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mrsmalfoy6 May 27 2006, 14:24:12 UTC
Narcissa Malfoy entered the Crytsal Ballroom of the Pegasus. After confirming her votes with the Ministry officials and waiting for Lucius to do the same, she continued in a little farther, her blue eyes sweeping the room. There was no doubt they had done a wonderful job of decorating; everything was elegant, and suddenly Narcissa felt right at home.

Where is my son? was her first thought, followed immediately by a scolding voice in the back of her brain. You will enjoy this night. Your husband may receive an honor that is incredibly important to him. You will not ruin this. Instead, Narcissa put on her usual sneer. Although she had been distant with Lucius for the past few months, no one must suspect it. If anyone asked, they were peachy keen and no one will know otherwise. What would people say if they knew that one of the richest, most powerful, Pureblood families was crumbling right before there eyes?

"I think I would like a drink, Lucius," Narcissa said. She left her statement open-ended; if he wanted to join her, fine. If not, she would find someone else to socialize with.


ex_sinister May 30 2006, 21:55:10 UTC
Lucius' own lips were curved in what might have been meant as a polite smile, but came across as a subtle smirk; though it was almost impossible for a Malfoy not to smirk or sneer. Blame it on a low opinion of the world in general, especially one so easily controlled by the rich and powerful. Luckily there was no one to see it besides the ministry official confirming his vote, who returned the smile with a polite one of his own.

How galling it was to have to vote the same way as the mindless, common populous. To write down on paper that he thought Harry Potter deserved any praise or acclamations for ruining all of his dreams and practically destroying his family!

Politics, Lucius, he thought to himself as he joined Narcissa in her perusal of the room, his smile warmer and a little less sneering. There was nothing he could find fault with, which was a surprise to a man used to the finest things in life. The decorations were carefully thought out and lavish enough to dazzle all but the most jaded eye. His own quite jaded ones, skimmed over the faces already assembled there, meeting a few eyes and nodding genially. These are the voting populous and therefore must be catered to, no matter how obnoxious and common they are.

Placing his hand on the small of Narcissa’s back, he bent his head towards her as she spoke, taking in her general attitude and public mask she so deftly donned. Still chilly, but willing to play to the masses. He let his eyes warm, turning the cold iron of his gaze into a softer silver. The hand on her back shifted to capture her hand, raising it up to brush his lips over her knuckles.

“Whatever you wish, my dear. I shall garner us both a beverage and we can… mingle.” One silver eye closed in a brief wink before the warmth faded and his expression sobered. He tightened his grip on her hand ever so slightly and searched her face.

“Do you see him…? Is he here yet?” His voice was the very essence of restrained concern, the perfect mix of worried father and concerned husband. Really he was quite pleased with the effect.


mrsmalfoy6 May 31 2006, 02:28:45 UTC
Narcissa's back stiffened slightly at the touch of her husband's hand. She felt the warmth of it through her silk dress robes and suddenly missed Lucius very much, even though he was standing right beside her. Their relationship was not the same as it had been. But now was not the time to ponder the dynamics of their marriage. Now was the time to show the world that, yes, the Malfoy family was still just as powerful and rich as it had been before.

Lucius kissed her hand and Narcissa's throat tightened. Not fair. However, she reasoned, if they were to keep up appearances, certain things must be said and done. As far as she knew, Lucius was doing the same thing she was.

"I would like a glass of wine," she said simply. He knew what she liked. Lucius' gray eyes met her own and she was tempted to look away, but she maintained the gaze.

"No, I do not see him. He will be here though. I am sure of it."


ex_sinister May 31 2006, 19:51:30 UTC
Lucius' expression softened and a small smile once more touched his lips. He nodded once, his hand squeezing hers again before heading off to find them both a glass of wine. Courtesy, after all demanded that he see to his wife; leaving her alone long, even to get her a drink that she requested, just wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do.

In mere moments, he returned bearing two silvery goblets of wine. With an elegant bow, he offers Narcissa hers, allowing her time to take a sip before offering his arm.

It felt good to be here. It felt right. This was the life he had put on hold when Voldemort returned, and now, with his beautiful wife, dressed in their finest, being honored tonight with one of the wizarding world's highest awards, he was bound and determined not to let it slip away again.

"Will you allow me the honor of escorting you around, my dear?"


mrsmalfoy6 June 2 2006, 16:13:17 UTC
Lucius disappeared and reappeared a moment later with two goblets of wine. Narcissa sipped hers, savoring the taste. Ever since her day on Ullswater, wine always reminded her of Morsus. Not in a romantic way, but in a sort of fond manner. It had taken all her strength to try and not think of him as a son, but she couldn't help but wonder sometimes what life would be like if Morsus was her son instead of Draco.

Narcissa immediately felt guilty and tried to make up for it by scanning the room once more for her blonde son. Still no flash of his silvery hair. After a moment she realized Lucius' arm was being offered and she took it, delicately slipping hers through and resting it in the crook of her husband's elbow. This was how their life used to be. Endless social events, dining with only the finest, and drinking the best wines. Draco would stay up at night until they got home, no matter how much the Malfoys senior told the nanny to make sure he was in bed by nine. Narcissa would sneak upstairs, hoping Lucius would not hear her, and kiss her son good night.

But life wasn't like that anymore. Now they were acting as if everything were the way it was, but Narcissa was not fooled. Draco was not waiting up at home for her. He would barely even talk to her.

"Of course," Narcissa replied to Lucius, wondering briefly what he would have done if she had said no.


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