Execution of Mandy Brocklehurst

May 29, 2007 22:38

Date: Friday, 8 June, 2001
Time: Just before 10am
Location: Special Room in the Werewolf Capture Unit areas of the Ministry of Magic Building
Characters Involved: Mandy Brocklehurst (NPCed), Remus Lupin, June Connors, Perry Derrick, Glamis (NPC), Zak Rollins (NPC), Severus Snape, Bill Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Dean Thomas, Jackson Bingley (NPC), ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

subtle_simmer May 31 2007, 02:36:20 UTC
Severus could not help but feel how terribly ironic it was, in a poetic-justice sort of way, that he was now on this side of the fence. Periodically throughout the war, it had been his hand which had performed this sort of execution. Voldemort knew of his deep terror of werewolves and used that knowledge against him while likewise punishing those of his 'loyal' werewolves who had dared to disobey him.

In those days, it had been Greyback and often several of his pack, under the influence of Wolfsbane so they could watch and comprehend the proceedings, who had been forced to witness the execution of the disobedient. It had been Severus' hand, ever-steady despite the terror roaring through his veins, which had painstakingly skinned alive the unfortunate werewolf. If there were human relatives to lament the passing of their werewolf kin, they were also present, forced to watch the spectacle as a 'warning' - do Voldemort's bidding, or else...

The victims were magically restrained and muzzled, but they had to be alive to harvest the ( ... )


m4moony June 5 2007, 06:00:42 UTC
A small, infantile voice in the back of his head was throwing a temper tantrum. No! It screamed. This cannot be! I will not allow it! And it cried. There must be something he could do.Remus had seen war. He had seen war and he had seen the depravities of Greyback's camps, the violence of werewolf civil war in the Black Forest. Death and the senseless destruction of life were as new to him as the sun is unfamiliar with the warmth of summer. His first instruction in the bloody violence of the real world had been at five years old when he, himself was savaged by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. Parents, friends, colleagues, allies, students, professors, he had buried them all ( ... )


sightlesswolf June 5 2007, 22:08:22 UTC
Nothing could be done.

Even as the pack was herded into the cold stone room, June couldn't get her mind around it. She didn't have Severus's experiences or even Remus's with the inevitability of death. Certainly she'd lost friends in the war, but that was different - it was sudden then, unexpected, there had been no hours of horrible anticipation, no looming feeling of inevitability. How could Mandy's death be unavoidable? How could they give up while she still lived??

She'd asked Remus exactly that, unable to contain her disbelief and anger, but he could only repeat (clearly no happier about it than she was) that they were out of options. Everything had been done that could be. Intellectually she knew that. But she couldn't bring herself to believe it - not when it still felt so much like abandonment. It was too bitter a draught to swallow ( ... )


billthedefender June 6 2007, 05:03:54 UTC
Bill entered to the other side of Remus, standing much closer than was usual. Maybe if they all crammed close enough together, they'd keep one another upright through this. He could have avoided this, removed himself from Spinners End and not have to watch this, knowing the image would never cease to haunt his dreams. But he was here for the pack, for Remus, because he wouldn't let them go through this without doing his best to help ( ... )


gryffndean June 6 2007, 05:08:47 UTC
Dean walked behind the Aurors 'escorting' the residents of Spinner's End to their seats. Bingley was still vehemently arguing with the head of the WCU, but had told Dean to accompany the group. Dean knew this was for their protection- the WCU 'officers' (and Dean used that term very lightly) were usually a bit more well-behaved when they knew that a legal representative was watching them. And even though they were only technically representing Snape (as the werewolves were not accorded legal counsel), it still seemed to provide a measure of safety for them, and so Dean followed as they entered the viewing area ( ... )


birdwotcher June 6 2007, 19:12:37 UTC
Tonks didn't want to be there. She had no intention of coming until she'd been cornered late the night before by a member of the WCU, telling her what time the execution started and informing her in a way that had nearly made her hex him that she'd be responsible for helping to keep the werewolves in their place. After giving him a few choice words--the WCU stooge wouldn't have dared speak to Nevin the way he'd spoken to Tonks--she'd spent the rest of the night at work, crashing on a couch in her boss' office only when she couldn't bear to keep her eyes open any longer ( ... )


birdwotcher June 6 2007, 19:43:44 UTC
And to Bill, she set her hand on his shoulder, squeezing slightly. "Keep her calm," she said softly. "If you don't, she'll be next." It wasn't fair of Tonks to place that added pressure on Bill, but hopefully it would distract him enough to not react as emotionally as he might have otherwise ( ... )


m4moony June 7 2007, 16:49:38 UTC
June's cries brought Remus out of the haze of guilt and despair his mind had settled into with a snap. As Bill took her in his arms to calm her and Tonks moved away after speaking a few low words into the young woman's ear, Remus turned to go to her as well, his other hand reaching behind him to motion Severus closer as well. Effectively, he drew them all together, June, Severus, Bill...all those who belonged to their unconventional little family, closing ranks and blocking out everyone else from their grief -- even Harry, whom he hoped would understand the need for this grasp at privacy amidst their tormentors ( ... )


subtle_simmer June 7 2007, 17:30:16 UTC
Rage boiled through his veins. In a twisted way, he was grateful for Nymphadora's actions at that moment, because it gave fresh fuel to the fury which was quickly threatening to give way to despair. He could not afford to be weak, now.

The new vitriol manifested itself in a savage sneer at the woman who dared to 'ask' him to do that which he was already doing, who dared to pretend to be concerned about the lives or safety of any of them after all she had said and done the preceding thirty-six hours ( ... )


gryffndean June 8 2007, 04:11:55 UTC
Dean turned away from Mandy after the official started to speak. He tried to focus his attention on the Aurors- making sure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing, and nothing more. As hard as he tried, though, all the focusing in the world could not take away Mandy's screams echoing in his ears ( ... )


billthedefender June 8 2007, 08:28:27 UTC
Bill held June tighter, thinking maybe if he held her close enough he could absorb just a little of her grief, make it a tiny bit more bearable. He refused to admit maybe he held her because he needed to hold on to something ( ... )


birdwotcher June 8 2007, 09:24:09 UTC
Tonks remained stoic throughout the execution, unable to comfort Bill or June any more than she already had without raising a red flag; yet at the same time, she wasn't able to relax and enjoy the show, like the other Aurors and WCU members seemed to be doing. The bastards. Remus' refusal of her comfort hadn't surprised her, and she was too emotionally exhausted to let it hurt her. Their friendship was gone, and with that slight gesture of Remus', he'd only sealed it. But that didn't matter anymore. The only thing that really mattered was the girl who was screaming the last few moments of her life away ( ... )


subtle_simmer June 8 2007, 10:22:31 UTC
Devastated. There was no other word to describe what had happened to him - to all of them. This amazing sense of 'family' he'd found with these half-a-dozen werewolves over the last fifteen months had received a blow the likes of which he'd not experienced since Albus had insisted Severus kill him. Not even then, since at least that was Albus' choice!

His breath was coming in great harsh gasps, forced through a chest so tight with suppressed grief it was a wonder he could move air at all. He would not give them - the Aurors and the WCU and her - the satisfaction of witnessing that which belonged to family alone.

Bill's offer was registered in his grief-stricken mind, and Severus felt a flair of gratitude that someone would tend to the... essentials. The gratitude was replaced by rage the moment the Metamorphmagus opened her mouth.

"NO!" he hissed, finally turning his head enough to snarl at her. "This is a family issue. YOU GET OUT!His voice was harsh and rough, like it often had been after he'd screamed himself hoarse under ( ... )


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