
Oct 11, 2006 18:46

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Time: From 1pm
Location: The Blackpool Tower Ballrooms, Blackpool
Characters Involved: OPEN TO ALL (Pansy's such an attention whore)
Rating: PG-13ish, presumably for possible swearing only

Finally - she got to be the centre of attention )

status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: pansy parkinson, character: perry derrick, character: severus snape, character: lavender brown, character: padma patil, character: millicent bulstrode-morsus, character: hannah abbott, character: parvati patil, character: ginny weasley, character: lucius malfoy, character: seamus finnigan

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Comments 56

Around 1:10 flowerpatil October 11 2006, 18:56:46 UTC
Parvati couldn't wait to get to Pansy's party. She had spent all morning preparing - after all, you don't just show up to a Parkinson bash without spending hours in front of the mirror. Her long black hair was in a sleek ponytail at the base of her neck, the actual 'tail' part of it set in gentle waves. The orange dress that Parvati chose had only been worn once before, and she felt that she didn't need to go buy something new when she had this perfectly good outfit in her closet. It really complimented her slim, tall figure, and the brightness of the fabric contrasted wonderfully with the darker colour of her skin. Her red open-toed heels pulled the outfit together, and she had to admit that she looked stunning.

The gift that she had purchased, a delicate crystal swan, was in a silver-coloured box wrapped with pink and silver wrapping paper, a small yet intricate matching bow placed perfectly on top. Parvati was a bit nervous about the gift - she had bought it in a Muggle antique shop. The proprieter had said it was a Swarovski ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 everythingroger October 11 2006, 19:56:29 UTC
Less to leave an good impression with the Parkinsons but more so to not disappoint his charming date, Roger had put much attention to what he wore to Pansy Parkinson’s ball and after carefully going through his wardrobe, Roger had decided to go with something classic. He’d picked a black, expensive suit he’d been given by his parents for his birthday some years ago, and while it’d been just a little too big back then, he fit it nicely now.

For once he also had paid great attention to his hair, which was something he usually detested to do. He’d carefully styled them as to leave no strands of his curly black hair hanging in his face, and after he’d eyed himself up once more in the mirror, Roger apparated just a few blocks from the Blackpool Tower, to a lonely backstreet free of muggles.

Therefore, he made his way over to the impressive tower by foot, quickly spotting his date waiting in front of it. Smiling warmly, he approached her. “Parvati?”


Re: Around 1:10 flowerpatil October 11 2006, 20:45:08 UTC
Hearing her name, Parvati turned only to see Roger Davies looking as good as ever. She smiled, relieved that not only had a familiar face arrived, but pleased that she had a good date.

"Roger," she said, walking the rest of the way to meet him. "You look great!" Parvati stood on her toes and kissed his cheek lightly in greeting. It was nice how comfortable she felt - not at all awkward like she had been with Oliver.

"I'm just waiting for Lavender, Seamus, and Neville, but we can go inside if you'd like. I'm sure they'd be able to find us."


Re: Around 1:10 about_abbott October 12 2006, 02:56:03 UTC
Hannah wasn't sure about the gift she'd gotten for Pansy. Parvati had assured her that something unique would be appropriate even if it was Muggle. The trinket box was ornate enough to look lavish while small enough to place on a thick chain and wear as a locket of sorts. On top of her nevousness, Hannah wasn't quite sure what to wear so she settled on a pink dress that had hung lonesomely in her closet since her mother's passing. They'd bought them just to play dress up whenever they felt the need to feel girly. Hannah hoped that wearing the dress would make her feel as if she had a close friend with her at the party.

She'd thought to head over as early as possible. The sooner she made an appearance the sooner she could leave. When she arrived, Hannah was greatly relieved to see Parvati standing just outside the door. From the looks of it she seemed to be headed inside with another person.

"Parvati," Hannah called out hoping the other women would hear her so she wouldn't have to walk in alone.


Four o'clock subtle_simmer October 11 2006, 21:18:35 UTC
Events such as these were exceedingly awkward for Severus. There was no question as to his attending, of course. Miss Parkinson had been one of 'his', in spite of their frequent and rather heated differences of opinion in certain instances.

However, Anna-Marie had been a classmate. In school. In Slytherin HOUSE. It is impossible to adequately describe, in a few short paragraphs, the true mortification which memories of that portion of his life afforded him. Not just the school-boy-cruelty of Black and Potter as remembered embarrassment. That could be over-come with haughty disdain and the pleasant knowledge that both individuals were quite dead.

No, this was mortification of a far worse kind, stemming from his own actions! Poor beyond poor, half-blood, and even uglier as a youth than he was now, he started his school career with a multitude of 'strikes' against him! The heavy yorkshire accent had not been completely overcome in his early school years, adding to the disdain of his superior classmates ( ... )


Re: Four o'clock subtle_simmer October 11 2006, 21:19:09 UTC
He dressed with care for the event. Freshly showered after his last lesson, green silk robes with the Slytherin Crest and silver accents, he looked as 'good' as he ever did... which isn't saying much. He was so used to being ugly that it generally didn't bother him, but today he was at least glad he had submitted to Myron's efforts to improve his 'look' all those months ago.

The gift he had brought was not in the least 'personal', considering that he no longer had much insight into the young lady's preferences. However, he did know enough about females, in general, and wealthy females more particularly, to be able to have a tolerable 'guess'. The jewelers in Hogsmeade was able to help him select a tasteful pearl-teardrop pendant on a fine gold necklace, and matching earrings. It was less than he generally spent on Draco's birthday, but would not be considered 'miserly' considering his station in relation to theirs. The store wrapped it appropriately in paper with tasteful imprints of their logo on the bow, and he had retrieved ( ... )


Re: Four o'clock freakedwithjet October 11 2006, 22:12:19 UTC
Looking for flaws in Anna-Marie was like looking for a grain of sand in a pearl. All pearls had them, it was part of their charm, but it made up the whole so seamlessly it was impossible to pinpoint it exactly. So it was with Anna-Marie, standing shorter even than her daughter, slim in a way that only comes of breeding and in faultlessly cut dress-robes of black silk and elbow gloves. Pansy had quite indiscriminately invited the entire world - it wouldn't do to touch ( ... )


Re: Four o'clock subtle_simmer October 12 2006, 00:59:30 UTC
The awkward adolescent who possessed no proper diction of speech, let alone decent clothing was a lifetime ago. A lifetime of hardship and concealment which enabled Severus Snape, the man, to have faced down the Dark Lord, himself, with deceit and secrets in his heart, and not waver.

It required almost as much control now. He almost did not take her hand - even that common gesture was at least as distasteful to him as it was to her! However, if he was to 'prove' himself to have matured beyond that boy which she must surely still see as she looked at him, it would not do to slight her, here and now.

Besides, Severus had developed a highly critical view of everything and everyone. He no longer saw the perfect beauty which had set his adolescent hormones raging, but instead saw the ice-princess, as cold and untouchable now, as ever, and he wondered how she had ever submitted to such a carnal act as to conceive a child at all. The tiny lines and slight roughening of the once-perfect complexion did not escape his sharp gaze, and the ( ... )


3:00 p.m. inner_human October 11 2006, 21:52:58 UTC
The day was off to a bad start, which really wasn't much of a surprise. Perry hadn't even been at the Ballroom for an hour before he was regretting showing up at all. Except, he really had no choice, did he? It was his girlfriend's birthday and she was throwing the "party of the century"-he couldn't just brush her off!

After all, that would rob her of the privilege of doing the same to him.

He'd arrived an hour early. He'd left her gift (wrapped in a flat black box tied with silver lace ribbon) on the table, one of the first there. He was wearing this God-awful set of green robes-and actually, the sleek bottle-green fabric and silver (platinum, Pansy had said) trim suited him rather well. He and Pansy would make quite the match... if they were anywhere near each other.

Perry had done all this just to be dismissed. He wasn't sure if he should have expected better... the pair had not talked since their last row, and no doubt Pansy had reason to be short with him. She had plenty of other things to worry about than him. Her ( ... )


Re: 3:00 p.m. freakedwithjet October 11 2006, 22:26:22 UTC
Adoolphus had been asking around. This bloke of Pansy's, the one who had upset her - which so few people had the power to do, to really upset her - he was here somewhere ( ... )


Re: 3:00 p.m. inner_human October 11 2006, 22:55:41 UTC
Perry was used to being a predator, not prey. Otherwise, he may have run ( ... )


Re: 3:00 p.m. freakedwithjet October 11 2006, 23:45:53 UTC
Not aware he'd already been clocked, Adolphus took a lazy drink from his own glass and watched this Perry character hesitate to take a sip. A tee-totaller? Adolphus wasn't sure how he'd feel about that - surely a real man should be able to take a drink from a friendly face? Then he did drink but that grin - it spoke of secrets and a past Adolphus didn't like near to his daughter.

His brows lowered as he leant against the wall beside the taller man.

He could see Pansy from where they were standing - or rather, he could see flashes of gleaming green amongst the tightest knot of guests. He half-smiled to himself before he remembered his company. That was his girl, the centre of attention and undoubtedly milking every second for what it was worth. There was little enough time for her to have her day, at the moment.

Adolphus' glass paused just next to his lips. His girl... but for how long? This great hulk of gloom - was this the man who was going to take her away? Eyeing Perry speculatively and discreetly over his glass, Adolphus ( ... )


4:30pm mrsmalfoy6 October 12 2006, 02:49:14 UTC
Narcissa arrived to the Blackpool Tower Ballroom at promptly 4:30pm. She did not feel the need to arrive any earlier, as she assumed this party was more for the 'younger' set, but wished to pay her respects to Pansy and Mr and Mrs Parkinson. Her green silk and lace evening dress fit nicely on her slim, fragile body, her her long blonde hair was set loosely around her face and shoulders with the front pinned back from her eyes.

The dress Narcissa had purchased was made especially with Pansy in mind; the Malfoys had the money to buy cutom-made gifts for their friends. After setting the perfectly wrapped green and silver gift on the table with the other presents before moving off toward Pansy's mother to greet her.

"Mrs Parkinson," she said with a smile. "May I wish you and your daughter my congratulations on this day of great celebration."


Re: 4:30pm freakedwithjet October 12 2006, 21:12:34 UTC
Anna-Marie had always looked up to Narcissa in her early days at school. She was beautiful, respected and immaculate - to a young Anna-Marie, struggling to find her feet in Slytherin House where as yet her name commanded little respect and her snooty ways did her more harm than good, she seemed like the pinnacle of social prowess.

It was odd now, to be an equal to her, of sorts and although Anna-Marie had never degraded herself to the level of publically exhibiting, even at eleven, her hero worship of Narcissa, it also felt a little awkward.

Not that she would show it.

"Mrs Malfoy," Anna-Marie returned, "how kind of you, and thank you for your gift- I shall make sure Pansy gives it it's due attention."

Day of great celebration - that was an interesting concept. Was it? She wasn't quite sure.


Re: 4:30pm mrsmalfoy6 October 13 2006, 13:22:12 UTC
"The ballroom looks lovely. It is so nice to see such a young woman as Pansy already very familiar in the ways of social graces. I can tell you have raised her well."

It was meant as a compliment, but Narcissa knew how touchy people could be about their children - she was a prime example. It was a little awkward standing with Anna-Marie and Narcissa wished Lucius had followed her over.

"Has she planned this all herself?"

Nothing like small talk to be safe, right?


Re: 4:30pm freakedwithjet October 13 2006, 22:13:49 UTC
Inclining her head in acknowledgement of the compliment, Anna-Marie's drifted over to her daughter who was greeting some other guests and grinning. Grinning. How vulgar.

"Perhaps you can tell that I tried," Anna-Marie rejoined, turning her gaze back onto Narcissa. "She does allow her... youthful exuberance to overwhelm her sometimes, but no doubt maturity will correct that."

Ann-Marie had already had conversations similar to this a hundred times - she fully expected to have it several hundred times more. Yet she didn't show as her eyes swept over the room that she was already sick of the over-the-top gilt and paintwork. Herself, she would have preferred a sleek white hotel suite, with crystal vases of crisp white lilies.

Unsurprising that her daughter should chose such a place in stead.

"Yes, Pansy did plan it all. Everything to her... taste." Anna-Marie smiled thinly. "She didn't not want much parental interference. Except for the parental gold, of course."


4:30 mirror_darkly October 12 2006, 15:34:28 UTC
Lucius knew the Parkinsons well enough as another of 'the' families to associate with. The party would undoubtedly be more for the younger people, but it was a good place to see and be seen and reconnect with Society after his absence. Narcissa had been talking about going for the past few days, and Lucius couldn't see any reason why he shouldn't accompany her. It just simply wouldn't do to not be seen arriving as a set ( ... )


Re: 4:30 freakedwithjet October 18 2006, 01:38:42 UTC
Adolphus smiled wryly. His message delivered, his threat clear, he was back to being ever inch the jovial host ( ... )


Re: 4:30 inner_human October 21 2006, 12:14:48 UTC
Perry could have grabbed the fat-headed old codger's throat right then. The nerve of him, insinuating he didn't know their Pansy... and perhaps he didn't. He found himself thinking he didn't know the girl at all, every now and then. But it was certainly not her father's place to judge!

But... they were at a party-Pansy's party, and he could not make a scene. He restrained his ire by clenching his teeth, and accepted a refill from the waiter, only to turn his head and realize that his situation had become much worse. Of all people, why did it have to be Lucius Malfoy? Perry's posture straightened automatically and he held his glass a little more tightly ( ... )


Re: 4:30 mirror_darkly November 1 2006, 15:43:58 UTC
Lucius remembered Perry's parents from years ago and vaguely remembered a young son, but he had, sadly, not kept up with the next generation of aspiring upper middle class as he might have. He remembered the boy's father as a consummate ingratiator, but it seemed as if the son had not inherited his father's full skills, if his slightly childish behavior toward Adolphus was any indication. Well, either way, both types could be easily led. Lucius added this Peregrin to his list of 'up-and-comings to know.' Just...now was not a good time to act on that knowledge, given his host's social cues ( ... )


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