10 Remainder Drabbles for challenges 51-59

Mar 14, 2006 22:44

All the following are exactly 100 words and the highest rating is probably R. Pairings and fandoms are wide and varied. And some are very weird.

Challenge # 59 - Water
Firefly - Inara/Kaylee

I never spent a lotta time thinkin’ ‘bout gettin’ clean. Usually I jus’ give myself a quick wash ‘fore goin’ up for dinner.

But watchin’ Inara bathe is somethin’ else. It’s like she does everythin’ - slow and thorough. Water runs down her back, light from her fancy smellin’ candles bouncin’ off the drops and makin’ her skin glow. She moves the sponge over her body, like she’s worshippin’ every inch of it.

When she’s done she turns and beckons me. I kneel down beside her as she dips the sponge into the water. Now, it’s my turn to be worshipped.

Challenge # 58 - Blood
Angel - Kate/Darla
Not the same

(Set between ‘The Shroud of Rahmon’ and ‘The Trial’)

She cuts my skin. Small incisions on my neck. Enough to bleed, but not to hurt. She knows how to make the blood run. She watches, enraptured, as it cascades down my chest in thin, scarlet rivers. She leans in slowly, eyes closed, and licks a path up to my neck. Her warm mouth closes around the wound and she sucks. I close my own eyes and try to drift away to that night, that museum.

Then she pulls away, tears of frustration in her eyes.

“It’s not the same. Not the same.”

And I have to agree, it’s not.

Challenge #57 - Crack
Crossover - Grams (Charmed)/Grams (Dawson’s Creek)
Be sure to wear…

Jennifer told me today that young Audrey has decided to become a lesbian. I think she hoped for a little bit of disapproval, so that she could lecture me in the ‘modern’ fluidity of sexuality. But I just smiled as I remembered. I met a girl once, in San Francisco. Her name was Penny Halliwell and she was beautiful and magical and wild and carefree. Everything I wanted to be and wasn’t. She put a pink flower in my hair and kissed me softly, on the lips. I wouldn’t say I left my heart there, but I’ve never forgotten her.

Challenge #56 - Toy
Xena - Aphrodite/Callisto
Plaything of the Gods

This one was interesting. She had claimed that love was a mere trick of nature. A hoax to ensure the continuation of the human race. Of course, Aphrodite had to have her. She was such a pretty thing with a very messy head. And she was fun to play with. The Goddess would visit her occasionally, never staying long. The pretty blonde maniac claimed to hate the visits but couldn’t say no. It was far harder to deny the existence of love when the very embodiment of it was lying on top of her, all soft lips and wandering hands.

Challenge #55 - Blue
Heathers - Heather Chandler/Heather Duke

Green is a mixture of Blue and Yellow. It is a secondary colour.

When Veronica joined the Heathers, she noted the colour coding and adapted accordingly, feeling perfectly comfortable in melancholy blues. But Heather Duke was always secondary, sub-par. Green with envy.

Her longing to be a primary meant she would do anything. Which is why Veronica wasn’t shocked to find her in the locker room, with her head between Heather Chandler’s legs.

Red and green should never be seen, except upon an Irish queen.

When Heather Chandler died, secondary became primary. Green became red. Veronica watched it and worried.

Challenge #54 - Borrowed
Eulogy - Lucy/Judy

When we were younger I used to borrow all of Alice’s stuff. She had the best clothes and records and make-up. The first time I kissed a girl, I was wearing Alice’s lipstick, ‘Siren’.

Then she went all weird and anal and started wearing flat shoes and cardigans. And she started hating everything I did. So I stopped borrowing her stuff.

I’m marrying Judy this afternoon. Alice came to me this morning with a cup of coffee and a pair of her earrings for me to wear. For luck, she said. Then she hugged me. I cried like a baby.

Challenge #53 - New
X-Men - Jean Grey (Phoenix)/Rogue

An accidental brush of hands and Rogue discovered that Phoenix could touch her. The simple touch of skin to skin, lips to lips, it’s all new to her. She wishes that Jean could’ve touched her like this. She knows her friend is gone, buried deep inside the being that is the Phoenix. But the hands on her are still Jean’s hands, it’s still Jean’s mouth she is kissing. She knows it’s dangerous and wrong. She knows she’ll get burned by the fire raging inside this strange thing in the body of her friend. But she’ll keep coming back until she does.

Challenge #52 - Old
Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion - Romy/Michelle

So, the thing with Sandy Frink didn’t work out. Deep down a dork is always gonna be a dork.

Now we’re thirty and single, so we’re giving lesbianism a try. Turns out, it’s not as bad as I thought. It’s kinda just like it was before, only with sex. We still wear the coolest clothes and kickest ass shoes. And we still watch Pretty Woman and Michelle still pretends not to cry when they let Julia Roberts shop. The only difference is we’re in the same bed when we watch it now. Oh, and we have sex after it’s done.

Challenge #52 - Old
Angel - Drusilla/Darla
New Eyes

She is old and new all at the same time. She is my newborn babe and my grandmother. She used to look at me with hateful eyes. Eyes that dripped with spite and poison. But since she suckled at my breast she has new eyes. Now they dance when they see me. She comes to me in bed and tangles her legs with mine. We talk about the moon and the stars and bread with warm honey. Her laugh tickles my ears and makes me smile. I’m going to keep her safe. She won’t leave me, like my bad boy.

Challenge #51 - Lust
RPF Popfic - Cheryl/Nadine (Girls Aloud)
Nobody does it like I do

She has this look that she gives people. It says ‘I want you. Now.’ Sometimes, I wish she’d never looked at me that way. But it’s there for the world to see.

‘I’m the only woman for you’

What made her decide to look at me when she sang that line? And not a passing glance, oh no. Total ‘come to bed’ eyes. Making it so obvious. I think she wants everybody to know. Maybe if I’d looked away, maybe if I hadn’t gotten lost in her eyes. Maybe then people wouldn’t suspect.

Oh God! What will my mammy say?

fandom: angel, fandom: x-men, challenge56, fandom: heathers, author: the_girl_20, fandom: girls aloud, challenge54, challenge60, crossover, challenge51, challenge58, fandom: romy and michelle's high school, challenge59, fandom: eulogy, challenge52, challenge57, challenge53, fandom: xena, challenge55, fandom: firefly

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