Of Stars or Wishes (X-Men; Kitty/Rachel; #327: Star; G)

Jul 08, 2012 16:38

Working Title: Of Stars or Wishes
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: X-Men
Pairing: Kitty/Rachel
Rating: G
Challenge: #327: Star
Date Written: 8 July, 2012
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Marvel comics and Disney, not the author.

She was looking up at a night sky as dark as her future sometimes seemed when a single star zipped across the horizon. Kitty smiled and made a quick wish, knowing Rachel would claim it childish if she was there. She'd let her think it childish when they found each other again, but in the meantime, Kitty would use whatever means she could find to try to make her wish a reality. When she did have her beloved Rachel in her arms again, she wouldn't have need of stars or wishes for her fondest wish will have come true again.

The End

fandom: x-men, challenge327, author: katleept

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