Eventsquare Booth Signups!

Sep 11, 2012 09:31

Hello, guys! Mysti here. I am not your shiny events mod, as you very well know; that would be the lovely etsplanations, who is currently overseas. I'm posting this on her behalf since she's asked me to hold the fort for her while she's away.

For those of you who aren't aware, ff_eventsquare hosts a - well, the name says everything, doesn't it? - event once every game. ( Read more... )

special events, !announcement, ff_eventsquare

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sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 02:18:15 UTC
#1: Just trying to clarify here: this is a request booth, I'm guessing?

#2: ...and a trivia booth in which people guess the FF character? May I ask if you're planning to make it a once off, or a sort of regularly scheduled thing, like... a few questions every few days?

Well, ideally we try to limit it to one person per booth (though you can help out with another booth if you're keen) so more people get a chance to try their hand at it and earn gil? On the other hand, I do acknowledge this is short notice and there might be space for more. Were there any more booths you wanted to host?


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sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 02:39:37 UTC
Ah, okay, I see!

I definitely think the second is more minigames-like; the first would fall more under the category of MWS. (We've done MWS exchanges before, but we've always linked back to MWS because yeah, points!) In fact, if you'd like to do both, I think it's entirely possible because the first one seems rather closer to MWS-requests to me, to be honest, and that's a lot of art and I really don't want to deny you points for it.

How's this:

We used to have creative workshops (they were generally writing, since many of them were hosted by writers rather than artists, especially since we had fewer artists back then) every so often, with prompts that could be used community-wide and also a potential avenue for requests. The tag is here. I have no objection to seeing someone post discussions of art/fic, and I have no objections to one of the prompts being cosplay, etc.

The only caveat is: if you fill any prompts obtained this way, they're not eligible for the bonus points unless someone decides to actually request it from your ( ... )


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sunflower_mynah September 11 2012, 03:15:06 UTC
Eh, the first: I meant, post it in AL. I realised I never actually said that straight out. /headdesk. If people prompt, then you can fill it and post in MWS, thereby claiming points for your team and gil for posting as per MWS usual. Another theme would be great so anyone who's looking for a prompt can also seize upon the theme and post to MWS, see? (And you can certainly ask people to throw you prompts as well.) Also - well, the thing is, if you ran that booth in ES you would still be benefiting vastly more from it in points than the people who requested; the idea is that anyone who takes part can claim points, as per minigames.

And okay, thanks! ♥


sunflower_mynah September 21 2012, 00:59:42 UTC
Hi, Toffee! This is to tell you you can set the booths up in ff_eventsquare now.


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sunflower_mynah September 21 2012, 01:10:34 UTC
Hey, no problem! You know I know of the flood. :( *hugs


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