Execution of Mandy Brocklehurst

May 29, 2007 22:38

Date: Friday, 8 June, 2001
Time: Just before 10am
Location: Special Room in the Werewolf Capture Unit areas of the Ministry of Magic Building
Characters Involved: Mandy Brocklehurst (NPCed), Remus Lupin, June Connors, Perry Derrick, Glamis (NPC), Zak Rollins (NPC), Severus Snape, Bill Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Dean Thomas, Jackson Bingley (NPC), Harry Potter, Members of the DRCoMC and the WCU (NPCs)
Rating: R at the least for extreme violence, possibly NC-17


The day had dawned cool and clear -- not that anyone inside the dark, enclosed offices of the Werewolf Capture Unit within the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures would have noticed or cared.

The cells in the lower "dungeon" levels were almost empty. During the wars and in generations past, these cells had been filled with the ranks of werewolves waiting to die. Or so the older members of the squadrons maintained. Tales were often told amoung the ranks of bests who had dashed their brains out on the rough stone walls at the height of their 'moon madness'. Or, of wolves in human guise thrashing out their last moments in the large execution chamber on the first cell level.

"They wer'n't al'ays so 'humane' to yer kind," one older guard had cackled gleefully to the frightened young captive who had been the WCU's only inmate for the last twenty-eight hours. "Oh no! In the old days, there'd be nothin' so easy as a quick beheadin'. Had to be certain yer foul curse wouldna spread even in death. Had a special bath, they did. Dip ye in cleansing silver to burn awa' the evil inside ye. Sometimes, there'd be so much evil in the creature, the silver would burn clean through, doin' the executioner's job for 'im. But, if not, if the silver was not enough to purify ye, then they would drain it from ye. Hang ye by the wrists o'er a large cauldron, they would. Then a sword would be stabbed through ye, right...about...'ere."

Rough, calloused fingers slid lightly down the prisoner's sternum, stopping when they encountered sweat-chilled skin instead of blood-soaked cotton. Between the hideous transformation and the hours spent under the WCU's torture and interrogations, the clothes she had left the house wearing were little more than tattered shreds now. The guard's fingers had ripped the hole open further before he slipped his hand inside and squeezed her breast painfully, pinching and twisting her nipple hard until she cried out with the pain.

"It's al'ays such a pity when yer kind is so young and appealin'. Makes a man wish he wouldna be riskin' his life to take a piece o' ye." Releasing her, he had turned then and left, laughing cruelly down the hall.

It had been thus the entire time she had been there. Guards had come in and out, occasionally beating her under the guise of 'interrogating her' over Cormac's murder. It didn't matter how many times she told them about Greyback. They didn't care. They hardly bothered to ask her anything serious, just used it as an excuse to beat her more.

And, it only had gotten worse at night. That was when the guards got drunk and their taunts more crude and degrading. This had not been the first to grab her and feel her up. They had squeezed her breasts, shoved their batons between her legs -- although her torn denims were barrier enough to prevent any penetration -- and finally, they had pissed and wanked upon her, stating it was only fair they should mark her in the manner of the animals she associated with.

In the end, as two large WCU agents dragged into the large, round 'execution' room behind the hooded 'executioner and several other 'officials', it was a nearly unrecognizable Mandy Brocklehurst who looked up at the 'stadium seating' around her to see all the members of her pack being led into the stone room. As they strapped her into the large steel chair in the center 'arena' of the room, a hoarse shout was torn from a throat already torn up from screaming in pain and despair.

"Remus! Please don't let th--" A large ham of a hand back handed her, effectively cutting off her pleas as they clamped the last restraints around her wrists and ankles.
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