words."

She patted his hand once before turning to Tonks, "Thank you, Tonks, and yes, he is handsome if a bit stark. It does make it easy to dress to match, however. We've been doing well enough. How've you been?"


redheadedjokers May 28 2006, 03:03:59 UTC
Fred and George arrived at the Ministry shindig looking... Rather toned down. The twins were each wearing a set of formal black dress robes, Fred with a dark burgundy collared shirt and George with a dark blue collared shirt.

Fred had, of course protested the more subdued look of his new dress robes. However, George reminded his twin that it would be easier to slip out later, if the two couldn't be picked out of a crowd as easily... Not to mention that these robes were vastly easier on the eyes and it really wouldn't do to upstage any of the honorees.

They immediately picked out Ginny and Harry standing with Tonks. "Yes, and if you get nervous," George suggested, "just imagine that every one of us out here is sitting around naked."


broken_harry May 28 2006, 04:58:32 UTC
Harry took a seat, feeling infinitley better off his feet, though a firewhiskey sounded just about bloody perfect for his jittery nerves. He smiled up at Tonks, a silent thanks for getting the drink and for just being supportive.

"I'll be fine. If I can skip over the award bit and a speech, I'll be bloody perfect."

Keeping Ginny's hand on his arm, needing the strength her contact supplied, Harry was about to try and lighten his own mood with a comment about her drawing over his face, but suddenly two more redheads were standing at the table.

"Merlin, mates, that's not going to help at all!" Harry managed a genuine smile, shaking his head to get rid of the thought. "Knowing my luck, I'll end up staring right at Snape."


ginny_afire May 28 2006, 05:13:10 UTC
Ginny chuckled and shifted to rest her hand on Harry's shoulder to keep up the contact but it wasn't exactly easy with him stitting as she remained standing.

"Don't the two of you look suspiciously handsome tonight," Ginny said as she greeted two of her brothers with quick hugs. She fussed with George's tie and brushed a speck off of Fred's shoulder before returning to Harry with an impish grin as she added, "Could be worse than Snape. Could be Fleur. Then you'll sit up there unable to think of a single word and Bill will kill you afterwords. I think that would be worse than a naked Severus."


redheadedjokers May 28 2006, 14:37:15 UTC
"We decided," George smiled, hugging Ginny back, "that it would be bad form to up stage the honorees tonight.

"And I was going to say," Fred added, "that he could end up staring at Umbridge all night, but somehow, I think your suggestion is worse, Gin..."

With that, Fred too gave his sister a quick hug back and then catching the server to order another pair of fire whiskeys, for him and George.


nymphadorauror May 28 2006, 19:50:22 UTC
Tonks chuckled softly at Harry and shook her head a bit, wondering what the issue was all about, on getting an award, but didn't say another word. She waved at the Twins, who had just approached, and then headed toward the bar as quick as she could. The boy needed a drink.

((Tonks continues over here))


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