A lunchtime concert...

Jul 03, 2006 12:52

Date: Monday, 3 July, 2000
Time: noonish
Place: The Leaky Cauldron, Trafalgar Square, St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, Luna Lovegood, by invitation only
Rating: Probably not more than G, unfortunately
Complete or Incomplete: Incomplete

Seamus came out of the kitchen in a hurry. Cook was not amused by his late request for a carry away lunch - until he’d said it was for Luna. Evidently Cook was very fond of Luna and while Seamus got the scowls, he also got what looked to be a very nice take away lunch, with garnishes, condiments, napkins, utensils, drinks and even small sprig of blooming basil that Cook placed on top of one of the sandwiches. He was not fool enough to think it was his.

Once the luncheon was ready, he vacated the kitchen as if banshees were after him. No sense irritating Cook any further this close to the lunch rush. Tom was memorizing reading the latest edition of Which Broomstick. Since Seamus had been working double shifts on Saturday and Sunday, he’d not had anything to say about him not starting until 4 today. If he noticed that was the same time that one of his waitresses was starting, he didn’t mention it. Seamus briefly wondered if the staff of The Leaky was aware that he and Luna were dating. He shrugged and forgot about it. It didn’t matter whether they knew or not. It only mattered that he knew and was happy about it.

Of course if Tom had know about the mirror, well that was another matter, but not one for today.

He waited by the door that led towards Diagon Alley for Luna to arrive.

status: complete, location: diagon alley, status: invitation only, character: luna lovegood, location: leaky cauldron, character: seamus finnigan

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