
Jan 19, 2010 21:16

Title: Storm
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Storm
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia
Summary: A storm raged outside and in their hearts.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for angel100.

The storm outside raged as the man inside held a woman in his arms, the raindrops competing with their tears.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, baby."

"I just wanted it to happen so much," she told him, choking back a sob.

"Me too," he whispered as a tear fell, finally admitting how much his heart was breaking. "But we will, Cordy. We'll have a baby. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it'll happen."

"I love you so much," she declared, tenderly laying a hand on his cheek.

"And I love you," he told her, lowering his mouth to hers.

author: aimee, type: drabble, fandom: angel, type: stand-alone, rating: pg

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