
Oct 11, 2006 18:46

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Time: From 1pm
Location: The Blackpool Tower Ballrooms, Blackpool
Characters Involved: OPEN TO ALL (Pansy's such an attention whore)
Rating: PG-13ish, presumably for possible swearing only

Finally - she got to be the centre of attention )

status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: pansy parkinson, character: perry derrick, character: severus snape, character: lavender brown, character: padma patil, character: millicent bulstrode-morsus, character: hannah abbott, character: parvati patil, character: ginny weasley, character: lucius malfoy, character: seamus finnigan

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Re: 4:30 freakedwithjet October 18 2006, 01:38:42 UTC
Adolphus smiled wryly. His message delivered, his threat clear, he was back to being ever inch the jovial host.

"You obviously still don't know our Pansy so well, if you think she'll listen to anyone, let alone me," he commented, signalling for another refill. "All in all, I think warning you was the best course of action. So be sure you remember it."

Again his tone darkened just slightly, and then he turned to greet a man who had arrived to the other side of them, waiting politely for them to finish talking.

Lucius Malfoy was much younger than Adolphus - more of an age with his wife and conincidently they didn't share much common ground aside from association on nights such as these when the men gathered on the edges of the dance floor to talk business while the women compared Chantilly lace.

Adolphus wasn't sure what he made of Lucius. He was another who played his cards close to his chest and had a miraculous habit of always picking the winning team - eventually. Perhaps it was a certain amount of affinity that led Adolphus to feel a neutral apathy towards the man. He stuck out a hand and said, "Lucius Malfoy, well, it's certainly been a while! How are things doing down on the Manor? And the family?"

Praise be to the knowledge-imparting social commentary of his wife, that Adolphus knew not to speak of the son - a disappointment, at least in Anna-Marie's eyes. And people had pitied him for only fathering one daughter - she had not brought shame upon the family, at least.

Well. His eyes drifted over to Perry. Not yet, at any rate.

"Oh, I am sorry. Lucius, this is ...Peregrin Derrick."

The slightly distasteful tone in his voice spoke volumes.


Re: 4:30 inner_human October 21 2006, 12:14:48 UTC
Perry could have grabbed the fat-headed old codger's throat right then. The nerve of him, insinuating he didn't know their Pansy... and perhaps he didn't. He found himself thinking he didn't know the girl at all, every now and then. But it was certainly not her father's place to judge!

But... they were at a party-Pansy's party, and he could not make a scene. He restrained his ire by clenching his teeth, and accepted a refill from the waiter, only to turn his head and realize that his situation had become much worse. Of all people, why did it have to be Lucius Malfoy? Perry's posture straightened automatically and he held his glass a little more tightly.

It was an infamous name from his childhood. Perry's father, shameless schmoozer that he was, had one hobby that ruled above all else; making as many useful or powerful connections as was humanly possible. He remembered how Richard had commanded him to "look after" Draco when he found out the boy was entering Hogwarts; as if Perry had any interest in babysitting first years! Having the Malfoys in your circle of close friends was a feat to which any pureblood socialite would aspire. It seemed the Parkinsons had achieved it, at least on some level. But Perry wondered if they were genuine associates, or if Adolphus was the same as every other fake brown-noser a party like this would surely attract?

He should have snuck away while the two men were talking. But he hadn't, and as Adolphus introduced him Perry resisted the urge to scowl at the other man. He heard the disdain in his voice and wondered if he was to be treated to yet more mockery from the higher end of society. Surely Lucius would remember his father (who didn't?), but had the man ever liked him?

"Mr. Malfoy." He nodded, but he wasn't about to offer his hand until the other man did so.


Re: 4:30 mirror_darkly November 1 2006, 15:43:58 UTC
Lucius remembered Perry's parents from years ago and vaguely remembered a young son, but he had, sadly, not kept up with the next generation of aspiring upper middle class as he might have. He remembered the boy's father as a consummate ingratiator, but it seemed as if the son had not inherited his father's full skills, if his slightly childish behavior toward Adolphus was any indication. Well, either way, both types could be easily led. Lucius added this Peregrin to his list of 'up-and-comings to know.' Just...now was not a good time to act on that knowledge, given his host's social cues.

Lucius heard the thick, sour coating over the name as Adolphus introduced Perry, but he wasn't sure if it had to do with social position or something else. So, he waited one beat of silence more than 'social position' warranted and one less than 'something else' did before turning to Perry with a nod and a slight smile of acknowledgement. "Mr. Derrick. I knew your parents, but that was long ago. I hope all is well?" he asked neutrally, with slight apparent interest--but enough that he hoped, if the boy had taken after his father, he would realize Lucius's current need for constraint and possibly seek him out later, when their host was not present.


Re: 4:30 mirror_darkly November 1 2006, 15:44:30 UTC
Lucius had years' practise in appearing to not be listening, when, really, he heard every word. So, Adolphus and young Perry were at odds? And over young Ms. Parkinson in her current, rather daring ensemble? This could prove quite interesting to know.

"Adolphus Parkinson," Lucius said with a social smile, taking his hand and pumping it once in a firm shake. "You're right, it has been a long time. I'm glad we had an occasion to reconnect after my long absence. One should never let it get too long." He glanced around the beautifully decorated, boistrous hall. "And on such an auspicious day and in such elegant surroundings, as well. You all have always had excellent taste.

"Everything fares well at the Manor. Thank you for asking. I am still settling in after my travels through Europe, and my wife, son, and I are all taking that opportunity to find a new routine to settle back into." Lucius smiled his most pleasant, diplomatic smile. That was the complete truth. He was still ill at ease even after a few weeks being home. He simply couldn't shake his feelings of being out of the loop. Lucius supposed you could call that 'settling in.' Narcissa was still being cold to him for having left, and Draco was nowhere to be seen and avoiding the Family as if they had the plague. Once Lucius threw off his own funk, he would be reminding the boy just where, exactly, his obligations lay. Lucius supposed that could be 'finding a new routine.'

"And yourself? How are things in your household? I must say, if this gathering is any indication, things must be going just smashingly."


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