flora vs fauna?the humane vs the inhumane?the heart vs mind?

Feb 15, 2005 17:28

....didnt give it all a deep thought till now...but have been made to think lots dese days...sitting here in a land which lives on and believes in food and not a religion of diet....a land which serves anything which fills your stomach...

i am living here..thanks to an indian restaurant which came to my rescue....but the other day i was wondering if i was given a plate and a spoon and forced to stand in front of all flesh , given no option or dumped in a place where cutting plants to eat was considered a sin...what would be the thoughts i would be left with? would i go ahead and do whats imperative for my existence? would i howl and cry against all odds to get me what i want? would i think of dying?...

the above situation triggers a lot of thoughts but i would stick to what i wanna think about right now...

being a hard-core vegetarian...initiated by me being a brahmin but propelled by a natural love for all animals which even includes an ant...i remember the days when i would think lots after stepping on an ant and then let pragmatism take over the disturbing thoughts....

but if non-vegetarianism meant hatred for animals does an analogy for vegetarianism hold?

i thought of this...

driving..something which comes first in my mind for almost every issue....

if i/u(i-veg, u-non-veg) were driving down a wide empty lane, say at a speed of 80kmph .... nd suddenly out of no-where a lost cow emerges and losing control, i/u hit it hard enough to make it suffer and die in front of my/ur eyes.., lose my balance and end up driving on a field of wheat destroying a chunk of crops....me/u being left with little injuries...

the question...

case 1 : apart from the physical pain, do i/u feel anything which disturbs?
case 1.1: assuming we feel bad , is it the destruction of the crop or is it the animal?
case 1.1.1: crop : is it hurting the plants ? is it hurting the farmers ? is it just messing the field??
case 1.1.2:the beast: is it killing a life or is it losing your food???

ignoring the obvious answers, i think the above questions are decent enough to make me think...why?

considering everyone as humane...the natural instinct makes us feel bad about killing a life, letting it bleed and leaves a sense of guilt within us....

when the same me/u are in a butcher shop.....do we become less humane.....NO...the hunger and the carnal feel of a long relished meal overpowers......or it simply doesnt matter...why?

i just realised my own thoughts are leading me to a lot of untraced issues like self-control , dharma and stuf...which i prefer not to touch right now...but this post of mine is enlightening me as never before...

just imagine

a sight of a small child trying to pluck the fruit from a peru tree...
and the sight of someone slowly running the knife through a chicken....i havent seen it so cant say how it feels but the relativity matters....

yes the answers to all my questions are subjective but do they vary a lot..???

why do we become hypoocrytical to ourselves...when we cannot witness the sight of some life being suffered and killed ...why do we feed on the remains?

yes...the obvious argument is...arent we killing the plants which have life too?

ill go back to the accident situation i gave...

if we visualise...the whole scene highlights the proactivity of an animal to an attack as against the numbness of a plant/crop....

the life we refer to...is not the one which breathes or eats but which feels...!!! again..who knows plants might feel..but then they dont express to trigger reaction ...

this argument doesnt suit the inhumane, the ones who might enjoy the sight of animal-killing and merrymaking on the flesh meal...but to all those who react to the butchering but go lip-smacking when the butchered is served on the plate....

why do we close ourselves to the human side of ours?

all scientific explanations ( though they support veggies) fall short, when we stand as humans... i have read lots about the benefits of vegetarianism...but i know when we eat , we donot count the nutrients in each bite...

remember 'the mind stops working but the heart never does!'

phew! i am so muddled....will read this again and continue someday!
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