Eventsquare Booth Signups!

Sep 11, 2012 09:31

Hello, guys! Mysti here. I am not your shiny events mod, as you very well know; that would be the lovely etsplanations, who is currently overseas. I'm posting this on her behalf since she's asked me to hold the fort for her while she's away.

For those of you who aren't aware, ff_eventsquare hosts a - well, the name says everything, doesn't it? - event once every game. Following Ets's grand (and very new) tradition, I'll copypaste the introduction lightofeilia wrote for the festival, back in Game 2:

So what's the Garden Festival? It's basically an excuse to throw a party :D Well, in all seriousness, it's actually so that non-members get a chance to see what it's like in ff_land. Right now the only public communities are ff_land, ff_classchange, and moogle_workshop. But for 15 days, there'll be tons of activities and games running, and everyone is welcome to participate, especially non-members!

Even better; if you've participated and decided that hey, it's a pretty fun thing, maybe I wanna join; you'll get to keep all of the prizes that you've won (in the form of game points)!

And for our current members, the Garden Festival is also a chance for you to run activities!

True to carnival-style, the festival has different 'booths', run (ideally speaking) by different people. If you have an idea for a booth and would like to run one, there are forms below! (Yours truly will make sure it gets to Ets.)

Ideally we'd like about 5 to 10 booths for the event. Please leave a comment here if you'd like to open a booth or help to run one; people running booths, please feel free to ask for helpers if necessary! You do not need to run booths over a continuous span of days; one-off booths (like many of our current minigames) are acceptable, as well.

Booth Application Form
Booth application
Booth Name: (put a title here! "Eilia's Crazy Stampeding Chocobos Minigame", for example)
Booth Info: (what's your booth about? "Come in and stampede some chocobos! Prizes to be won!")
Proposed Layout/Setup: (how will you run this? explain briefly. If you don't have an idea, don't worry, I'll try to help, but do your best)
Prizes/Participation: (how many points will you award for winning?)
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being easy and 5 being difficult), how much work do you think will go into maintaining this booth?:
If you answered 4 or 5 to the above question, would you want a helper to help you out?:

Helper Application Form
Helper Application
Name of booth you would like to help out in:
Give a few reasons saying how you could help out, assuming you've already read the booth application.

What do you get for running booths? I'm afraid we can't offer points for that, but we can and do reward booth-owners and helpers with 1000 gil each. It's also the chance to run your own minigame, if you've wanted to do that. Suggestions are welcome even if you don't want to run booths, and if you DO want to run one but don't know what you'd like to run, just offer to help out and maybe there'll be a few booths for you!


We're planning on running this event during the last two weeks of the game, with possibly a little overlap into extra time for wrapup. Which means this is a little late, so could I please have replies (if possible) by the 15th? I'm honestly very sorry the timespan is so short.


Haven't I heard you somewhere before...? run by toffeethesnob [HELPER SLOT OPEN]
Toffee's Final Fantasy Character Cosplay Booth of Terror (mwahahaha!) run by... well, toffeethesnob (mwahahaha.)

NOTE: The events in ff_eventsquare will be public, so you do not need to join it in order to participate in the event. The only people that will be invited to it are those running a stand.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: I'll answer any questions you have as best as I can; however, if these are questions best referred to Ets, I'll forward them to her - which may mean a delay in replies.

special events, !announcement, ff_eventsquare

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