Pulp Fiction #28 - Two Women In Love

May 19, 2014 14:00

Title: Two Women In Love
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Grace/Anissa
Prompt: Lesbian Pulp Fiction #28
Rating: PG
Word count: 238

There’s dust in the air and blood on Grace’s knuckles, a grin on her lips. Another successful mission for the Outsiders, albeit with a few unplanned explosions, and she wraps her arms around Anissa’s waist, spins her around in the centre of the carnage.

Anissa laughs and tugs at her hair until Grace kisses her, rough and hungry and with a low moan.

“Grace! Thunder!” Nightwing barks in frustration. “The authorities are on their way, we have to go.”

Grace keeps one arm holding Anissa pressed flush against her chest, Anissa’s feet dangling above the ground. She uses the other to flip Nightwing off.

She can feel Anissa smile against her lips.

“You can make-out in the plane,” Nightwing insists, in that growly-pissy voice he uses when the team isn’t respecting his authority. “We have to go!”

Grace just pulls Anissa in tighter. Sucking on her tongue in sharp little pulses that leave Anissa breathless and squirming, feet kicking out, toes scraping Grace’s shins.

It’s not like she doesn’t understand the danger. The team are outlaws now, getting caught is most definitely not in their best interests.

But she can’t bring herself to rush, not when Anissa makes that happy little sound, wriggling in Grace’s arms. Some things are more important than worrying about the police and the feds and whoever else is out to get them, and Anissa is always, always at the top of that list.

fandom: dcu, author: salmon_pink, table: pulp fiction

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