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Re: 6:30 fi_admin August 27 2006, 16:58:59 UTC
"Houseless kids? Good heavens, Wood, is that all you heard from my speech?" she asked, her slight smile and fond tone removing any reprimand from the words. "Don't you know more of my own fondness for Quidditch by now to know better than that?

"If, for example, you were offered and accepted the position of Gryffindor Coach, you would be in charge of Gryffindor's training for the varsity team consisting of the fifth through seventh year Gryffindors. You would also be in charge of the training of one of the four teams of underclassmen - yes, the 'Houseless' kids, as you say - though they will not REALLY be 'Houseless', will they? Each year, they will be in a different House, it is true, but they will learn the strengths, weaknesses, and core characteristics of each House, in turn.

"These younger-student teams will give you an ideal opportunity to train up the 'future stars' of the school, now, don't they? Yes, you will be training all the children equally - but so will all the other coaches. It will be a safer endeavour for the students, because the relative age and size of the players will be more evenly matched, as will their general knowledge level. The 'junior' teams will be taught the basics from a less-competitive but more instructional stand-point."

She had researched the idea extensively, after all, and found it worked very well in Muggle secondary schools in regards to their sports, for all the reasons she was now presenting to Wood. If he remained unconvinced, she would be excessively disappointed, of course. She had been delighted to have him offer to apply for the position. But it would be better for her, and the students, to only bring in Coaches who understood and at least accepted her vision - even if, like one certain Potions Master, they did not agree with it.

"Imagine the talent that will arrive in year five, Wood," she said, her own eyes gleaming with a competitive sparkle. "Children who have now been taught for three years - who know the rules, the game, the strategy, the moves in far more depth than Hogwarts has ever offered before, now ready to be taught the real passion of the game. Think of the excitement of watching evenly-matched teams play with precision and skill! Yes, any those you will be playing 'against' will have benefited from your coaching - but this is not the 'Professional Leagues', Wood - even though some of these children will be far better prepared to join such at the completion of their schooling than ever before.

"Our job as educators, first and foremost, is to ensure that every student has fair and equal access to the same information. Whether or not they benefit from or take full advantage OF that access is out of our hands - but we must provide the access.

"Is it so terribly disappointing to think 'your' Gryffindor team, the varsity team, will be composed of only highly-trained Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh year students?" she asked, her brows raised inquiringly, even as she still smiled at him.


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