Eventsquare Booth Signups!

Sep 11, 2012 09:31

Hello, guys! Mysti here. I am not your shiny events mod, as you very well know; that would be the lovely etsplanations, who is currently overseas. I'm posting this on her behalf since she's asked me to hold the fort for her while she's away.

For those of you who aren't aware, ff_eventsquare hosts a - well, the name says everything, doesn't it? - event once every game. ( Read more... )

special events, !announcement, ff_eventsquare

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Comments 44

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sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 02:18:15 UTC
#1: Just trying to clarify here: this is a request booth, I'm guessing?

#2: ...and a trivia booth in which people guess the FF character? May I ask if you're planning to make it a once off, or a sort of regularly scheduled thing, like... a few questions every few days?

Well, ideally we try to limit it to one person per booth (though you can help out with another booth if you're keen) so more people get a chance to try their hand at it and earn gil? On the other hand, I do acknowledge this is short notice and there might be space for more. Were there any more booths you wanted to host?


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sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 02:39:37 UTC
Ah, okay, I see!

I definitely think the second is more minigames-like; the first would fall more under the category of MWS. (We've done MWS exchanges before, but we've always linked back to MWS because yeah, points!) In fact, if you'd like to do both, I think it's entirely possible because the first one seems rather closer to MWS-requests to me, to be honest, and that's a lot of art and I really don't want to deny you points for it.

How's this:

We used to have creative workshops (they were generally writing, since many of them were hosted by writers rather than artists, especially since we had fewer artists back then) every so often, with prompts that could be used community-wide and also a potential avenue for requests. The tag is here. I have no objection to seeing someone post discussions of art/fic, and I have no objections to one of the prompts being cosplay, etc.

The only caveat is: if you fill any prompts obtained this way, they're not eligible for the bonus points unless someone decides to actually request it from your ( ... )


naliarenegade September 11 2012, 02:54:40 UTC
Booth application

Name: Naliarenegade

Class:Black Mage

Booth Name: Chocobo Raceing

Booth Info: Bet on Chocobos and win prizes. May Lady Luck smile on you.

Proposed Layout/Setup:See this minigame. I want to run it almost exactly the same way.

Prizes/Participation: (how many points will you award for winning?)
1 point per token?
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being easy and 5 being difficult), how much work do you think will go into maintaining this booth?: Probably a 3.

If you answered 4 or 5 to the above question, would you want a helper to help you out?: N/A


sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 03:03:21 UTC
Heya! Thanks for signing up. :) I can't give you any definite reply (all applications ultimately go to Ets, who makes the final decision) - but this might overlap with the one you currently have running, which would sort of make it moot? (Although you mentioned 'almost exactly' the same way - were there any details as to the differences?)


naliarenegade September 11 2012, 04:15:38 UTC
I would like to start with more tokens and also give the option of buying geshyl greens with the tokens to make the chances of the bird success better without messing with the odds. (Don't know if you've played FFXIII-2 yet, but they have a similar principal there.)

Of course I can always do a different booth if the time overlaps. I have an idea that I was going to use for a minigame, but I think it would be better to introduce it now and just repeat it in the future, fixing any mistakes I see.


sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 04:44:03 UTC
I haven't played FFXIII-2, I'm afraid, but I think I see what you mean.

What's the other booth? As I said, I don't make the final decisions, so you're free to apply for both if you like, and I'll just forward the lot to Ets to approve as she sees fit.

ETA: I did forward the first to Ets; she suggests you host a different one since you're already hosting the chocobo racing for FFMG right now.


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sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 04:46:27 UTC
All right, thanks! I've got both noted down, and will forward it to Ets. I think the total points may have to be tweaked downwards a little if it goes through because 100 is definitely too high (especially if it's per round - I think there are UA contests that don't reward as much!) I'm taking gil to be standard minigames - that is, 100 gil for participation, flat, regardless of how many questions you answer.


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sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 13:08:19 UTC
How many rounds were you planning for there to be for the entire game? I'm guessing... two or three? That amounts to about 100/150 total, which is definitely too high IMO. You can cut down the number of questions, if you'd like; I think traditionally we've had 30 points for 10-15 questions in trivia (you can split the points as necessary.)


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sunflower_mynah September 12 2012, 08:39:22 UTC
I told you this earlier, but Ets said yes to both. :) I'll add it to the list.


chacusha September 11 2012, 06:32:59 UTC
I think I ask this question every time we have a special event and the answer has been no, but would I be able to run like a mini contest or something? If so, I'll propose one. If not, I'll try coming up with a minigame idea instead.


sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 11:07:29 UTC
You know, the odd thing is, I distinctly remember at least one FFES conversation mentioning the possibility of a mini-contest?

...okay, I just dug through all of JM for it, and Ets apparently never gave a definite reply on the issue. Uhm. I can't answer that for her, but would you prefer to propose that and have it forwarded to her, or would you rather I ask her about the mini-contest straight?


chacusha September 11 2012, 13:02:18 UTC
I'll just go ahead and propose a contest and she can decide.


sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 13:02:48 UTC
All right, thank you!


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