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Comments 325

18:10 (6:10 p.m.) inner_human August 26 2006, 21:22:38 UTC
To think, Perry had intended this to be an easy and carefree evening when he asked Pansy about it twenty-four hours ago. He had no interest in going, himself, but he was willing if she wanted to go. Now, he still wanted to be anywhere but at Hogwarts, but for different reasons.

How did one stupid question get so complicated?

Of course, that's what he and Pansy did; that's how they functioned. Strangely enough, their conflict very rarely had anything to do with his lycanthropy issues--or, perhaps his temper was the major issue. Point being, the subjects they argued about were often petty; trivial, in the scheme of things.

It's only been one month.When they were apart, Perry was forced to wonder how they were ever going to make it past one month. Perhaps he should cut it off now and spare them both the misery ( ... )


Re: 18:10 (6:10 p.m.) freakedwithjet August 26 2006, 23:45:17 UTC
She'd been saving the dress for a special occasion. In her mind's eye, that meant some extravagantly important moment, where everyone would fall over themselves to look at her and dance with her and she would snub them all and it would be just like old times.

It was not supposed to be like this, standing awkwardly next to Perry, not quite touching, not quite looking at each other and not quite talking. For God's sake, he might as well have stayed at home, the date this was turning out to be ( ... )


Re: 18:10 (6:10 p.m.) inner_human August 27 2006, 00:19:54 UTC
Oh fecking hell, she didn't make this easy. Perry just wanted to forget that stupid argument happened, but Pansy was clearly still very annoyed. He could hear the subtle layer of ice in her tone, see the rigid line of her frame. He felt like pulling away from her and leaving, just so he wouldn't have to deal with this. He might have seriously considered it if he thought he could get away with it.

Apologizing would help, his conscience told him. The very suggestion made his jaw clench. When was the last time Peregrin Derrick apologized for anything?

Upon reaching a table with alcohol, Perry dropped Pansy's arm to pass her a glass of wine. He took one for himself, and briefly glared at a house elf who was watching him a little too keenly. What, did he really look like the type to get pissed in public? With a roll of the eyes he turned away... towards Pansy. He was having trouble looking at her, he found.

Congratulations, Derrick. You've ruined her night. And didn't you bring her out here to have fun?It wasn't just ( ... )


Re: 18:10 (6:10 p.m.) freakedwithjet August 27 2006, 01:05:55 UTC
His tone initially sounded almost confrontation and Pansy braced herself for a big scene in the middle of the Great Hall in front of pretty much everyone they'd ever met. After all, he'd had no qualms about brawling at Potter's birthday party - why should the ball of the year be any different?

The apology was completely unexpected then, and it didn't ring true to Pansy's ears. She took a sip of her wine as she looked at him; as he looked away from her. Did he think that was what this was about? Say, "Sorry" even through gritted teeth and everything was fine again?

This was all so ridiculous. She wasn't even annoyed, not really. She just wished it could be easy sometimes. All around them people were dancing and laughing and being normal, and for all that Pansy insisted, and continued to insist that she just wanted Perry (which of course was true) she wanted those moments as well ( ... )


19:15 [7:15 PM] forevernev August 26 2006, 23:35:20 UTC
After McGonagall's surprise announcement at the start of the festivities, Neville needed a moment alone, or an entire evening alone, to let his mind get used to the severe changes at the school. He disappeared to the greenhouses, remaining there until the music and the sheer familiarity of a bustling Great Hall drew him back to the Ball.

He was never fully at ease in crowds, but even his shyness could be overcome by an empty stomach. The food tables weren't too mobbed with people, now that most everyone had already their fill and were more interested in dancing. As he made his way around the platters, he even mingled a bit, trying to keep up with the small talk and his latest claim to fame. The Eligible Bachelors list was just another one in a never-ending series of odd, post-war events. Like the Order of Merlin and the Bobbleheads, he needed to muddle through it without embarrassing himself to much.

Though speaking while he stuffed his mouth with Cornish pasties probably wasn't the best way to keep his dignity.


Re: 19:15 [7:15 PM] mslavenderbrown August 27 2006, 00:08:49 UTC
Lavender was in her element. People, alcohol, music, dancing. She was grinning and laughing, waving and winking at the people. There were so many that she hadn't seen since she had come back, and she was glad to know that she looked good.

This was how she had wanted to re-enter the wizarding world. It wasn't fair that it had taken a month, but now she was going to make it count. She headed towards the food tables, hoping to find a little something tasty when she saw Neville Longbottom. Oh, gods! Mr Number 10 himself.

"Neville!" she cried out, hurrying over to him. She pulled him into a big hug. "It's been ages and ages! How are you doing? Must be doing pretty well with all this top ten business, hmm?" she said, winking and giving him a nudge.


Re: 19:15 [7:15 PM] forevernev August 27 2006, 01:00:49 UTC
Lavender caught him completely by surprise, and a mouthful of pasty lodged itself into his windpipe. He coughed and wheezed forefully, and even as he was being hugged, he flailed about like a fish out of water.

"Lav-Lavender?" he managed to choke out, gradually gaining what little sense of composure he could muster after nearly gagging. "I..." Another swallow. A few deep breaths. A very eager house-elf witnessed his plight and shoved a glass of berry wine into his hand. The creature scampered off before Neville could speak steadily enough to thank him.

He sipped at the wine, welcoming its pleasant, relaxing warmth. "I...it really has been ages. Um, that top ten list...?" His face turned red, though whether this was from embarrassment or from the alcohol was anybody's guess. "Not really. Well, some of the owls I've received were a bit, uh, well I probably shouldn't say." His voice dropped a little.


Re: 19:15 [7:15 PM] mslavenderbrown August 27 2006, 01:09:15 UTC
She couldn't help but grin. Nothing had changed about Neville, it seemed. Not even with an Order of Merlin and being one of the top Bachelors in the England. Gods, but that had shocked her.
"Owls, huh?" she said. "They probably enjoyed their daydream potion." She bit her lip to try to keep from giggling but couldn't stop herself. "I'm surprised you haven't been mobbed already. But, of course, it's better for me." She took one of his hands. "Because we are going to dance, Neville. And then you can tell me all about what it is you've been doing. Working at St. Mungos? Seeing anyone?" She waggled a finger at him. "You can't lie to me, Neville! Drink up, and let's go dance ( ... )


18:00 (6:00pm) broken_harry August 26 2006, 23:39:19 UTC
Harry'd barely been able to absorb being in the castle again after so many months before McGonagall called for the attention of the crowd. He tried not to let his mind wander to how the place had been home for so any years, only to become a military base and then the site of the battle that would forever define his life. If it wasn't for the shocked gasps and reactions of the people around him, forcing his attention back to the Headmistress' speech, he might have been lost in his own thoughts for quite a while longer.

Leave it to McGonagall to come up with a way to revamp the entire running of the school instead of just the physical building. Harry smirked and nodded slightly as she finished speaking, keeping his own thoughts on the changes to himself.

What would the Sorting Hat said to me as a fifth year? Would I be wearing green right now if I had spent a year under Snape's supervision? Harry glanced down, running a hand over the red of his tie before his gaze settled on the man standing next to him. How much could have been ( ... )


Re: 18:00 (6:00pm) suicide_blonde_ August 27 2006, 04:36:16 UTC
Draco didn't like Hogwarts and he wasn't afraid to admit it, at least to himself. It had never really been the home of fond memories for him. Defeat and loss were the kinds of things that lurked in the corners for Draco and the entire atmosphere clung to his skin and tried to dig its way beneath the surface.

It was only with the help of Draco's implacable Malfoy Mask and Harry by his side that Draco managed to avoid having a freak-out of epic proportions. Merlin . . . he hated this place.

As if things couldn't get any worse, McGonagall had to open up her mouth and start making speeches and declarations about changing the very face of Hogwarts. Draco was sure most everyone else thought this to be a grand idea, eliminating the Sorting during first year. It was going to do things like encourage friendship and harmony. Draco thought it was utterly ridiculous.

Honestly, what was there to Hogwarts without Houses? You had no family, no identity without them. And that was, of course, forgetting the fact that House rivalries started ( ... )


Re: 18:00 (6:00pm) broken_harry August 27 2006, 05:17:18 UTC
Harry tugged on the elbow of Draco's robes before letting go and heading towards the nearest table. He grabbed a glass of whatever was being offered for himself and one for Draco, handing it to him as he turned to look on the dance floor. The music started and couples started pairing up. He sighed before he realized he was doing it and smiled sheepishly at Draco as he shrugged ( ... )


Re: 18:00 (6:00pm) suicide_blonde_ August 27 2006, 05:57:21 UTC
Draco followed Harry and accepted the glass, throwing glances at the dance floor. It was already filling up with dancing couples, all moving along with varying degrees of grace. There was a familiar conflicting itch in Draco's skin as he watched, one that said he didn't really like to dance like this but he was obligated to, as a Malfoy and as a Pureblood ( ... )


6:30 mroliverwood August 27 2006, 01:42:47 UTC
Oliver had stood there for a good five minutes, his mouth practically hanging open, when McGonagall announced the changes for Hogwarts. The bloody... What? What was the point of even having houses when you were only really in them for three years? He thought about the Quidditch training. Training kids who weren't even in an official house? It is going to be bloody mad, he thought. He really had wanted to train Gryffindor. To watch that house soar up to new Quidditch heights, decimating each and every team they went against. And now, that goal was pretty much gone. He'd be training all sorts of students, and would be secretly hoping that they got sorted into Gryffindor. What if they got sorted into Slytherin, or Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw? He might end up nursing vipers against his chest ( ... )


Re: 6:30 fi_admin August 27 2006, 02:25:38 UTC
Minerva immediately set about mingling through the crowd. After the row with Severus, she was under no illusions that her decisions would be well-received, no matter how polite the smattering of applause. Sending a very slight smile toward Severus - and receiving no acknowledgment at all in return - she began to look for those who would have the most questions and need the most answers - the Professors and recent applicants.

Oliver Wood was the first she spotted - and judging by the almost Severus-like frown upon his face, he was not pleased by this development.

"Good Evening, Mr Wood," she said, smiling knowingly. "How are you this evening?"


Re: 6:30 mroliverwood August 27 2006, 04:29:58 UTC
"Ah! Professor McGonagall," he said, surprised out of his reverie. "Ah, fine," he said in his gruff voice. "Came to hear the announcement, of course. I'm not much for balls."

"...Big changes," he said after a long pause. "Major differences." Of course, Wood hadn't been there to hear a lot of the Sorting hat's songs when the war was going on. He hadn't really paid much attention any of the years that he was at the school, his mind too actively considering Quidditch plays and his upcoming team.

"So, if I get the job as a coach I train... Houseless kids?"


Re: 6:30 fi_admin August 27 2006, 16:58:59 UTC
"Houseless kids? Good heavens, Wood, is that all you heard from my speech?" she asked, her slight smile and fond tone removing any reprimand from the words. "Don't you know more of my own fondness for Quidditch by now to know better than that?

"If, for example, you were offered and accepted the position of Gryffindor Coach, you would be in charge of Gryffindor's training for the varsity team consisting of the fifth through seventh year Gryffindors. You would also be in charge of the training of one of the four teams of underclassmen - yes, the 'Houseless' kids, as you say - though they will not REALLY be 'Houseless', will they? Each year, they will be in a different House, it is true, but they will learn the strengths, weaknesses, and core characteristics of each House, in turn.

"These younger-student teams will give you an ideal opportunity to train up the 'future stars' of the school, now, don't they? Yes, you will be training all the children equally - but so will all the other coaches. It will be a safer endeavour for ( ... )


1800, promptly subtle_simmer August 27 2006, 02:17:24 UTC
Severus Snape would never be considered 'handsome' by anyone other than Myron Wagtail and his rose-coloured glasses. However, he had, as the saying goes, 'cleaned up well' - or at least as well as was possible for someone with his features. He was dressed in Slytherin Green, the silk robes accented with silver buttons and trim to match the silver shirt beneath. He was Head of Slytherin House, and he would not allow his own disapproval of the Headmistress' plans to show. She knew of it, and didn't give a rat's arse for his opinion. That was enough.

He sat at one of the tables near the podium, his expression coolly implacable. He applauded when she ended her speech - very briefly as was his habit, but still more than most of the shocked audience. No one understood the importance of the appearance of cohesive unity amongst authority figures better than Severus. She was his Headmistress, and would have his public support.

Though she had not heard the end of this privately!


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