Challenges - 59, 58, 56 and 19

Mar 15, 2006 20:59

Title: Toys
Fandom: Mean Girls
Pairing: Mrs Norbury/Cady
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
A/N: Written for the challenge 'toy'

Miniscule ipods, fluorescent sidekicks, flashy flip phones. It gets harder every semester for Ms Norbury to keep track of the gadgets her class play with when they think she’s not looking. Like hostile black eyeliner or bubblegum pink skirts these high tech toys are a talisman against adolescence, a way to ward off transitional teenage gawkiness. The latest invention can act as a valuable status symbol in a bustling school corridor. A badge of adulthood.

Sometimes, when Ms Norbury forgets to monitor herself for traces of ‘jaded, 30 something divorcee,’ she watches a plastic tinged girl displaying her ‘hot’ accessory for Regina George’s next ‘awesome’ party and wants to warn her that a shiny new cell can’t fix a broken marriage or stop you having to work three jobs to pay the mortgage. However she stringently fights these urges to turn into her mother. Most days Ms Norbury just smiles ruefully when her pupils sit playing with their latest toys. It’s easy to remember they’re just kids.

In this sea of superficiality the new girl in homeroom immediately stood out. Cady Heron doesn’t want a toy to distract her from calculus; Ms Norbury seriously doubts Cady knows the names of all the bands that she should listen to, let alone what colour ipod she should buy. Cady has an earthy realism to her and startling red hair that offers a welcome distraction from grading abysmal papers.

It is much harder for Sharon to remember that Cady is just a kid.

Title: Red
Fandom: Copycat
Pairing: MJ/Helen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
A/N: Written for the challenge 'blood' I'm pretty sure nobody else in the world has actually watched this movie so a) this isn't going to make sense (as it's set after the last scene of the movie and I make no attempt to explain why people are bleeding) b) Watch it! It's a good film.

There are many shades of red.

For Dr Hudson, criminal psychologist, red spattered over a body was merely de-saturated color, just another clue. Now that she is Helen, poster girl to serial killers everywhere, red is more significant.

Scarlet is a warning, the color that pricks at the back of her eyes when the panic attacks begin.

Crimson is what she sees in her nightmares, the violent slash of color that Daryl Lee Cullum hung her up to die in.

Burgundy is the bottom of a wine glass, the color that trickles down her throat, numbing her to sleep.

The red that seeps from MJ’s wound onto Helen’s hands is different. It is darker and thicker. When Helen shifts her hands she can feel the red stick between her fingers and underneath her fingernails. MJ insists it’s ‘just a scratch’ and that she’ll be fine until the ambulance comes, but her cheeks are pale and her usually strong drawl is unnaturally shaky. Helen just presses her hand more firmly on the bullet wound, trying to force the red back in.

Helen knows many shades of red, but the blood oozing from MJ scares her most of all.

Title: The River
Fandom: The Nightwatch (Sarah Waters novel)
Pairing: Kay/Helen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
A/N: Written for the challenge 'water' I was very wary of writing this since there is no way that I'm gonna beat Sarah Waters at her own game - but this particular idea lodged in my brain until I couldn't get it out any other way.

Standing on the deck of Mickey’s canal boat Kay cuts a distinctive hole in the dusk sky, a solitary shadow in the fading sun around her. From behind she looks like a study in boyish nonchalance, her figure is slumped and her hands are thrust deep into her trouser pockets. Her eyes however are ghostly and feminine, staring intently at the water before her. She thinks about the past.

Kay remembers rattling alongside this river in her ambulance, about to meet Helen for the first time as sirens wailed. London burnt, the water acted as a mirror to it‘s fire, and a dust covered figure emerged from the chaos and rubble of war into her life.

Kay remembers parties on Mickey’s boat. The boat would shake with uproarious laugher and the movement of too many people. Water lapped at it sides, fighting with the sound of overhead planes to be heard, and they would all sway - intoxicated by life and freedom.

Kay remembers kissing Helen. She would gallantly wrap her jacket around Helen’s shoulders and pull her close. Helen’s breath smelt of black-market cigarettes, her lips tasted like gin and lime.

She looks at the murky water before her and wishes a unbroken reflection would appear. The darkening waves just collapse on themselves, offering no clear image to anchor Kay in the present. The River Thames flows on, but in Kay's mind it only winds through the past.

Title: Melting
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairing: Bree/Lynette
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
A/N: Written for the challenge 'cold' Huzzah I'm on familiar ground again! Set after 'That's good, that's bad'

You want to be the way you used to be. You sit with your head in your hands, a wine glass clenched between your knees, and wish you could remember how to piece the fragments of your life together. A dead husband. A gay son. A daughter who hates you - how do they all fit into your ‘perfect’ existence?

The Bree of old would have known. She was a force to be reckoned with, all cool white skin and smooth social smiles. She would have had the situation under control, or at the very least known of a good cleaning product to wipe up this mess.

Unfortunately she was gone. She’d left the night Lynette held you as you shook silently over George’s ‘suicide‘. You were used to being the strong one, you’d managed to walk out of George’s hotel room without a hint of compassion, but nevertheless she held you up. You were used to being the cold one, your ache for love expertly hidden away, but nevertheless she had kissed you. Your lips had tingled and her lips burnt. The iced white dress had come off, leaving only flushed cheeks and flame red hair behind

Now you are melting

challenge19, challenge60, fandom: mean girls, fandom: desperate housewives, challenge58, challenge56, challenge59, author: ghost_writing, fandom: the nightwatch, fandom: copycat

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