Pulp Fiction #07 - The Dangerous Games

Apr 13, 2014 18:05

Title: The Dangerous Games
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Rose/Cassie
Prompt: Lesbian Pulp Fiction #07
Rating: R
Word count: 249
Notes: Roughplay, biting

Cassie’s fist crashes into the wall, hard enough to crack the plaster. Right where Rose’s face had been only seconds before, and she grins wildly as she spins, kicking out at Cassie’s knee.

Cassie is stronger, but Rose is quicker, more skilled.

Growl of anger from Cassie, and Rose bears her teeth for that sound. Heart thudding, getting so fucking wet beneath her training gear, throbbing for the fire in Cassie’s eyes. Ducking under another right-hook, dodging an uppercut, and then Cassie’s shoulder is slamming into her stomach, and Rose’s feet leave the floor.

Thrown down on to the mats, and Cassie’s weight is on top of her instantly. Holding her down, and Rose writhes and leers, making a show of it.

“You’re pinned,” Cassie grunts, watching the arch of Rose’s back, the way it pushes her chest up.

“Whatever you say, princess,” Rose smirks, and she turns her head, skins her teeth into the skin of Cassie’s arm. Feels Cassie’s hand flex around her wrist, hard enough to grind the bones a little, before she runs her tongue over the bite marks.

Cassie’s pupils are dilated, lips parted. “You forfeit?” she asks, voice low.

“Nope,” Rose grins back easily, pushing her thigh up between Cassie’s legs. “Why don’t you make me?”

That gets Cassie smiling at her, slow and dirty. “Gonna make you eat those words.”

“Eat me,” Rose shoots back, bucking her hips, and Cassie kisses her hard, snarling against her mouth, and it tastes like victory.

fandom: dcu, author: salmon_pink, table: pulp fiction

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