Pulp Fiction #25 - Strange Embrace

Jul 07, 2012 21:29

Title: Strange Embrace
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Cassie/M'gann
Prompt: Lesbian Pulp Fiction #25
Rating: PG
Word count: 249
Notes: Tentacles.

There isn’t much out there that can rattle Cassie. Not after spending the last few years up to her elbows in super-villains. Not after the headache of dealing with her family tree.

Dating an alien isn’t weird for her. Her first serious relationship was with the clone-child of the world’s most famous alien and his arch nemesis, after all.

Heck, dating an alien, a simple alien with no cloning whatsoever, is probably less weird, in the grand scheme of things.

Well, she thought it was. But she’s apparently mistaken, because this is most definitely weird.

Cassie is officially rattled.

Okay, maybe rattled is too strong a word. But she’s surprised.

Very surprised.

M’gann gives her a shy smile, the kind that Cassie can admit is totally impossible to resist. The image is somewhat jarred by the fact that there are more tentacles growing out of her arms, swaying gently in midair.

“So, um, is this okay?” M’gann asks hopefully.

Cassie glances down at the tentacles that are wrapped around her wrists, her forearms, her waist. They brush her skin lightly, almost reverentially, as they explore her. Warm and smooth and she shivers as one traces the length of her spine.

She could say no, and M’gann wouldn’t mind, wouldn’t pressure her.

Cassie finds she doesn’t want to say no.

Apparently M’gann recognises the acceptance on her face, because the tentacles tighten, squeeze her happily, like a full-body hug.

Cassie flushes and smiles.

She never wanted an ordinary life, anyway.

drabble cycle: pulp fiction titles, fandom: dcu, author: salmon_pink

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