Before ... And Now

Sep 25, 2010 17:34

Title: Before ... And Now
Rating: PG
Length: Drabble (188 words)
Pairings: implied Michael/Lucifer
Era: Not specified
Warnings: None
Note: Written as a part of the "Big Bang" challenge on cw_land; prompt - X

You tried not to think about Before.

You tried not to think about how it was when everything was how it should have been. You tried not to remember the way it felt to have him always there, standing right beside you and forever on your side.

You tried not to think about the way it felt when he held you close, when he sheltered you from the world and promised that nothing would ever harm you, that he would always protect you.

You tried not to think about those moments when it was just the two of you, alone together.

You tried not to think about Before …

Because thinking of then, led to thinking of now.

And it hurt to think of how he betrayed you. It hurt to think of him pushing you away, rather than embracing you. It hurt to think of the sharp blades, and the even more cutting words, that came from him all at once.

It hurt to think of the moment when he had decided - forever and always - that you were nothing.

So you didn’t think … of any of it.




p: michael/lucifer, f: supernatural, l: drabble, g: angst, w: 100-499 words, g: general, 2010, c: lucifer, s: complete

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