
Oct 11, 2006 18:46

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Time: From 1pm
Location: The Blackpool Tower Ballrooms, Blackpool
Characters Involved: OPEN TO ALL (Pansy's such an attention whore)
Rating: PG-13ish, presumably for possible swearing only

Finally - she got to be the centre of attention )

status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: pansy parkinson, character: perry derrick, character: severus snape, character: lavender brown, character: padma patil, character: millicent bulstrode-morsus, character: hannah abbott, character: parvati patil, character: ginny weasley, character: lucius malfoy, character: seamus finnigan

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Around 1:10 flowerpatil October 11 2006, 18:56:46 UTC
Parvati couldn't wait to get to Pansy's party. She had spent all morning preparing - after all, you don't just show up to a Parkinson bash without spending hours in front of the mirror. Her long black hair was in a sleek ponytail at the base of her neck, the actual 'tail' part of it set in gentle waves. The orange dress that Parvati chose had only been worn once before, and she felt that she didn't need to go buy something new when she had this perfectly good outfit in her closet. It really complimented her slim, tall figure, and the brightness of the fabric contrasted wonderfully with the darker colour of her skin. Her red open-toed heels pulled the outfit together, and she had to admit that she looked stunning.

The gift that she had purchased, a delicate crystal swan, was in a silver-coloured box wrapped with pink and silver wrapping paper, a small yet intricate matching bow placed perfectly on top. Parvati was a bit nervous about the gift - she had bought it in a Muggle antique shop. The proprieter had said it was a Swarovski ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 everythingroger October 11 2006, 19:56:29 UTC
Less to leave an good impression with the Parkinsons but more so to not disappoint his charming date, Roger had put much attention to what he wore to Pansy Parkinson’s ball and after carefully going through his wardrobe, Roger had decided to go with something classic. He’d picked a black, expensive suit he’d been given by his parents for his birthday some years ago, and while it’d been just a little too big back then, he fit it nicely now.

For once he also had paid great attention to his hair, which was something he usually detested to do. He’d carefully styled them as to leave no strands of his curly black hair hanging in his face, and after he’d eyed himself up once more in the mirror, Roger apparated just a few blocks from the Blackpool Tower, to a lonely backstreet free of muggles.

Therefore, he made his way over to the impressive tower by foot, quickly spotting his date waiting in front of it. Smiling warmly, he approached her. “Parvati?”


Re: Around 1:10 flowerpatil October 11 2006, 20:45:08 UTC
Hearing her name, Parvati turned only to see Roger Davies looking as good as ever. She smiled, relieved that not only had a familiar face arrived, but pleased that she had a good date.

"Roger," she said, walking the rest of the way to meet him. "You look great!" Parvati stood on her toes and kissed his cheek lightly in greeting. It was nice how comfortable she felt - not at all awkward like she had been with Oliver.

"I'm just waiting for Lavender, Seamus, and Neville, but we can go inside if you'd like. I'm sure they'd be able to find us."


Re: Around 1:10 about_abbott October 12 2006, 02:56:03 UTC
Hannah wasn't sure about the gift she'd gotten for Pansy. Parvati had assured her that something unique would be appropriate even if it was Muggle. The trinket box was ornate enough to look lavish while small enough to place on a thick chain and wear as a locket of sorts. On top of her nevousness, Hannah wasn't quite sure what to wear so she settled on a pink dress that had hung lonesomely in her closet since her mother's passing. They'd bought them just to play dress up whenever they felt the need to feel girly. Hannah hoped that wearing the dress would make her feel as if she had a close friend with her at the party.

She'd thought to head over as early as possible. The sooner she made an appearance the sooner she could leave. When she arrived, Hannah was greatly relieved to see Parvati standing just outside the door. From the looks of it she seemed to be headed inside with another person.

"Parvati," Hannah called out hoping the other women would hear her so she wouldn't have to walk in alone.


Re: Around 1:10 flowerpatil October 12 2006, 03:14:04 UTC
Parvati turned again, this time to see a blonde woman heading toward her. She grinned and waved, waiting for the other woman to join them.

"That's Hannah Abbott," she said quickly to Roger. "She was in Hufflepuff, my year."

Once Hannah reached them, she hugged her in greeting. "You look fabulous. I love that dress. We're just waiting for Lavender, Seamus, and Neville. You remember Roger Davies? He's my date." She grinned and winked at Roger before turning back to Hannah.


Re: Around 1:10 mslavenderbrown October 12 2006, 05:04:25 UTC
"Par!" Lavender called, rushing as well as her high heels would let her. She was running a bit ahead of Seamus and Neville who were, of course, not as excited to come as she was. Dressed up in a lovely creamy coloured strapless dress she didn't feel that she looked nearly as pretty as Parvati, the elegant "Number 8" as she had taken to calling her around the flat. "Hi, Hannah!" she said, smiling at the girl. "Lovely dress!"

She took a good look at Roger Davies. He certainly did look nice. Good one, Par!!! she thought, wishing she could pull her friend aside now to compliment her bagging such a nice man. Perhaps she could cross out finding Parvati a date on her to-do list... But, Neville, hmm.. She looked back and saw him truging along, and beamed a smile at him. And then here was Hannah -- A HUFFLEPUFF. Didn't she keep saying that Neville needed a nice Hufflepuff girl? Hmm ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 prophecyofpadma October 12 2006, 06:03:51 UTC
As Padma slipped into the ballroom, she took a brief glimpse around, clutching her handbag in one hand as she smoothed out the folds on her dress to try and calm her nerves. She felt like an idiot stepping into a room like this, all alone. At least it didn't take her long to pick her sister out of the crowd. And she was already surrounded. By Hannah AND Lavender. And Davies. Sighing, Padma made her way over to the small gathering. At the very least, Seamus and Neville were coming. Maybe she would be able to get through the night without wanting to kill herself.


Re: Around 1:10 everythingroger October 12 2006, 14:01:51 UTC
“Great? I look nothing compared to you,” Roger replied, eyeing Parvati up once. “You look simply stunning, wow.” And why exactly had Wood decided to miss out on that? He didn’t quite understand that yet. No, not at all, he thought, as she kissed his cheek. Parvati was just darling!

Just as he wanted to tell her that he’d be fine waiting with her for them outside, he was interrupted as a blonde girl showed up - Roger was more than glad that Parvati took over and introduced them, so he simply smiled at the other girl. “Nice to meet you, Hannah.” My, it seemed like they really were going to be a large groom, he realized only moments later, when yet another girl came storming towards them.

“Roger Davies,” He returned the bright smile and shook her hand. “And I do think I remember seeing you around, though it’s been very long - pleased to meet you, again.” Chuckling lightly at her request, he then nodded eagerly. “Of course! How could I say no to such a charming girl?”


Re: Around 1:10 safinnigan October 12 2006, 15:50:42 UTC
Seamus and Neville were lagging behind Lavender as they reached the Blackpool Towers Ballrooms. Lavender was all lace and giggles. Seamus was not thrilled to be dressed in his dress robes yet again, especially for the likes of Pansy Parkinson, but he figured that dancing with the fair lasses would make it worth the trouble. He and Neville were again agreeing that if they weren’t having fun they’d leave this birthday party and go off to have a drink and then head home ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 flowerpatil October 12 2006, 18:22:37 UTC
Parvati was just thrilled with the group that was already turning out. Padma had arrived shortly after Hannah, and Lavender, Seamus, and Neville were there too. She was really pleased that Roger had come along, and she exchanged a secret glance with Lavender, trying to surpress her grin.

"Padma, you look fantastic!" she exclaimed, touching her sister's shoulder in greeting. "I love that dress - where'd you get it? You might have to let me borrow that one!"

She next turned her attention to her best friend and temporary flatmate. "Ooh, wow, Lav! You look beautiful! I love this - " she said, fingering the nice material of the dress. "It really suits you."

And finally, Seamus. It was so hard but so exciting to pay attention to everyone. "Not bad, and yourself? You look quite the charmer, Seamus." Parvati grinned, kissing his cheek in greeting as well. She felt so elegant and so... glamourous - a charming, handsome date by her side, two of her close friends, her sister, and her two favourite Gryffindor boys. Tonight was going to be fun ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 forevernev October 12 2006, 23:17:30 UTC
Neville, as usual at these social occasions, found his feet quite unwilling to propel the rest of him into the fray of activity. His best dressrobes were pressed and preened to perfection by his grandmother, and they began to wrinkle within moments of his slipping into them. He'd quietly cast another charm to keep his clothing pristine, lest he provoke his Gran's wrath ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 about_abbott October 13 2006, 02:54:10 UTC
"Pleasure to see you again," Hannah nodded politely to Roger as Parvati made the introduction. She remembered him from the Ravenclaw Quidditch team but had never really met him when they were in school. Hannah was about to address Parvati's compliment on her dress when Lavender rushed up on them. She was going to mention that the three of them should definitely make time for the get together again at a less formal event but the chance quickly passed as Lavender beamed over Roger. Not even a moment later, Parvati's mirror image arrived looking just as beautiful as her sister ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 safinnigan October 13 2006, 15:35:19 UTC
As splendid as the tower was on the outside, as the group went inside it was clear to see that the wizarding ballrooms in the place were the finest to be had. No surprise there, not with Pansy Parkinson the star attraction for the evening.

Seamus looked around quickly for a place to leave his gift. It wasn’t hard to spot a sumptuous “gift table” which was already laden with loot. He put his elegantly wrapped gift for the Birthday Girl on the table with dozens of others. He had gotten her a copy of the latest book from Calliope Chesilwick, “The Charming Witch”. It was a compilation of beauty tips, diet suggestions, relationship advice, and fashion and make-up hints from the pages of Witch Weekly. He couldn’t imagine a witch with more need of it than Pansy. Seamus knew, as he feared Pansy did not, that it was what was on the inside that mattered. If she bothered to look inside the book, she would find two tickets to the League Cup final next week. Not just any tickets, but two for one of the private skyboxes. He was ( ... )


Re: Around 1:10 everythingroger October 15 2006, 15:48:17 UTC
Smiling, Roger shook Seamus's hand. "I think I remember you, yeah, great to see you again!" He'd seen Seamus quite often around the Quidditch pitch, he remember, and was glad to a have a fellow Qudditch enthusiast among them. "Heh, thanks, it's great to be back and get on the pitch again."

He acknowledged Neville's arrival with a smile and waved slightly in his direction, before he offered Parvati his arm to head inside. "Shall we...?" He asked out of politeness, before following the others inside by her side.

The Ballroom looked, without exaggerating, amazing, Roger had to admit. But what else had he expected of the Parkinsons, really? He smirked at Seamus's comment as he returned. "Caution's an understatement."


Re: Around 1:10 flowerpatil October 15 2006, 21:00:32 UTC
Parvati smiled and linked her arm through Roger's before heading inside. She gasped in awe; the ballroom looked absolutely stunning. It was gilt gold with elaborate paintings on the ceiling, the crystal chandeliers sparkling on the guests as they entered. Every table was stocked with drink. Parvati spotted the large gift table, already laden with beautifully wrapped presents, most with delicate bows and ribbons and other frivolities. It was any girl's dream princess birthday bash, and Pansy Parkinson actually made it real. And Parvati was here.

She gently placed Pansy's gift on top of a rather large box wrapped in gold metallic paper before returning her attention to her surroundings. A band was playing a great jazz tune on the stage, and Parvati's feet were itching to dance.

"Would you accompany me in a dance to start the afternoon off?" she asked Roger, curtsying playfully.

((I think if Parvati and Roger dance, we should start a new thread, yeah?))


Re: Around 1:10 everythingroger October 25 2006, 16:51:21 UTC
((Second'd, therefore continued here.))


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