Title: Too Much Care Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Batman Character/Pairing: Catwoman/Ivy, past Batman/Catwoman, past Harley/Ivy Rating: Soft R/M Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100100 Alphabet Soup: 23. Wanton Warning(s): Spoilers Word Count: 1,873 Date Written: 18 June 2018 Summary: ( Selina finds Ivy after her breakup with Harley. )
Title: That Slow Healing Touch Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Batman Character/Pairing: Harley/Ivy, talk of Joker/Harley but not showing that couple in a good light Rating: PG-13/T Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100100: Narcotic Warning(s): None Word Count: 1,684 Date Written: 9 May 2017 Summary: ( Harley's slowly falling in love with Ivy. )
Title: Their Spring Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Batman Character/Pairing: Harley/Ivy Rating: PG/K+ Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100100 Alphabet Soup: Anticipate Warning(s): None Word Count: 1,204 Date Written: 22 March, 2016 Summary: ( In their domain, no man nor Winter can reach them. )
Title: what to leave for poison Author: crookedspoon Fandom: Batman Characters/Pairing: Harley Quinn, Selina Kyle, Poison Ivy Table/Prompt: Three Hundreds #303 "sweet" Rating: G Word Count: 1,000 Summary: Cocktail night was supposed to me more fun.