
Jun 25, 2007 13:55

Date: June 25, 2001
Time: Early Afternoon
Character(s) Involved: Charlotte and Dean Thomas and anyone that wishes to stop by
Where: Tresor Litteraire
Complete or Incomplete: Incomplete
Rating: PG ish

Life isn't always easy... )

character: stephen stebbins, status: complete, status: open, character: charlotte aurelius, character: dean thomas, location: tresor litteraire

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Comments 13

gryffndean June 26 2007, 01:38:12 UTC
Lately, Dean had developed a habit of bringing a sandwich to the office, and eating while he worked. That way, he could use his 'lunch' hour to do other things. Sometimes he had shops he needed to visit or specific errands to run, but some days he just enjoyed taking a walk. He'd left the office today with the vague idea of stopping in to see Seamus, but when he was nearly there he'd thought better of it- Dean had no doubt that Seamus would always drop anything for a chat with a friend, but Dean also knew that Seamus probably had a lot of other things that needed doing in the new pub ( ... )


beautesolitaire June 26 2007, 05:00:44 UTC
Charlotte sat up in the chair when she heard the bell over the door dinging. She moved to push herself up, "Monsieur Dean, over 'ere." she said with a tired smile as she stood up.

Socrates wagged his tail in greeting to Seamus' friend. He was usually good for an ear rub or a treat. "I was just taking a little rest." she explained as she dusted her hands off on her dress.


gryffndean June 26 2007, 05:25:03 UTC
Dean glanced over in the direction of Charlotte's voice and smiled, walking over to join her.

"Well, don't let me disturb your rest, then!" Dean said, gesturing back to the chair she had just stood up from. He noticed that Charlotte was looking a little tired- he certainly didn't want to add to that.

"I just stopped in to say hello, actually." Dean sat down on a nearby chair, reaching over to scratch Socrates on the head. "How are things going? I don't think I've seen you since the pub opened."


beautesolitaire June 26 2007, 05:39:45 UTC
Charlotte didn't need to be told twice to take her seat again. Socrates' tail thumped against the carpet as he gave Dean a silly stupid smile, like oh yeah, scratch the ear. She gave him a tired smile, "T'ings 'ave been very busy. Zey are not easy, but zey are rewarding."

Busy wasn't an easy word for it, a engagement, a wedding, new business ventures all in six months. A baby on the way, but it was all happy, yet stressful at the same time. "We 'ave 'ad so much to do... ze memorial... ze baby... so much." she sighed, completely exasperated with the pace of things. She didn't say anything to Seamus though. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a hankie to rub her nose. There wasn't much she could do to feel better.


stebbinsthescot June 26 2007, 18:34:29 UTC
Stephen and Kelly Stebbins' celebration that day was two-fold. The next day would be the one-year anniversary of their marriage, and just a few days ago Kelly had graduated from Uni. With her newfound freedom from schoolwork, Stephen hoped that they would have more time together--and, perhaps, she could come to know the magical world more personally. He'd told her plenty second-hand, but there was little she'd actually experienced, and as a Muggle, she had a long way to go ( ... )


beautesolitaire June 28 2007, 03:34:01 UTC
Charlotte wiped her hands, she was waiting for Dean to return with her lunch from across the street when the couple came in. She was tired, but she smiled anyway, "Bonjour, may I 'elp you find anyt'ing particular?" she asked, Socrates watching the couple with a cocked head, almost like he was confused for a moment.

She thought she recognized the man from the opening of the pub, but there had been so many people there that she wasn't sure if he had been there or not. Charlotte stayed close to the register, just watching the woman's reaction to the book, "Do you like dragons, madame?" she asked, knowing she had a sizable section, though that particular book was good for display, though the dragons in the picture tended to get a little pissy if the book was in direct sunlight for too long, looking more like a red tornado then lazily grumpy dragons.


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