Pulp Fiction #25 - Strange Embrace

Jul 07, 2012 21:29

Title: Strange Embrace
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Cassie/M'gann
Prompt: Lesbian Pulp Fiction #25
Rating: PG
Word count: 249
Notes: Tentacles.

There isn’t much out there that can rattle Cassie. )

drabble cycle: pulp fiction titles, fandom: dcu, author: salmon_pink

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Comments 2

orlidepp July 8 2012, 21:39:32 UTC
I don't remember the characters, but for the first time, I'm finding an alien with grabby tentacles to be cute. LOL This is very sweetly done! Thanks for sharing!


salmon_pink July 8 2012, 21:45:58 UTC
Glad you like! That's the thing about M'gann - she is quite possibly the cutest creation in the entire DCU, so even when she gets her crazy Martian shapeshifting tentacles on, she's still adorable! XD


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